Add MAL (Make a Lisp) wasi test

Volodymyr Shymanskyy 3 years ago
parent cf994bb3ea
commit cdee84bd06

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# mal (Make a Lisp)
[mal]( is a Lisp interpreter.
### Running
../../../build/wasm3 mal.wasm
# Self-hosted REPL:
../../../build/wasm3 mal.wasm ./mal.mal
# Fibonacci test:
../../../build/wasm3 mal.wasm ./test-fib.mal 16
# Self-hosted Fibonacci test (takes ~10 seconds):
../../../build/wasm3 mal.wasm ./mal.mal ./test-fib.mal 10

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
(def! _macro? (fn* [x]
(if (map? x)
(contains? x :__MAL_MACRO__)
(def! core_ns
[['= =]
['throw throw]
['nil? nil?]
['true? true?]
['false? false?]
['number? number?]
['string? string?]
['symbol symbol]
['symbol? symbol?]
['keyword keyword]
['keyword? keyword?]
['fn? fn?]
['macro? _macro?]
['pr-str pr-str]
['str str]
['prn prn]
['println println]
['readline readline]
['read-string read-string]
['slurp slurp]
['< <]
['<= <=]
['> >]
['>= >=]
['+ +]
['- -]
['* *]
['/ /]
['time-ms time-ms]
['list list]
['list? list?]
['vector vector]
['vector? vector?]
['hash-map hash-map]
['map? map?]
['assoc assoc]
['dissoc dissoc]
['get get]
['contains? contains?]
['keys keys]
['vals vals]
['sequential? sequential?]
['cons cons]
['concat concat]
['vec vec]
['nth nth]
['first first]
['rest rest]
['empty? empty?]
['count count]
['apply apply]
['map map]
['conj conj]
['seq seq]
['with-meta with-meta]
['meta meta]
['atom atom]
['atom? atom?]
['deref deref]
['reset! reset!]
['swap! swap!]])

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
(def! bind-env (fn* [env b e]
(if (empty? b)
(let* [b0 (first b)]
(if (= '& b0)
(assoc env (str (nth b 1)) e)
(bind-env (assoc env (str b0) (first e)) (rest b) (rest e)))))))
(def! new-env (fn* [& args]
(if (<= (count args) 1)
(atom {:outer (first args)})
(atom (apply bind-env {:outer (first args)} (rest args))))))
(def! env-find (fn* [env k]
(env-find-str env (str k))))
(def! env-find-str (fn* [env ks]
(if env
(let* [data @env]
(if (contains? data ks)
(env-find-str (get data :outer) ks))))))
(def! env-get (fn* [env k]
(let* [ks (str k)
e (env-find-str env ks)]
(if e
(get @e ks)
(throw (str "'" ks "' not found"))))))
(def! env-set (fn* [env k v]
(swap! env assoc (str k) v)

