Steven Massey 4 years ago
parent 314fe09b05
commit fb70fab0f9

@ -14,10 +14,6 @@
static const IM3Operation c_setSetOps [] = { NULL, op_SetSlot_i32, op_SetSlot_i64, op_SetSlot_f32, op_SetSlot_f64 };
static const u16 c_slotUnused = 0xffff;
#define d_indent " | "
// just want less letter and numbers to stare at down the way in the compiler table
@ -28,6 +24,11 @@ static const u16 c_slotUnused = 0xffff;
#define none c_m3Type_none
#define any (u8)-1
static const IM3Operation c_setSetOps [] = { NULL, op_SetSlot_i32, op_SetSlot_i64, op_SetSlot_f32, op_SetSlot_f64 };
static const u16 c_m3RegisterUnallocated = 0;
static const u16 c_slotUnused = 0xffff;
void ReleaseCompilationCodePage (IM3Compilation o)
@ -43,10 +44,15 @@ bool IsRegisterLocation (i16 i_location) { return (i_location >= d_m3
bool IsFpRegisterLocation (i16 i_location) { return (i_location == d_m3Fp0SlotAlias); }
bool IsIntRegisterLocation (i16 i_location) { return (i_location == d_m3Reg0SlotAlias); }
u8 GetBlockType (IM3Compilation o) { return o->block.type; }
bool BlockHasType (IM3Compilation o) { return GetBlockType (o) != c_m3Type_none; }
i16 GetNumBlockValues (IM3Compilation o) { return o->stackIndex - o->block.initStackIndex; }
u32 GetTypeNumSlots (u8 i_type)
u16 GetTypeNumSlots (u8 i_type)
return Is64BitType (i_type) ? 1 : 1;
// return 1;
u16 n = Is64BitType (i_type) ? 2 : 1;
return n;
i16 GetStackTopIndex (IM3Compilation o)
@ -84,24 +90,6 @@ u8 GetStackBottomType (IM3Compilation o, u16 i_offset)
u8 GetBlockType (IM3Compilation o)
return o->block.type;
bool BlockHasType (IM3Compilation o)
return GetBlockType (o) != c_m3Type_none;
i16 GetNumBlockValues (IM3Compilation o)
return o->stackIndex - o->block.initStackIndex;
bool IsStackIndexInRegister (IM3Compilation o, u16 i_stackIndex)
{ d_m3Assert (i_stackIndex < o->stackIndex or IsStackPolymorphic (o));
if (i_stackIndex < o->stackIndex)
@ -157,46 +145,78 @@ u16 GetStackTopSlotIndex (IM3Compilation o)
u16 GetSlotForStackIndex (IM3Compilation o, u16 i_stackIndex)
{ d_m3Assert (i_stackIndex < o->stackIndex);
return o->wasmStack [i_stackIndex];
bool IsValidSlot (u16 i_slot)
return (i_slot < d_m3MaxFunctionStackHeight);
return (i_slot < c_m3MaxFunctionSlots);
bool IsSlotAllocated (IM3Compilation o, u16 i_slot)
return o->m3Slots [i_slot];
void MarkSlotAllocated (IM3Compilation o, u16 i_slot)
{ d_m3Assert (o->m3Slots [i_slot] == 0); // shouldn't be already allocated
o->m3Slots [i_slot] = 1;
if (i_slot >= o->firstDynamicSlotIndex) // don't track constants
bool AllocateSlots (IM3Compilation o, u16 * o_execSlot, u8 i_type)
M3Result AllocateSlotsWithinRange (IM3Compilation o, u16 * o_slot, u8 i_type, u16 i_startSlot, u16 i_endSlot)
bool found = false;
M3Result result = m3Err_functionStackOverflow;
u16 numSlots = GetTypeNumSlots (i_type);
u16 searchOffset = numSlots - 1;
// search for empty slot in the execution stack
i16 i = o->firstSlotIndex;
while (i < d_m3MaxFunctionStackHeight)
