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// m3_emit.c
// Created by Steven Massey on 7/9/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Steven Massey. All rights reserved.
#include "m3_env.h"
#include "m3_emit.h"
#include "m3_info.h"
#include "m3_exec.h"
M3Result EnsureCodePageNumLines (IM3Compilation o, u32 i_numLines)
M3Result result = m3Err_none;
i_numLines += 2; // room for Bridge
if (NumFreeLines (o->page) < i_numLines)
IM3CodePage page = AcquireCodePageWithCapacity (o->runtime, i_numLines);
if (page)
m3log (emit, "bridging new code page from: %d %p (free slots: %d) to: %d", o->page->info.sequence, GetPC (o), NumFreeLines (o->page), page->info.sequence);
d_m3Assert (NumFreeLines (o->page) >= 2);
EmitWord (o->page, op_Branch);
EmitWord (o->page, GetPagePC (page));
ReleaseCodePage (o->runtime, o->page);
o->page = page;
else result = m3Err_mallocFailedCodePage;
return result;
// have execution jump to a new page if slots are critically low
M3Result BridgeToNewPageIfNecessary (IM3Compilation o)
return EnsureCodePageNumLines (o, d_m3CodePageFreeLinesThreshold);
M3Result EmitOp (IM3Compilation o, IM3Operation i_operation)
M3Result result = m3Err_none; d_m3Assert (i_operation or IsStackPolymorphic(o));
// it's OK for page to be null; when compile-walking the bytecode without emitting
if (o->page)
# if d_m3EnableOpTracing
if (i_operation != op_DumpStack)
# endif
result = BridgeToNewPageIfNecessary (o);
if (not result)
{ if (d_m3LogEmit) log_emit (o, i_operation);
EmitWord (o->page, i_operation);
return result;
// Push an immediate constant into the M3 codestream
void EmitConstant32 (IM3Compilation o, const u32 i_immediate)
if (o->page)
EmitWord32 (o->page, i_immediate);
void EmitSlotOffset (IM3Compilation o, const i32 i_offset)
if (o->page)
EmitWord32 (o->page, i_offset);
void EmitPointer (IM3Compilation o, const void * const i_pointer)
if (o->page)
EmitWord (o->page, i_pointer);
void * ReservePointer (IM3Compilation o)
pc_t ptr = GetPagePC (o->page);
EmitPointer (o, NULL);
return (void *) ptr;
pc_t GetPC (IM3Compilation o)
return GetPagePC (o->page);