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5 years ago
5 years ago
// m3_core.h
5 years ago
// Created by Steven Massey on 4/15/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Steven Massey. All rights reserved.
5 years ago
#ifndef m3_core_h
#define m3_core_h
5 years ago
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
5 years ago
#include <assert.h>
5 years ago
5 years ago
#include "wasm3.h"
5 years ago
#include "m3_config.h"
# if defined(__cplusplus)
4 years ago
# define d_m3BeginExternC extern "C" {
# define d_m3EndExternC }
# else
# define d_m3BeginExternC
# define d_m3EndExternC
# endif
#define d_m3ImplementFloat (d_m3HasFloat || d_m3NoFloatDynamic)
#if !defined(d_m3ShortTypesDefined)
typedef uint64_t u64;
typedef int64_t i64;
typedef uint32_t u32;
typedef int32_t i32;
typedef uint16_t u16;
typedef int16_t i16;
typedef uint8_t u8;
typedef int8_t i8;
#if d_m3ImplementFloat
typedef double f64;
typedef float f32;
#endif // d_m3ShortTypesDefined
#define PRIf32 "f"
#define PRIf64 "lf"
typedef const void * m3ret_t;
5 years ago
typedef const void * voidptr_t;
typedef const char * cstr_t;
typedef const char * const ccstr_t;
typedef const u8 * bytes_t;
typedef const u8 * const cbytes_t;
typedef u16 m3opcode_t;
typedef i64 m3reg_t;
3 years ago
# if d_m3Use32BitSlots
4 years ago
typedef u32 m3slot_t;
3 years ago
# else
typedef u64 m3slot_t;
# endif
4 years ago
4 years ago
typedef m3slot_t * m3stack_t;
5 years ago
const void * const cvptr_t;
5 years ago
# if defined (DEBUG)
5 years ago
# define d_m3Log(CATEGORY, FMT, ...) printf (" %8s | " FMT, #CATEGORY, ##__VA_ARGS__);
# if d_m3LogParse
# define m3log_parse(CATEGORY, FMT, ...) d_m3Log(CATEGORY, FMT, ##__VA_ARGS__)
# else
# define m3log_parse(...) {}
# endif
# if d_m3LogCompile
# define m3log_compile(CATEGORY, FMT, ...) d_m3Log(CATEGORY, FMT, ##__VA_ARGS__)
# else
# define m3log_compile(...) {}
# endif
# if d_m3LogEmit
# define m3log_emit(CATEGORY, FMT, ...) d_m3Log(CATEGORY, FMT, ##__VA_ARGS__)
# else
# define m3log_emit(...) {}
# endif
# if d_m3LogCodePages
# define m3log_code(CATEGORY, FMT, ...) d_m3Log(CATEGORY, FMT, ##__VA_ARGS__)
# else
# define m3log_code(...) {}
# endif
# if d_m3LogModule
# define m3log_module(CATEGORY, FMT, ...) d_m3Log(CATEGORY, FMT, ##__VA_ARGS__)
# else
# define m3log_module(...) {}
# endif
# if d_m3LogRuntime
# define m3log_runtime(CATEGORY, FMT, ...) d_m3Log(CATEGORY, FMT, ##__VA_ARGS__)
# else
# define m3log_runtime(...) {}
# endif
# define m3log(CATEGORY, FMT, ...) m3log_##CATEGORY (CATEGORY, FMT "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__)
5 years ago
# else
4 years ago
# define d_m3Log(CATEGORY, FMT, ...) {}
# define m3log(CATEGORY, FMT, ...) {}
5 years ago
# endif
# if defined(ASSERTS) || (defined(DEBUG) && !defined(NASSERTS))
# define d_m3Assert(ASS) if (!(ASS)) { printf("Assertion failed at %s:%d : %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #ASS); abort(); }
5 years ago
# else
# define d_m3Assert(ASS)
5 years ago
# endif
typedef void /*const*/ * code_t;
typedef code_t const * /*__restrict__*/ pc_t;
5 years ago
5 years ago
typedef struct M3MemoryHeader
IM3Runtime runtime;
void * maxStack;
size_t length;
5 years ago
struct M3CodeMappingPage;
5 years ago
typedef struct M3CodePageHeader
5 years ago
struct M3CodePage * next;
5 years ago
u32 lineIndex;
u32 numLines;
u32 sequence; // this is just used for debugging; could be removed
u32 usageCount;
# if d_m3RecordBacktraces
struct M3CodeMappingPage * mapping;
