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// m3_parse.c
// M3: Massey Meta Machine
// Created by Steven Massey on 4/19/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Steven Massey. All rights reserved.
#include "m3_env.h"
#include "m3_compile.h"
#include "m3_exec.h"
#include "m3_exception.h"
M3Result ParseType_Table (IM3Module io_module, bytes_t i_bytes, cbytes_t i_end)
M3Result result = c_m3Err_none;
return result;
M3Result ParseType_Memory (M3MemoryInfo * o_memory, bytes_t * io_bytes, cbytes_t i_end)
M3Result result = c_m3Err_none;
u8 flag;
_ (ReadLEB_u7 (& flag, io_bytes, i_end)); // really a u1
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& o_memory->initPages, io_bytes, i_end));
o_memory->maxPages = 0;
if (flag)
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& o_memory->maxPages, io_bytes, i_end));
_catch: return result;
M3Result ParseSection_Type (IM3Module io_module, bytes_t i_bytes, cbytes_t i_end)
M3Result result = c_m3Err_none;
u32 numTypes;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& numTypes, & i_bytes, i_end)); m3log (parse, "** Type [%d]", numTypes);
if (numTypes)
// FIX: these need to be instead added to a set in the runtime struct to facilitate IndirectCall
_ (m3Alloc (& io_module->funcTypes, M3FuncType, numTypes));
io_module->numFuncTypes = numTypes;
IM3FuncType ft = io_module->funcTypes;
while (numTypes--)
i8 form;
_ (ReadLEB_i7 (& form, & i_bytes, i_end));
if (form != -32)
_throw (c_m3Err_wasmMalformed); // for WA MVP }
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& ft->numArgs, & i_bytes, i_end));
if (ft->numArgs <= c_m3MaxNumFunctionArgs)
for (u32 i = 0; i < ft->numArgs; ++i)
i8 argType;
_ (ReadLEB_i7 (& argType, & i_bytes, i_end));
ft->argTypes [i] = -argType;
else _throw (c_m3Err_typeListOverflow);
u8 returnCount;
_ (ReadLEB_u7 /* u1 in spec */ (& returnCount, & i_bytes, i_end));
if (returnCount)
i8 returnType;
_ (ReadLEB_i7 (& returnType, & i_bytes, i_end));
_ (NormalizeType (& ft->returnType, returnType));
} m3logif (parse, PrintFuncTypeSignature (ft))
if (result)
m3Free (io_module->funcTypes);
io_module->funcTypes = NULL;
io_module->numFuncTypes = 0;
return result;
M3Result ParseSection_Function (IM3Module io_module, bytes_t i_bytes, cbytes_t i_end)
M3Result result = c_m3Err_none;
u32 numFunctions;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& numFunctions, & i_bytes, i_end)); m3log (parse, "** Function [%d]", numFunctions);
for (u32 i = 0; i < numFunctions; ++i)
u32 funcTypeIndex;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& funcTypeIndex, & i_bytes, i_end));
_ (Module_AddFunction (io_module, funcTypeIndex, NULL /* import info */));
_catch: return result;
M3Result ParseSection_Import (IM3Module io_module, bytes_t i_bytes, cbytes_t i_end)
M3Result result = c_m3Err_none;
M3ImportInfo import, clearImport;
u32 numImports;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& numImports, & i_bytes, i_end)); m3log (parse, "** Import [%d]", numImports);
for (u32 i = 0; i < numImports; ++i)
u8 importKind;
_ (Read_utf8 (& import.moduleUtf8, & i_bytes, i_end));
_ (Read_utf8 (& import.fieldUtf8, & i_bytes, i_end));
_ (Read_u8 (& importKind, & i_bytes, i_end)); m3log (parse, " - kind: %d; '%s.%s' ",
(u32) importKind, import.moduleUtf8, import.fieldUtf8);
switch (importKind)
case c_externalKind_function:
u32 typeIndex;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& typeIndex, & i_bytes, i_end))
_ (Module_AddFunction (io_module, typeIndex, & import))
import = clearImport;
case c_externalKind_table:
// m3NotImplemented ();
// result = ParseType_Table (& i_bytes, i_end);
case c_externalKind_memory:
_ (ParseType_Memory (& io_module->memoryInfo, & i_bytes, i_end));
io_module->memoryImported = true;
case c_externalKind_global:
i8 waType;
u8 type, mutable;
_ (ReadLEB_i7 (& waType, & i_bytes, i_end));
_ (NormalizeType (& type, waType));
_ (ReadLEB_u7 (& mutable, & i_bytes, i_end)); m3log (parse, " global: %s mutable=%d", c_waTypes [type], (u32) mutable);
IM3Global global;
_ (Module_AddGlobal (io_module, & global, type, mutable, true /* isImport */));
global->import = import;
import = clearImport;
_throw (c_m3Err_wasmMalformed);
FreeImportInfo (& import);
FreeImportInfo (& import);
return result;
M3Result ParseSection_Export (IM3Module io_module, bytes_t i_bytes, cbytes_t i_end)
M3Result result = c_m3Err_none;
