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// m3_env.h
// Created by Steven Massey on 4/19/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Steven Massey. All rights reserved.
#ifndef m3_env_h
#define m3_env_h
#include "m3.h"
#include "m3_code.h"
#include "m3_exec.h"
#include "m3_compile.h"
typedef struct M3FuncType
u32 numArgs;
u8 argTypes [d_m3MaxNumFunctionArgs];
u8 returnType;
typedef M3FuncType * IM3FuncType;
void PrintFuncTypeSignature (IM3FuncType i_funcType);
typedef struct M3Function
struct M3Module * module;
M3ImportInfo import;
bytes_t wasm;
bytes_t wasmEnd;
cstr_t name;
IM3FuncType funcType;
IM3Operation callOp;
pc_t compiled;
u32 hits;
u16 maxStackSlots;
u16 numLocals; // not including args
u16 numConstants;
void * constants;
// bool callNeedsRuntime;
typedef M3Function * IM3Function;
cstr_t GetFunctionImportModuleName (IM3Function i_function);
cstr_t GetFunctionName (IM3Function i_function);
u32 GetFunctionNumArgs (IM3Function i_function);
u32 GetFunctionNumReturns (IM3Function i_function);
u8 GetFunctionReturnType (IM3Function i_function);
u32 GetFunctionNumArgsAndLocals (IM3Function i_function);
cstr_t SPrintFunctionArgList (IM3Function i_function, m3stack_t i_sp);
typedef struct M3MemoryInfo
u32 initPages;
u32 maxPages;
typedef struct M3Memory
M3MemoryHeader * mallocated;
u32 numPages;
u32 maxPages;
typedef M3Memory * IM3Memory;
typedef struct M3DataSegment
const u8 * initExpr; // wasm code
const u8 * data;
u32 initExprSize;
u32 memoryRegion;
u32 size;
void FreeImportInfo (M3ImportInfo * i_info);
typedef struct M3Global
M3ImportInfo import;
i64 intValue;
f64 f64Value;
f32 f32Value;
bytes_t initExpr; // wasm code
u32 initExprSize;
u8 type;
bool imported;
bool isMutable;
typedef M3Global * IM3Global;
typedef struct M3Module // TODO add env owner? also discriminates stack/heap
struct M3Runtime * runtime;
cstr_t name;
u32 numFuncTypes;
M3FuncType * funcTypes;
u32 numImports;
IM3Function * imports; // notice: "I" prefix. imports are pointers to functions in another module.
u32 numFunctions;
M3Function * functions;
i32 startFunction;
u32 numDataSegments;
M3DataSegment * dataSegments;
u32 importedGlobals;
u32 numGlobals;
M3Global * globals;
u32 numElementSegments;
bytes_t elementSection;
bytes_t elementSectionEnd;
IM3Function * table0;
u32 table0Size;
M3MemoryInfo memoryInfo;
bool memoryImported;
// m3reg_t * globalMemory;
struct M3Module * next;
typedef M3Module * IM3Module;
M3Result Module_AddGlobal (IM3Module io_module, IM3Global * o_global, u8 i_type, bool i_mutable, bool i_isImported);
M3Result Module_AddFunction (IM3Module io_module, u32 i_typeIndex, IM3ImportInfo i_importInfo /* can be null */);
IM3Function Module_GetFunction (IM3Module i_module, u32 i_functionIndex);
typedef struct M3Environment
u32 dummy;
// u32 numCodePages;
// u32 numActiveCodePages;
// u32 numFuncTypes;
// M3FuncType * funcTypes;
typedef M3Environment * IM3Environment;
// OPTZ: function types need to move to the runtime structure so that all modules can share types
// then type equality can be a simple pointer compare for indirect call checks
typedef struct M3Runtime
M3Compilation compilation;
IM3Environment environment;
M3CodePage * pagesOpen; // linked list of code pages with writable space on them
M3CodePage * pagesFull; // linked list of at-capacity pages
u32 numCodePages;
u32 numActiveCodePages;
IM3Module modules; // linked list of imported modules
void * stack;
u32 stackSize;
u32 numStackSlots;
u32 argc;
ccstr_t * argv;
M3Result runtimeError;
M3Memory memory;
M3ErrorInfo error;
#if defined(d_m3VerboseLogs)
char error_message[256];
typedef M3Runtime * IM3Runtime;
void InitRuntime (IM3Runtime io_runtime, u32 i_stackSizeInBytes);
void ReleaseRuntime (IM3Runtime io_runtime);
M3Result ResizeMemory (IM3Runtime io_runtime, u32 i_numPages);
typedef void * (* ModuleVisitor) (IM3Module i_module, void * i_info);
void * ForEachModule (IM3Runtime i_runtime, ModuleVisitor i_visitor, void * i_info);
void * v_FindFunction (IM3Module i_module, const char * const i_name);
IM3CodePage AcquireCodePage (IM3Runtime io_runtime);
IM3CodePage AcquireCodePageWithCapacity (IM3Runtime io_runtime, u32 i_slotCount);
void ReleaseCodePage (IM3Runtime io_runtime, IM3CodePage i_codePage);
M3Result m3Error (M3Result i_result, IM3Runtime i_runtime, IM3Module i_module, IM3Function i_function, const char * const i_file, u32 i_lineNum, const char * const i_errorMessage, ...);
#endif // m3_env_h