// search for 1 or 2 consecutive slots in the execution stack
u16 i = i_startSlot;
while (i < i_endSlot)
if (o->m3Slots [i] == 0)
if (o->m3Slots [i] == 0 and o->m3Slots [i + searchOffset] == 0)
MarkSlotAllocated (o, i);
* o_execSlot = i;
if (numSlots == 2)
MarkSlotAllocated (o, i + 1);
found = true;
* o_slot = i;
result = m3Err_none;
// keep 2-slot allocations even-aligned
i += numSlots;
return found;
return result;
M3Result AllocateSlots (IM3Compilation o, u16 * o_slot, u8 i_type)
return AllocateSlotsWithinRange (o, o_slot, i_type, o->firstDynamicSlotIndex, c_m3MaxFunctionSlots);
M3Result AllocateConstantSlots (IM3Compilation o, u16 * o_slot, u8 i_type)
return AllocateSlotsWithinRange (o, o_slot, i_type, o->firstConstSlotIndex, o->firstDynamicSlotIndex);
M3Result IncrementSlotUsageCount (IM3Compilation o, u16 i_slot)
{ d_m3Assert (i_slot < d_m3MaxFunctionStackHeight);
{ d_m3Assert (i_slot < c_m3MaxFunctionSlots);
M3Result result = m3Err_none; d_m3Assert (o->m3Slots [i_slot] > 0);
// OPTZ (memory): 'm3Slots' could still be fused with 'typeStack' if 4 bits were used to indicate: [0,1,2,many]. The many-case
@ -212,9 +232,9 @@ M3Result IncrementSlotUsageCount (IM3Compilation o, u16 i_slot)
void DeallocateSlot (IM3Compilation o, i16 i_slotIndex, u8 i_type)
{ d_m3Assert (i_slotIndex >= o->firstSlotIndex);
{ d_m3Assert (i_slotIndex >= o->firstDynamicSlotIndex);
d_m3Assert (o->m3Slots [i_slotIndex]);
for (u32 i = 0; i < GetTypeNumSlots (i_type); ++i, ++i_slotIndex)
for (u16 i = 0; i < GetTypeNumSlots (i_type); ++i, ++i_slotIndex)
if (-- o->m3Slots [i_slotIndex] == 0)
@ -258,18 +278,18 @@ u16 GetRegisterStackIndex (IM3Compilation o, u32 i_register)
u16 GetMaxExecSlot (IM3Compilation o)
u16 GetMaxUsedSlotPlusOne (IM3Compilation o)
u16 i = o->firstSlotIndex;
u16 i = o->firstDynamicSlotIndex;
u32 allocated = o->numAllocatedSlots;
while (i < d_m3MaxFunctionStackHeight)
while (i < c_m3MaxFunctionSlots)
if (allocated == 0)
if (o->m3Slots [i])
if (IsSlotAllocated (o, i))
@ -294,15 +314,12 @@ M3Result PreserveRegisterIfOccupied (IM3Compilation o, u8 i_registerType)
// and point to a exec slot
u16 slot;
if (AllocateSlots (o, & slot, type))
_ (AllocateSlots (o, & slot, type));
o->wasmStack [stackIndex] = slot;
_ (EmitOp (o, c_setSetOps [type]));
EmitSlotOffset (o, slot);
else _throw (m3Err_functionStackOverflow);
_catch: return result;
@ -397,20 +414,20 @@ M3Result Pop (IM3Compilation o)
o->stackIndex--; // printf ("pop: %d\n", (i32) o->stackIndex);
i16 location = o->wasmStack [o->stackIndex];
u16 slot = o->wasmStack [o->stackIndex];
u8 type = o->typeStack [o->stackIndex];
if (IsRegisterLocation (location))
if (IsRegisterLocation (slot))
u32 regSelect = IsFpRegisterLocation (location);
u32 regSelect = IsFpRegisterLocation (slot);
DeallocateRegister (o, regSelect);
else if (location >= o->firstSlotIndex)
else if (slot >= o->firstDynamicSlotIndex)
DeallocateSlot (o, location, type);
DeallocateSlot (o, slot, type);
