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// m3_module.c
// Created by Steven Massey on 5/7/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Steven Massey. All rights reserved.
#include "m3_env.h"
void m3_FreeModule (IM3Module i_module)
if (i_module)
m3log (module, "freeing module: %s (funcs: %d; segments: %d)",
i_module->name, i_module->numFunctions, i_module->numDataSegments);
m3Free (i_module->functions);
m3Free (i_module->imports);
m3Free (i_module->funcTypes);
m3Free (i_module->dataSegments);
// TODO: free importinfo
m3Free (i_module->globals);
m3Free (i_module);
M3Result Module_AddGlobal (IM3Module io_module, IM3Global * o_global, u8 i_type, bool i_mutable, bool i_isImported)
M3Result result = m3Err_none;
u32 index = io_module->numGlobals++;
io_module->globals = (M3Global *) m3RellocArray (io_module->globals, M3Global, io_module->numGlobals, index);
if (io_module->globals)
M3Global * global = & io_module->globals [index];
global->type = i_type;
global->imported = i_isImported;
global->isMutable = i_mutable;
if (o_global)
* o_global = global;
else result = m3Err_mallocFailed;
return result;
M3Result Module_AddFunction (IM3Module io_module, u32 i_typeIndex, IM3ImportInfo i_importInfo)
M3Result result = m3Err_none;
u32 index = io_module->numFunctions++;
io_module->functions = (M3Function*)m3RellocArray (io_module->functions, M3Function, io_module->numFunctions, index);
if (io_module->functions)
if (i_typeIndex < io_module->numFuncTypes)
IM3FuncType ft = & io_module->funcTypes [i_typeIndex];
IM3Function func = Module_GetFunction (io_module, index);
func->funcType = ft;
if (i_importInfo)
func->import = * i_importInfo;
func->name = i_importInfo->fieldUtf8;
// m3log (module, " added function: %3d; sig: %d", index, i_typeIndex);
else result = "unknown type sig index";
else result = m3Err_mallocFailed;
return result;
IM3Function Module_GetFunction (IM3Module i_module, u32 i_functionIndex)
IM3Function func = NULL;
if (i_functionIndex < i_module->numFunctions)
func = & i_module->functions [i_functionIndex];
return func;