u32 numExports;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& numExports, & i_bytes, i_end)); m3log (parse, "** Export [%d]", numExports);
for (u32 i = 0; i < numExports; ++i)
const char * utf8;
u8 exportKind;
u32 index;
_ (Read_utf8 (& utf8, & i_bytes, i_end));
_ (Read_u8 (& exportKind, & i_bytes, i_end));
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& index, & i_bytes, i_end)); m3log (parse, " - index: %4d; kind: %d; export: '%s'; ", index, (u32) exportKind, utf8);
if (exportKind == c_externalKind_function)
if (not io_module->functions [index].name)
io_module->functions [index].name = utf8;
utf8 = NULL; // ownership transfered to M3Function
m3Free (utf8);
_catch: return result;
M3Result ParseSection_Start (IM3Module io_module, bytes_t i_bytes, cbytes_t i_end)
M3Result result = c_m3Err_none;
u32 startFunc;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& startFunc, & i_bytes, i_end)); m3log (parse, "** Start Function: %d", startFunc);
io_module->startFunction = startFunc;
_catch: return result;
M3Result Parse_InitExpr (M3Module * io_module, bytes_t * io_bytes, cbytes_t i_end)
M3Result result = c_m3Err_none;
// this doesn't generate code pages. just walks the wasm bytecode to find the end
IM3Runtime rt;
M3Compilation compilation = { rt= NULL, io_module, * io_bytes, i_end };
result = Compile_BlockStatements (& compilation);
* io_bytes = compilation.wasm;
return result;
M3Result ParseSection_Element (IM3Module io_module, bytes_t i_bytes, cbytes_t i_end)
M3Result result = c_m3Err_none;
u32 numSegments;
result = ReadLEB_u32 (& numSegments, & i_bytes, i_end); m3log (parse, "** Element [%d]", numSegments);
if (not result)
io_module->elementSection = i_bytes;
io_module->elementSectionEnd = i_end;
io_module->numElementSegments = numSegments;
else result = "error parsing Element section";
return result;
M3Result ParseSection_Code (M3Module * io_module, bytes_t i_bytes, cbytes_t i_end)
M3Result result;
u32 numFunctions;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& numFunctions, & i_bytes, i_end)); m3log (parse, "** Code [%d]", numFunctions);
if (numFunctions != io_module->numFunctions - io_module->numImports)
numFunctions = 0;
_throw (c_m3Err_wasmMalformed); // FIX: better error
for (u32 f = 0; f < numFunctions; ++f)
u32 size;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& size, & i_bytes, i_end));
if (size)
const u8 * ptr = i_bytes;
i_bytes += size;
if (i_bytes <= i_end)
const u8 * start = ptr;
u32 numLocals;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& numLocals, & ptr, i_end)); m3log (parse, " - func size: %d; locals: %d", size, numLocals);
u32 numLocalVars = 0;
for (u32 l = 0; l < numLocals; ++l)
u32 varCount;
i8 varType;
u8 normalizedType;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& varCount, & ptr, i_end));
_ (ReadLEB_i7 (& varType, & ptr, i_end));
_ (NormalizeType (& normalizedType, varType));
numLocalVars += varCount; m3log (parse, " - %d locals; type: '%s'", varCount, c_waTypes [-varType]);
IM3Function func = Module_GetFunction (io_module, f + io_module->numImports);
func->module = io_module;
func->wasm = start;
func->wasmEnd = i_bytes;
func->numLocals = numLocalVars;
else _throw (c_m3Err_wasmSectionOverrun);
if (not result and i_bytes != i_end)
result = c_m3Err_wasmSectionUnderrun;
return result;
M3Result ParseSection_Data (M3Module * io_module, bytes_t i_bytes, cbytes_t i_end)
M3Result result = c_m3Err_none;
u32 numDataSegments;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& numDataSegments, & i_bytes, i_end)); m3log (parse, "** Data [%d]", numDataSegments);
_ (m3Alloc (& io_module->dataSegments, M3DataSegment, numDataSegments));
io_module->numDataSegments = numDataSegments;
for (u32 i = 0; i < numDataSegments; ++i)
M3DataSegment * segment = & io_module->dataSegments [i];
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& segment->memoryRegion, & i_bytes, i_end));
segment->initExpr = i_bytes;
_ (Parse_InitExpr (io_module, & i_bytes, i_end));
segment->initExprSize = (u32) (i_bytes - segment->initExpr);
if (segment->initExprSize <= 1)
_throw (c_m3Err_wasmMissingInitExpr);
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& segment->size, & i_bytes, i_end));
segment->data = i_bytes; m3log (parse, " segment [%u] memory: %u; expr-size: %d; size: %d",
i, segment->memoryRegion, segment->initExprSize, segment->size);
i_bytes += segment->size;
// TODO failure cleanup
return result;