m3logif (stack, dump_type_stack (o))
// m3logif (stack, dump_type_stack (o))
else if (not IsStackPolymorphic (o))
result = m3Err_functionStackUnderrun;
@ -445,14 +462,13 @@ M3Result _PushAllocatedSlotAndEmit (IM3Compilation o, u8 i_type, bool i_doEmit
u16 slot;
if (AllocateSlots (o, & slot, i_type))
_ (AllocateSlots (o, & slot, i_type));
_ (Push (o, i_type, slot));
if (i_doEmit)
EmitSlotOffset (o, slot);
else result = m3Err_functionStackOverflow;
// printf ("push: %d\n", (u32) slot);
_catch: return result;
@ -474,36 +490,79 @@ M3Result PushConst (IM3Compilation o, u64 i_word, u8 i_type)
M3Result result = m3Err_none;
i16 location = -1;
bool matchFound = false;
u32 numConstants = o->constSlotIndex - o->firstConstSlotIndex;
u32 numUsedConstSlots = o->maxConstSlotIndex - o->firstConstSlotIndex;
u16 numRequiredSlots = GetTypeNumSlots (i_type);
// search for duplicate matching constant slot to reuse
for (u32 i = 0; i < numConstants; ++i)
if (numRequiredSlots == 2)
if (o->constants [i] == i_word)
numUsedConstSlots &= ~1; // round down to even num
for (u32 i = 0; i < numUsedConstSlots; i += 2)
location = o->firstConstSlotIndex + i;
_ (Push (o, i_type, location));
u16 slot = o->firstConstSlotIndex + i;
if (IsSlotAllocated (o, slot) and IsSlotAllocated (o, slot + 1))
u64 * constant = (u64 *) & o->constants [i];
if (* constant == i_word)
matchFound = true;
_ (Push (o, i_type, slot));
if (location < 0)
if (o->constSlotIndex < o->firstSlotIndex)
for (u32 i = 0; i < numUsedConstSlots; ++i)
o->constants [numConstants] = i_word;
location = o->constSlotIndex++;
_ (Push (o, i_type, location));
u16 slot = o->firstConstSlotIndex + i;
if (IsSlotAllocated (o, slot))
if (o->constants [i] == i_word)
matchFound = true;
_ (Push (o, i_type, slot));
if (not matchFound)
u16 slot;
result = AllocateConstantSlots (o, & slot, i_type);
if (result) // no more constant table space; use inline constants
_ (EmitOp (o, Is64BitType (i_type) ? op_Const64 : op_Const32));
result = m3Err_none;
_ (EmitOp (o, numRequiredSlots == 1 ? op_Const32 : op_Const64));
EmitConstant64 (o, i_word);
_ (PushAllocatedSlotAndEmit (o, i_type));
u16 constTableIndex = slot - o->firstConstSlotIndex;
if (numRequiredSlots == 2)
u64 * constant64 = (u64 *) & o->constants [constTableIndex];
* constant64 = i_word;
else o->constants [constTableIndex] = (u32) i_word;
_ (Push (o, i_type, slot));
o->maxConstSlotIndex = m3_max (slot + numRequiredSlots, o->maxConstSlotIndex);
_catch: return result;
@ -605,7 +664,10 @@ _ (EmitOp (o, op));
EmitSlotOffset (o, i_destSlot);
if (not inRegister)
EmitSlotOffset (o, o->wasmStack [i_stackIndex]);
u16 srcSlot = GetSlotForStackIndex (o, i_stackIndex);
EmitSlotOffset (o, srcSlot);
_catch: return result;
@ -703,7 +765,7 @@ M3Result ReturnStackTop (IM3Compilation o)
// if local is unreferenced, o_preservedSlotIndex will be equal to localIndex on return
M3Result FindReferencedLocalWithinCurrentBlock (IM3Compilation o, u16 * o_preservedSlotIndex, u32 i_localIndex)