# endif // d_m3RecordBacktraces
5 years ago
#define d_m3CodePageFreeLinesThreshold 4+2 // max is: select _sss & CallIndirect + 2 for bridge
5 years ago
#define d_m3MemPageSize 65536
5 years ago
3 years ago
#define d_m3Reg0SlotAlias 60000
#define d_m3Fp0SlotAlias (d_m3Reg0SlotAlias + 2)
5 years ago
3 years ago
#define d_m3MaxSaneTypesCount 100000
#define d_m3MaxSaneFunctionsCount 100000
#define d_m3MaxSaneImportsCount 10000
#define d_m3MaxSaneExportsCount 10000
#define d_m3MaxSaneGlobalsCount 100000
#define d_m3MaxSaneElementSegments 100000
3 years ago
#define d_m3MaxSaneDataSegments 100000
#define d_m3MaxSaneTableSize 100000
#define d_m3MaxSaneUtf8Length 10000
#define d_m3MaxSaneFunctionArgRetCount 1000 // still insane, but whatever
5 years ago
#define d_externalKind_function 0
#define d_externalKind_table 1
#define d_externalKind_memory 2
#define d_externalKind_global 3
5 years ago
static const char * const c_waTypes [] = { "nil", "i32", "i64", "f32", "f64", "unknown" };
static const char * const c_waCompactTypes [] = { "_", "i", "I", "f", "F", "?" };
5 years ago
# if d_m3VerboseErrorMessages
M3Result m3Error (M3Result i_result, IM3Runtime i_runtime, IM3Module i_module, IM3Function i_function,
const char * const i_file, u32 i_lineNum, const char * const i_errorMessage, ...);
# define _m3Error(RESULT, RT, MOD, FUN, FILE, LINE, FORMAT, ...) \
# else
# define _m3Error(RESULT, RT, MOD, FUN, FILE, LINE, FORMAT, ...) (RESULT)
# endif
5 years ago
5 years ago
#define ErrorRuntime(RESULT, RUNTIME, FORMAT, ...) _m3Error (RESULT, RUNTIME, NULL, NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__, FORMAT, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define ErrorModule(RESULT, MOD, FORMAT, ...) _m3Error (RESULT, MOD->runtime, MOD, NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__, FORMAT, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define ErrorCompile(RESULT, COMP, FORMAT, ...) _m3Error (RESULT, COMP->runtime, COMP->module, NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__, FORMAT, ##__VA_ARGS__)
5 years ago
#if d_m3LogNativeStack
void m3StackCheckInit ();
void m3StackCheck ();
4 years ago
int m3StackGetMax ();
#define m3StackCheckInit()
#define m3StackCheck()
#define m3StackGetMax() 0
#if d_m3LogTimestamps
#define PRIts "%llu"
uint64_t m3_GetTimestamp ();
#define PRIts "%s"
#define m3_GetTimestamp() ""
void m3_Abort (const char* message);
void * m3_Malloc_Impl (size_t i_size);
void * m3_Realloc_Impl (void * i_ptr, size_t i_newSize, size_t i_oldSize);
void m3_Free_Impl (void * i_ptr);
void * m3_CopyMem (const void * i_from, size_t i_size);
#if d_m3LogHeapOps
// Tracing format: timestamp;heap:OpCode;name;size(bytes);new items;new ptr;old items;old ptr
static inline void * m3_AllocStruct_Impl(ccstr_t name, size_t i_size) {
void * result = m3_Malloc_Impl(i_size);
fprintf(stderr, PRIts ";heap:AllocStruct;%s;%zu;;%p;;\n", m3_GetTimestamp(), name, i_size, result);
return result;
static inline void * m3_AllocArray_Impl(ccstr_t name, size_t i_num, size_t i_size) {
void * result = m3_Malloc_Impl(i_size * i_num);
fprintf(stderr, PRIts ";heap:AllocArr;%s;%zu;%zu;%p;;\n", m3_GetTimestamp(), name, i_size, i_num, result);
return result;
static inline void * m3_ReallocArray_Impl(ccstr_t name, void * i_ptr_old, size_t i_num_new, size_t i_num_old, size_t i_size) {
void * result = m3_Realloc_Impl (i_ptr_old, i_size * i_num_new, i_size * i_num_old);
fprintf(stderr, PRIts ";heap:ReallocArr;%s;%zu;%zu;%p;%zu;%p\n", m3_GetTimestamp(), name, i_size, i_num_new, result, i_num_old, i_ptr_old);