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
(load-file "./env.mal")
(load-file "./core.mal")
;; read
(def! READ read-string)
;; eval
(def! qq-loop (fn* [elt acc]
(if (if (list? elt) (= (first elt) 'splice-unquote)) ; 2nd 'if' means 'and'
(list 'concat (nth elt 1) acc)
(list 'cons (QUASIQUOTE elt) acc))))
(def! qq-foldr (fn* [xs]
(if (empty? xs)
(qq-loop (first xs) (qq-foldr (rest xs))))))
(def! QUASIQUOTE (fn* [ast]
(vector? ast) (list 'vec (qq-foldr ast))
(map? ast) (list 'quote ast)
(symbol? ast) (list 'quote ast)
(not (list? ast)) ast
(= (first ast) 'unquote) (nth ast 1)
"else" (qq-foldr ast))))
(def! MACROEXPAND (fn* [ast env]
(let* [a0 (if (list? ast) (first ast))
e (if (symbol? a0) (env-find env a0))
m (if e (env-get e a0))]
(if (_macro? m)
(MACROEXPAND (apply (get m :__MAL_MACRO__) (rest ast)) env)
(def! eval-ast (fn* [ast env]
;; (do (prn "eval-ast" ast "/" (keys env)) )
(symbol? ast) (env-get env ast)
(list? ast) (map (fn* [exp] (EVAL exp env)) ast)
(vector? ast) (vec (map (fn* [exp] (EVAL exp env)) ast))
(map? ast) (apply hash-map
(apply concat
(map (fn* [k] [k (EVAL (get ast k) env)])
(keys ast))))
"else" ast)))
(def! LET (fn* [env binds form]
(if (empty? binds)
(EVAL form env)
(env-set env (first binds) (EVAL (nth binds 1) env))
(LET env (rest (rest binds)) form)))))
(def! EVAL (fn* [ast env]
;; (do (prn "EVAL" ast "/" (keys @env)) )
(let* [ast (MACROEXPAND ast env)]
(if (not (list? ast))
(eval-ast ast env)
;; apply list
(let* [a0 (first ast)]
(empty? ast)
(= 'def! a0)
(env-set env (nth ast 1) (EVAL (nth ast 2) env))
(= 'let* a0)
(LET (new-env env) (nth ast 1) (nth ast 2))
(= 'quote a0)
(nth ast 1)
(= 'quasiquoteexpand a0)
(QUASIQUOTE (nth ast 1))
(= 'quasiquote a0)
(EVAL (QUASIQUOTE (nth ast 1)) env)
(= 'defmacro! a0)
(env-set env (nth ast 1) (hash-map :__MAL_MACRO__
(EVAL (nth ast 2) env)))
(= 'macroexpand a0)
(MACROEXPAND (nth ast 1) env)
(= 'try* a0)
(if (< (count ast) 3)
(EVAL (nth ast 1) env)
(EVAL (nth ast 1) env)
(catch* exc
(let* [a2 (nth ast 2)]
(EVAL (nth a2 2) (new-env env [(nth a2 1)] [exc]))))))
(= 'do a0)
(let* [el (eval-ast (rest ast) env)]
(nth el (- (count el) 1)))
(= 'if a0)
(if (EVAL (nth ast 1) env)
(EVAL (nth ast 2) env)
(if (> (count ast) 3)
(EVAL (nth ast 3) env)))
(= 'fn* a0)
(fn* [& args] (EVAL (nth ast 2) (new-env env (nth ast 1) args)))
(let* [el (eval-ast ast env)]
(apply (first el) (rest el)))))))))
;; print
(def! PRINT pr-str)
;; repl
(def! repl-env (new-env))
(def! rep (fn* [strng]
(PRINT (EVAL (READ strng) repl-env))))
;; core.mal: defined directly using mal
(map (fn* [data] (apply env-set repl-env data)) core_ns)
(env-set repl-env 'eval (fn* [ast] (EVAL ast repl-env)))
(env-set repl-env '*ARGV* (rest *ARGV*))
;; core.mal: defined using the new language itself
(rep (str "(def! *host-language* \"" *host-language* "-mal\")"))
(rep "(def! not (fn* [a] (if a false true)))")
(rep "(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \"\nnil)\")))))")
(rep "(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))")
;; repl loop
(def! repl-loop (fn* [line]
(if line
(if (not (= "" line))
(println (rep line))
(catch* exc
(println "Uncaught exception:" exc))))
(repl-loop (readline "mal-user> "))))))
;; main
(if (empty? *ARGV*)
(repl-loop "(println (str \"Mal [\" *host-language* \"]\"))")
(rep (str "(load-file \"" (first *ARGV*) "\")")))

Binary file not shown.

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
;; Compute a Fibonacci number with two recursions.
(def! fib
(fn* [n] ; non-negative number
(if (<= n 1)
(+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))))
(println (fib (read-string (first *ARGV*))))

@ -68,6 +68,11 @@ commands_full = [
"wasm": "./benchmark/smallpt/smallpt-ex.wasm", "wasm": "./benchmark/smallpt/smallpt-ex.wasm",
"args": ["16", "64"], "args": ["16", "64"],
"expect_sha1": "d85df3561eb15f6f0e6f20d5640e8e1306222c6d" "expect_sha1": "d85df3561eb15f6f0e6f20d5640e8e1306222c6d"
}, {
"name": "mal",
"wasm": "./benchmark/mal/mal.wasm",
"args": ["./benchmark/mal/test-fib.mal", "16"],
"expect_pattern": "987\n",
}, { }, {
"name": "STREAM", "name": "STREAM",
"wasm": "./benchmark/stream/stream.wasm", "wasm": "./benchmark/stream/stream.wasm",
@ -117,6 +122,11 @@ commands_fast = [
"wasm": "./benchmark/smallpt/smallpt-ex.wasm", "wasm": "./benchmark/smallpt/smallpt-ex.wasm",
"args": ["4", "32"], "args": ["4", "32"],
"expect_sha1": "ea05d85998b2f453b588ef76a1256215bf9b851c" "expect_sha1": "ea05d85998b2f453b588ef76a1256215bf9b851c"
}, {
"name": "mal",
"wasm": "./benchmark/mal/mal.wasm",
"args": ["./benchmark/mal/test-fib.mal", "16"],
"expect_pattern": "987\n",
}, { }, {
"name": "Brotli", "name": "Brotli",
"stdin": "./benchmark/brotli/alice29_small.txt", "stdin": "./benchmark/brotli/alice29_small.txt",