M3Result FindReferencedLocalWithinCurrentBlock (IM3Compilation o, u16 * o_preservedSlotIndex, u32 i_localSlot)
M3Result result = m3Err_none;
@ -719,18 +781,17 @@ M3Result FindReferencedLocalWithinCurrentBlock (IM3Compilation o, u16 * o_pres
startIndex = scope->initStackIndex;
* o_preservedSlotIndex = (u16) i_localIndex;
* o_preservedSlotIndex = (u16) i_localSlot;
for (u32 i = startIndex; i < o->stackIndex; ++i)
if (o->wasmStack [i] == i_localIndex)
if (o->wasmStack [i] == i_localSlot)
if (* o_preservedSlotIndex == i_localIndex)
if (* o_preservedSlotIndex == i_localSlot)
u8 localType = GetStackBottomType (o, i_localIndex);
u8 localType = GetStackBottomType (o, i_localSlot);
if (not AllocateSlots (o, o_preservedSlotIndex, localType))
_throw (m3Err_functionStackOverflow);
_ (AllocateSlots (o, o_preservedSlotIndex, localType));
_ (IncrementSlotUsageCount (o, * o_preservedSlotIndex));
@ -881,11 +942,13 @@ M3Result Compile_SetLocal (IM3Compilation o, u8 i_opcode)
M3Result result;
u32 localSlot;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& localSlot, & o->wasm, o->wasmEnd)); // printf ("--- set local: %d \n", localSlot);
u32 localIndex;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& localIndex, & o->wasm, o->wasmEnd)); // printf ("--- set local: %d \n", localSlot);
if (localSlot < GetFunctionNumArgsAndLocals (o->function))
if (localIndex < GetFunctionNumArgsAndLocals (o->function))
u16 localSlot = GetSlotForStackIndex (o, localIndex);
u16 preserveSlot;
_ (FindReferencedLocalWithinCurrentBlock (o, & preserveSlot, localSlot)); // preserve will be different than local, if referenced
@ -908,11 +971,17 @@ M3Result Compile_GetLocal (IM3Compilation o, u8 i_opcode)
M3Result result;
_try {
u32 localIndex;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& localIndex, & o->wasm, o->wasmEnd));
u8 type = o->typeStack [localIndex];
_ (Push (o, type, localIndex));
if (localIndex >= GetFunctionNumArgsAndLocals (o->function))
_throw ("local index out of bounds");
u8 type = GetStackBottomType (o, localIndex);
u16 slot = GetSlotForStackIndex (o, localIndex);
_ (Push (o, type, slot));
} _catch: return result;
@ -1151,22 +1220,42 @@ _ (AcquirePatch (o, & patch));
M3Result CompileCallArgsReturn (IM3Compilation o, u16 * o_stackOffset, IM3FuncType i_type, bool i_isIndirect)
void AlignSlotIndexToType (u16 * io_slotIndex, u8 i_type)
// align 64-bit words to even slots
u16 numSlots = GetTypeNumSlots (i_type);
// printf ("%d\n", (u32) numSlots);
u16 mask = numSlots - 1;
* io_slotIndex = (* io_slotIndex + mask) & ~mask;
M3Result CompileCallArgsAndReturn (IM3Compilation o, u16 * o_stackOffset, IM3FuncType i_type, bool i_isIndirect)
M3Result result = m3Err_none;
_try {
u16 topSlot = GetMaxUsedSlotPlusOne (o);
// force use of at least one stack slot; this is to help ensure
// the m3 stack overflows (and traps) before the native stack can overflow.