return result;
static inline void * m3_Malloc (ccstr_t name, size_t i_size) {
void * result = m3_Malloc_Impl (i_size);
fprintf(stderr, PRIts ";heap:AllocMem;%s;%zu;;%p;;\n", m3_GetTimestamp(), name, i_size, result);
return result;
static inline void * m3_Realloc (ccstr_t name, void * i_ptr, size_t i_newSize, size_t i_oldSize) {
void * result = m3_Realloc_Impl (i_ptr, i_newSize, i_oldSize);
fprintf(stderr, PRIts ";heap:ReallocMem;%s;;%zu;%p;%zu;%p\n", m3_GetTimestamp(), name, i_newSize, result, i_oldSize, i_ptr);
return result;
#define m3_AllocStruct(STRUCT) (STRUCT *)m3_AllocStruct_Impl (#STRUCT, sizeof (STRUCT))
#define m3_AllocArray(STRUCT, NUM) (STRUCT *)m3_AllocArray_Impl (#STRUCT, NUM, sizeof (STRUCT))
#define m3_ReallocArray(STRUCT, PTR, NEW, OLD) (STRUCT *)m3_ReallocArray_Impl (#STRUCT, (void *)(PTR), (NEW), (OLD), sizeof (STRUCT))
#define m3_Free(P) do { void* p = (void*)(P); \
if (p) { fprintf(stderr, PRIts ";heap:FreeMem;;;;%p;\n", m3_GetTimestamp(), p); } \
m3_Free_Impl (p); (P) = NULL; } while(0)
#define m3_Malloc(NAME, SIZE) m3_Malloc_Impl(SIZE)
#define m3_Realloc(NAME, PTR, NEW, OLD) m3_Realloc_Impl(PTR, NEW, OLD)
#define m3_AllocStruct(STRUCT) (STRUCT *)m3_Malloc_Impl (sizeof (STRUCT))
#define m3_AllocArray(STRUCT, NUM) (STRUCT *)m3_Malloc_Impl (sizeof (STRUCT) * (NUM))
#define m3_ReallocArray(STRUCT, PTR, NEW, OLD) (STRUCT *)m3_Realloc_Impl ((void *)(PTR), sizeof (STRUCT) * (NEW), sizeof (STRUCT) * (OLD))
#define m3_Free(P) do { m3_Free_Impl ((void*)(P)); (P) = NULL; } while(0)
M3Result NormalizeType (u8 * o_type, i8 i_convolutedWasmType);
bool IsIntType (u8 i_wasmType);
bool IsFpType (u8 i_wasmType);
bool Is64BitType (u8 i_m3Type);
u32 SizeOfType (u8 i_m3Type);
5 years ago
4 years ago
M3Result Read_u64 (u64 * o_value, bytes_t * io_bytes, cbytes_t i_end);
M3Result Read_u32 (u32 * o_value, bytes_t * io_bytes, cbytes_t i_end);
#if d_m3ImplementFloat
M3Result Read_f64 (f64 * o_value, bytes_t * io_bytes, cbytes_t i_end);
M3Result Read_f32 (f32 * o_value, bytes_t * io_bytes, cbytes_t i_end);
4 years ago
M3Result Read_u8 (u8 * o_value, bytes_t * io_bytes, cbytes_t i_end);
M3Result Read_opcode (m3opcode_t * o_value, bytes_t * io_bytes, cbytes_t i_end);
5 years ago
M3Result ReadLebUnsigned (u64 * o_value, u32 i_maxNumBits, bytes_t * io_bytes, cbytes_t i_end);
M3Result ReadLebSigned (i64 * o_value, u32 i_maxNumBits, bytes_t * io_bytes, cbytes_t i_end);
4 years ago
M3Result ReadLEB_u32 (u32 * o_value, bytes_t * io_bytes, cbytes_t i_end);
M3Result ReadLEB_u7 (u8 * o_value, bytes_t * io_bytes, cbytes_t i_end);
M3Result ReadLEB_i7 (i8 * o_value, bytes_t * io_bytes, cbytes_t i_end);
M3Result ReadLEB_i32 (i32 * o_value, bytes_t * io_bytes, cbytes_t i_end);
M3Result ReadLEB_i64 (i64 * o_value, bytes_t * io_bytes, cbytes_t i_end);
M3Result Read_utf8 (cstr_t * o_utf8, bytes_t * io_bytes, cbytes_t i_end);
5 years ago
3 years ago
cstr_t SPrintValue (void * i_value, u8 i_type);
size_t SPrintArg (char * o_string, size_t i_stringBufferSize, voidptr_t i_sp, u8 i_type);
5 years ago
void ReportError (IM3Runtime io_runtime, IM3Module i_module, IM3Function i_function, ccstr_t i_errorMessage, ccstr_t i_file, u32 i_lineNum);
5 years ago
# if d_m3RecordBacktraces
void PushBacktraceFrame (IM3Runtime io_runtime, pc_t i_pc);
void FillBacktraceFunctionInfo (IM3Runtime io_runtime, IM3Function i_function);
void ClearBacktrace (IM3Runtime io_runtime);
# endif
5 years ago
#endif // m3_core_h