M3Result ParseSection_Memory (M3Module * io_module, bytes_t i_bytes, cbytes_t i_end)
M3Result result = c_m3Err_none;
// TODO: MVP; assert no memory imported
u32 numMemories;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& numMemories, & i_bytes, i_end)); m3log (parse, "** Memory [%d]", numMemories);
if (numMemories == 1)
ParseType_Memory (& io_module->memoryInfo, & i_bytes, i_end);
else _throw (c_m3Err_tooManyMemorySections);
_catch: return result;
M3Result ParseSection_Global (M3Module * io_module, bytes_t i_bytes, cbytes_t i_end)
M3Result result = c_m3Err_none;
u32 numGlobals;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& numGlobals, & i_bytes, i_end)); m3log (parse, "** Global [%d]", numGlobals);
for (u32 i = 0; i < numGlobals; ++i)
i8 waType;
u8 type, mutable;
_ (ReadLEB_i7 (& waType, & i_bytes, i_end));
_ (NormalizeType (& type, waType));
_ (ReadLEB_u7 (& mutable, & i_bytes, i_end)); m3log (parse, " - add global: [%d] %s mutable: %d", i, c_waTypes [type], (u32) mutable);
IM3Global global;
_ (Module_AddGlobal (io_module, & global, type, mutable, false /* isImport */));
global->initExpr = i_bytes;
_ (Parse_InitExpr (io_module, & i_bytes, i_end));
global->initExprSize = (u32) (i_bytes - global->initExpr);
if (global->initExprSize <= 1)
_throw (c_m3Err_wasmMissingInitExpr);
_catch: return result;
M3Result ParseSection_Custom (M3Module * io_module, bytes_t i_bytes, cbytes_t i_end)
M3Result result;
cstr_t name;
_ (Read_utf8 (& name, & i_bytes, i_end));
m3log (parse, "** Custom: '%s'", name);
if (strcmp (name, "name") != 0)
i_bytes = i_end;
m3Free (name);
while (i_bytes < i_end)
u8 nameType;
u32 payloadLength;
_ (ReadLEB_u7 (& nameType, & i_bytes, i_end));
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& payloadLength, & i_bytes, i_end));
bytes_t start = i_bytes;
if (nameType == 1)
u32 numNames;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& numNames, & i_bytes, i_end));
for (u32 i = 0; i < numNames; ++i)
u32 index;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& index, & i_bytes, i_end));
_ (Read_utf8 (& name, & i_bytes, i_end));
if (index < io_module->numFunctions)
if (not io_module->functions [index].name)
io_module->functions [index].name = name; m3log (parse, "naming function [%d]: %s", index, name);
name = NULL;
// else m3log (parse, "prenamed: %s", io_module->functions [index].name);
m3Free (name);
i_bytes = start + payloadLength;
_catch: return result;
M3Result ParseModuleSection (M3Module * o_module, u8 i_sectionType, bytes_t i_bytes, u32 i_numBytes)
M3Result result = c_m3Err_none;
typedef M3Result (* M3Parser) (M3Module *, bytes_t, cbytes_t);
static M3Parser s_parsers [] =
ParseSection_Custom, // 0
ParseSection_Type, // 1
ParseSection_Import, // 2
ParseSection_Function, // 3
NULL, // 4: table
ParseSection_Memory, // 5
ParseSection_Global, // 6
ParseSection_Export, // 7
ParseSection_Start, // 8
ParseSection_Element, // 9
ParseSection_Code, // 10
ParseSection_Data // 11
M3Parser parser = NULL;
if (i_sectionType <= 11)
parser = s_parsers [i_sectionType];
if (parser)
cbytes_t end = i_bytes + i_numBytes;
result = parser (o_module, i_bytes, end);
m3log (parse, "<skipped (id: %d)>", (u32) i_sectionType);
return result;
M3Result m3_ParseModule (IM3Environment i_environment, IM3Module * o_module, cbytes_t i_bytes, u32 i_numBytes)
M3Result result;
IM3Module module;
_try {
_ (m3Alloc (& module, M3Module, 1));
// Module_Init (module);
module->name = ".unnamed"; m3log (parse, "load module: %d bytes", i_numBytes);
module->startFunction = -1;
const u8 * pos = i_bytes;
const u8 * end = pos + i_numBytes;
u32 magic = 0;
_ (Read_u32 (& magic, & pos, end));
if (magic == 0x6d736100)
u32 version;
_ (Read_u32 (&version, & pos, end));
if (version == 1)
{ m3log (parse, "found magic + version");
u8 previousSection = 0;
while (pos < end)
u8 sectionCode;
_ (ReadLEB_u7 (& sectionCode, & pos, end));
if (sectionCode > previousSection or sectionCode == 0) // from the spec: sections must appear in order
u32 sectionLength;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& sectionLength, & pos, end));
_ (ParseModuleSection (module, sectionCode, pos, sectionLength));
pos += sectionLength;
if (sectionCode)
previousSection = sectionCode;
else _throw (c_m3Err_misorderedWasmSection);
else _throw (c_m3Err_incompatibleWasmVersion);
else _throw (c_m3Err_wasmMalformed);
} _catch:
if (result)
m3_FreeModule (module);
module = NULL;
* o_module = module;
return result;