// e.g. see Wasm spec test 'runaway' in call.wast
u16 execTop = GetMaxExecSlot (o);
if (execTop == 0)
execTop = 1;
topSlot = m3_max (1, topSlot);
* o_stackOffset = execTop;
// stack frame is 64-bit aligned
AlignSlotIndexToType (& topSlot, c_m3Type_i64);
* o_stackOffset = topSlot;
u32 numArgs = i_type->numArgs + i_isIndirect;
u16 argTop = execTop + numArgs;
// wait to pop this here so that topSlot search is correct
if (i_isIndirect)
_ (Pop (o));
u32 numArgs = i_type->numArgs;
u16 argTop = topSlot + numArgs;
while (numArgs--)
@ -1178,8 +1267,8 @@ _ (Pop (o));
if (numReturns)
MarkSlotAllocated (o, execTop);
_ (Push (o, i_type->returnType, execTop));
MarkSlotAllocated (o, topSlot);
_ (Push (o, i_type->returnType, topSlot));
} _catch: return result;
@ -1204,7 +1293,7 @@ _ (ReadLEB_u32 (& functionIndex, & o->wasm, o->wasmEnd));
// OPTZ: could avoid arg copy when args are already sequential and at top
u16 slotTop;
_ (CompileCallArgsReturn (o, & slotTop, function->funcType, false));
_ (CompileCallArgsAndReturn (o, & slotTop, function->funcType, false));
IM3Operation op;
const void * operand;
@ -1245,18 +1334,23 @@ _ (ReadLEB_u32 (& typeIndex, & o->wasm, o->wasmEnd));
i8 reserved;
_ (ReadLEB_i7 (& reserved, & o->wasm, o->wasmEnd));
if (typeIndex < o->module->numFuncTypes)
u16 execTop;
IM3FuncType type = & o->module->funcTypes [typeIndex];
_ (CompileCallArgsReturn (o, & execTop, type, true));
_ (EmitOp (o, op_CallIndirect));
EmitPointer (o, o->module);
EmitPointer (o, type); // TODO: unify all types in M3Environment
EmitSlotOffset (o, execTop);
else _throw ("function type index out of range");
if (typeIndex >= o->module->numFuncTypes)
_throw ("function type index out of range");
if (IsStackTopInRegister (o))
_ (PreserveRegisterIfOccupied (o, c_m3Type_i32));
u16 tableIndexSlot = GetStackTopSlotIndex (o);
u16 execTop;
IM3FuncType type = & o->module->funcTypes [typeIndex];
_ (CompileCallArgsAndReturn (o, & execTop, type, true));
_ (EmitOp (o, op_CallIndirect));
EmitSlotOffset (o, tableIndexSlot);
EmitPointer (o, o->module);
EmitPointer (o, type); // TODO: unify all types in M3Environment
EmitSlotOffset (o, execTop);
_catch: return result;
@ -1302,8 +1396,8 @@ M3Result ReadBlockType (IM3Compilation o, u8 * o_blockType)
i8 type;
_ (ReadLEB_i7 (& type, & o->wasm, o->wasmEnd));
_ (NormalizeType (o_blockType, type)); if (* o_blockType) m3log (compile, d_indent "%s (block_type: 0x%02x normalized: %d)",
get_indention_string (o), (u32) (u8) type, (u32) * o_blockType);
_ (NormalizeType (o_blockType, type)); if (* o_blockType) m3log (compile, d_indent "%s (type: %s)",
get_indention_string (o), c_waTypes [(u32) * o_blockType]);
_catch: return result;
@ -1316,7 +1410,7 @@ M3Result PreserveArgsAndLocals (IM3Compilation o)
M3Result result = m3Err_none;
if (o->stackIndex > o->firstSlotIndex)
if (o->stackIndex > o->firstDynamicStackIndex)
u32 numArgsAndLocals = GetFunctionNumArgsAndLocals (o->function);
@ -2064,29 +2158,27 @@ M3Result Compile_ReserveConstants (IM3Compilation o)
// in the interest of speed, this blindly scans the Wasm code looking for any byte
// that looks like an const opcode.
u32 numConstants = 0;
u32 numConstantSlots = 0;
bytes_t wa = o->wasm;
while (wa < o->wasmEnd)
u8 code = * wa++;
if (code >= 0x41 and code <= 0x44)
} m3log (compile, "estimated constants: %d", numConstants)
o->firstSlotIndex = o->firstConstSlotIndex = o->constSlotIndex = o->stackIndex;
if (code == 0x41 or code == 0x43) // i32, f32
numConstantSlots += 1;
else if (code == 0x42 or code == 0x44) // i64, f64
numConstantSlots += 2;
} m3log (compile, "estimated constant slots: %d", numConstantSlots)
// if constants overflow their reserved stack space, the compiler simply emits op_Const
// operations as needed. Compiled expressions (global inits) don't pass through this
// ReserveConstants function and thus always produce inline contants.
numConstants = m3_min (numConstants, d_m3MaxConstantTableSize);
numConstantSlots = m3_min (numConstantSlots, d_m3MaxConstantTableSize);
u32 freeSlots = d_m3MaxFunctionStackHeight - o->constSlotIndex;
o->firstDynamicSlotIndex = o->firstConstSlotIndex + numConstantSlots;
if (numConstants <= freeSlots)
o->firstSlotIndex += numConstants;
if (o->firstDynamicSlotIndex >= c_m3MaxFunctionSlots)
result = m3Err_functionStackOverflow;
return result;
@ -2126,21 +2218,35 @@ M3Result Compile_Function (IM3Function io_function)
// push the arg types to the type stack
M3FuncType * ft = io_function->funcType;
// all args are 64-bit aligned
u32 argSlotCount = sizeof (u64) / sizeof (m3slot_t);
o->function->numArgSlots = GetFunctionNumArgs (o->function) * argSlotCount;
for (u32 i = 0; i < GetFunctionNumArgs (io_function); ++i)
u8 type = ft->argTypes [i];
_ (PushAllocatedSlot (o, type));
o->firstDynamicSlotIndex += argSlotCount; // don't let the allocator fill-in
o->firstLocalSlotIndex = o->firstDynamicSlotIndex;
_ (CompileLocals (o));
o->firstDynamicSlotIndex = 0;
u16 maxSlot = GetMaxUsedSlotPlusOne (o);
o->function->numLocalBytes = (maxSlot - o->firstLocalSlotIndex) * sizeof (m3slot_t);
_ (Compile_ReserveConstants (o));
o->firstConstSlotIndex = o->maxConstSlotIndex = maxSlot;
// ReserveConstants initializes o->firstDynamicSlotIndex
_ (Compile_ReserveConstants (o));
// start tracking the max stack used (Push() also updates this value) so that op_Entry can precisely detect stack overflow
o->function->maxStackSlots = o->firstSlotIndex;
o->function->maxStackSlots = o->firstDynamicSlotIndex;
o->numAllocatedSlots = 0; // this var only tracks dynamic slots so clear local+constant allocations
o->block.initStackIndex = o->stackIndex;
o->block.initStackIndex = o->firstDynamicStackIndex = o->stackIndex; m3log (compile, "start stack index: %d", (u32) o->firstDynamicStackIndex);
_ (EmitOp (o, op_Entry));
EmitPointer (o, io_function);
@ -2149,13 +2255,13 @@ _ (Compile_BlockStatements (o));
io_function->compiled = pc;
u32 numConstants = o->constSlotIndex - o->firstConstSlotIndex;
u32 numConstantSlots = o->maxConstSlotIndex - o->firstConstSlotIndex; m3log (compile, "unique constant slots: %d; unused slots: %d", numConstantSlots, o->firstDynamicSlotIndex - o->maxConstSlotIndex);
io_function->numConstantBytes = numConstants * sizeof (m3slot_t); m3log (compile, "unique constants: %d; unused slots: %d", numConstants, o->firstSlotIndex - o->constSlotIndex);
io_function->numConstantBytes = numConstantSlots * sizeof (u32);
if (numConstants)
if (numConstantSlots)
_ (m3Alloc (& io_function->constants, m3slot_t, numConstants));
_ (m3Alloc (& io_function->constants, u32, numConstantSlots));
memcpy (io_function->constants, o->constants, io_function->numConstantBytes);

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ M3CompilationScope;
typedef M3CompilationScope * IM3CompilationScope;
static const u16 c_m3RegisterUnallocated = 0;
static const u16 c_m3MaxFunctionSlots = d_m3MaxFunctionStackHeight * 2;
typedef struct
@ -83,20 +83,23 @@ typedef struct
u32 numEmits;
u32 numOpcodes;
u16 firstSlotIndex; // numArgs + numLocals + numReservedConstants. the first mutable slot available to the compiler.
u16 firstDynamicStackIndex;
u16 stackIndex; // current stack index
u16 firstConstSlotIndex;
u16 constSlotIndex; // as const's are encountered during compilation this tracks their location in the "real" stack
u16 maxConstSlotIndex; // as const's are encountered during compilation this tracks their location in the "real" stack
u16 firstLocalSlotIndex;
u16 firstDynamicSlotIndex; // numArgs + numLocals + numReservedConstants. the first mutable slot available to the compiler.
u64 constants [d_m3MaxConstantTableSize];
u32 constants [d_m3MaxConstantTableSize];
// 'wasmStack' is unused for args/locals. for the dynamic portion of the stack, 'wasmStack' holds slot locations
// 'wasmStack' holds slot locations
u16 wasmStack [d_m3MaxFunctionStackHeight];
u8 typeStack [d_m3MaxFunctionStackHeight];
// 'm3Slots' contains allocation usage counts
u8 m3Slots [d_m3MaxFunctionStackHeight];
u8 m3Slots [c_m3MaxFunctionSlots];
u16 numAllocatedSlots;
@ -145,6 +148,9 @@ extern const M3OpInfo c_operations [];
u16 GetTypeNumSlots (u8 i_type);
void AlignSlotIndexToType (u16 * io_slotIndex, u8 i_type);
bool IsRegisterAllocated (IM3Compilation o, u32 i_register);
bool IsRegisterLocation (i16 i_location);
bool IsFpRegisterLocation (i16 i_location);
@ -158,7 +164,7 @@ M3Result Compile_BlockStatements (IM3Compilation io);
M3Result Compile_Function (IM3Function io_function);
bool PeekNextOpcode (IM3Compilation o, u8 i_opcode);
u16 GetMaxExecSlot (IM3Compilation o);
u16 GetMaxUsedSlotPlusOne (IM3Compilation o);

@ -56,11 +56,11 @@
# define d_m3LogParse 0 // .wasm binary decoding info
# define d_m3LogModule 0 // Wasm module info
# define d_m3LogCompile 0 // wasm -> metacode generation phase
# define d_m3LogWasmStack 0 // dump the wasm stack when pushed or popped
# define d_m3LogCompile 1 // wasm -> metacode generation phase
# define d_m3LogWasmStack 1 // dump the wasm stack when pushed or popped
# define d_m3LogEmit 0 // metacode generation info
# define d_m3LogCodePages 0 // dump metacode pages when released
# define d_m3LogExec 0 // low-level interpreter specific logs
# define d_m3LogExec 1 // low-level interpreter specific logs
# define d_m3LogRuntime 0 // higher-level runtime information
# define d_m3LogStackTrace 0 // dump the call stack when traps occur
# define d_m3LogNativeStack 0 // track the memory usage of the C-stack

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ typedef const u8 * bytes_t;
typedef const u8 * const cbytes_t;
typedef i64 m3reg_t;
typedef u64 m3slot_t;
typedef u32 m3slot_t;
typedef m3slot_t * m3stack_t;

@ -234,11 +234,11 @@ M3Result EvaluateExpression (IM3Module i_module, void * o_expressed, u8 i_type
if (SizeOfType (i_type) == sizeof (u32))
* (u32 *) o_expressed = *stack & 0xFFFFFFFF;
* (u32 *) o_expressed = * ((u32 *) stack);
else if (SizeOfType (i_type) == sizeof (u64))
* (u64 *) o_expressed = *stack;
* (u64 *) o_expressed = * ((u64 *) stack);

@ -49,7 +49,10 @@ typedef struct M3Function
u16 maxStackSlots;
u16 numArgSlots;
u16 numLocals; // not including args
u16 numLocalBytes;
u16 numConstantBytes;
void * constants;

@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ d_m3OpDef (Call)
d_m3OpDef (CallIndirect)
u32 tableIndex = slot (u32);
IM3Module module = immediate (IM3Module);
IM3FuncType type = immediate (IM3FuncType);
i32 stackOffset = immediate (i32);
@ -58,9 +59,7 @@ d_m3OpDef (CallIndirect)
m3stack_t sp = _sp + stackOffset;
i32 tableIndex = * (i32 *) (sp + type->numArgs);
if (tableIndex >= 0 and (u32)tableIndex < module->table0Size)
if (tableIndex < module->table0Size)
m3ret_t r = m3Err_none;
@ -208,14 +207,13 @@ d_m3OpDef (Entry)
function->hits++; m3log (exec, " enter %p > %s %s", _pc - 2, function->name ? function->name : ".unnamed", SPrintFunctionArgList (function, _sp));
m3stack_t stack = _sp + function->funcType->numArgs;
u32 numLocals = function->numLocals;
u8 * stack = (u8 *) (_sp + function->numArgSlots);
// zero locals
while (numLocals--)
* (stack++) = 0;
memset (stack, 0x0, function->numLocalBytes);
stack += function->numLocalBytes;
if (function->constants) {
if (function->constants)
memcpy (stack, function->constants, function->numConstantBytes);

@ -302,7 +302,9 @@ void dump_type_stack (IM3Compilation o)
applied until this compilation stage is finished
-- constants are not statically represented in the type stack (like args & constants) since they don't have/need
write counts
-- the number shown for static args and locals (value in wasmStack [i]) represents the write count for the variable
-- (does Wasm ever write to an arg? I dunno/don't remember.)
-- the number for the dynamic stack values represents the slot number.
-- if the slot index points to arg, local or constant it's denoted with a lowercase 'a', 'l' or 'c'
@ -316,24 +318,10 @@ void dump_type_stack (IM3Compilation o)
printf (" ");
printf ("%s %s ", regAllocated [0] ? "(r0)" : " ", regAllocated [1] ? "(fp0)" : " ");
u32 numArgs = GetFunctionNumArgs (o->function);
for (u32 i = 0; i < o->stackIndex; ++i)
for (u32 i = o->firstDynamicStackIndex; i < o->stackIndex; ++i)
if (i == o->firstConstSlotIndex)
printf (" | "); // divide the static & dynamic portion of the stack
// printf (" %d:%s.", i, c_waTypes [o->typeStack [i]]);
printf (" %s", c_waCompactTypes [o->typeStack [i]]);
if (i < o->firstConstSlotIndex)
u16 writeCount = o->wasmStack [i];
printf ((i < numArgs) ? "A" : "L"); // arg / local
printf ("%d", (i32) writeCount); // writeCount
u16 slot = o->wasmStack [i];
if (IsRegisterLocation (slot))
@ -345,19 +333,18 @@ void dump_type_stack (IM3Compilation o)
if (slot < o->firstSlotIndex)
if (slot < o->firstDynamicSlotIndex)
if (slot >= o->firstConstSlotIndex)
printf ("c");
else if (slot >= numArgs)
printf ("l");
else if (slot >= o->function->numArgSlots)
printf ("L");
printf ("a");
printf ("%d", (i32) slot); // slot
printf (" ");
