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// m3.h
// M3 / Massey Meta Machine: a WebAssembly interpreter
// Created by Steven Massey on 4/21/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Steven Massey. All rights reserved.
- define d_m3LogOutput=1 to see printf log info
- function types need to move to the runtime structure so that all modules can share types
then type equality can be a simple pointer compare for indirect call checks
- assumes little-endian CPU
- needs work for a 32-bit architecture
- e.g. m3 code stream should be 32-bit aligned, but still needs to handle 64-bit constants
- segmented stack
- M3 stack that lives on the C stack (this might be useful in a memory constrained environment)
- i32, f32 could occupy 4 bytes on M3 stack
- support of tail calls wasm extension
- WASI support
#ifndef m3_h
#define m3_h
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
typedef const char * M3Result;
struct M3Runtime; typedef struct M3Runtime * IM3Runtime;
struct M3Module; typedef struct M3Module * IM3Module;
struct M3Function; typedef struct M3Function * IM3Function;
typedef struct M3ErrorInfo
M3Result result;
IM3Runtime runtime;
IM3Module module;
IM3Function function;
// compilation constants
const char * file;
uint32_t line;
char message [256];
enum // EWaTypes
c_m3Type_none = 0,
c_m3Type_i32 = 1,
c_m3Type_i64 = 2,
c_m3Type_f32 = 3,
c_m3Type_f64 = 4,
typedef struct M3ImportInfo
const char * moduleUtf8;
const char * fieldUtf8;
// unsigned char type;
typedef M3ImportInfo * IM3ImportInfo;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// error codes
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# define d_m3ErrorConst(LABEL, STRING) M3Result c_m3Err_##LABEL = { STRING };
# else
# define d_m3ErrorConst(LABEL, STRING) extern M3Result c_m3Err_##LABEL;
# endif
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
d_m3ErrorConst (none, NULL)
// general errors
d_m3ErrorConst (typeListOverflow, "type list count exceeds 32 types")
d_m3ErrorConst (mallocFailed, "memory allocation failed")
// parse errors
d_m3ErrorConst (incompatibleWasmVersion, "incompatible WASM binary version")
d_m3ErrorConst (wasmMalformed, "malformed WASM binary")
d_m3ErrorConst (misorderedWasmSection, "out of order WASM section")
d_m3ErrorConst (wasmUnderrun, "underrun while parsing WASM binary")
d_m3ErrorConst (wasmOverrun, "overrun while parsing WASM binary")
d_m3ErrorConst (wasmMissingInitExpr, "missing init_expr in WASM binary")
d_m3ErrorConst (lebOverflow, "LEB encoded value overflow")
d_m3ErrorConst (missingUTF8, "invalid length UTF-8 string")
d_m3ErrorConst (wasmSectionUnderrun, "section underrun while parsing WASM binary")
d_m3ErrorConst (wasmSectionOverrun, "section overrun while parsing WASM binary")
d_m3ErrorConst (invalidTypeId, "unknown value_type")
// link errors
d_m3ErrorConst (moduleAlreadyLinked, "attempting to bind module to multiple runtimes")
d_m3ErrorConst (functionLookupFailed, "function lookup failed")
d_m3ErrorConst (functionImportMissing, "missing imported function");
// compilation errors
d_m3ErrorConst (noCompiler, "no compiler found for opcode")
d_m3ErrorConst (unknownOpcode, "unknown opcode")
d_m3ErrorConst (functionStackOverflow, "compiling function overrun its stack height limit")
d_m3ErrorConst (functionStackUnderrun, "compiling function underrun the stack")
d_m3ErrorConst (mallocFailedCodePage, "memory allocation failed when acquiring a new M3 code page")
d_m3ErrorConst (optimizerFailed, "optimizer failed") // not a fatal error. a result,
// runtime errors
d_m3ErrorConst (missingCompiledCode, "function is missing compiled m3 code")
d_m3ErrorConst (wasmMemoryOverflow, "runtime ran out of memory")
d_m3ErrorConst (globalMemoryNotAllocated, "global memory is missing from a module")
d_m3ErrorConst (globaIndexOutOfBounds, "global index is too large")
// traps
d_m3ErrorConst (trapOutOfBoundsMemoryAccess, "[trap] out of bounds memory access")
d_m3ErrorConst (trapDivisionByZero, "[trap] integer divide by zero")
d_m3ErrorConst (trapIntegerOverflow, "[trap] integer overflow")
d_m3ErrorConst (trapIntegerConversion, "[trap] invalid conversion to integer")
d_m3ErrorConst (trapTableIndexOutOfRange, "[trap] undefined element")
d_m3ErrorConst (trapExit, "[trap] program called exit")
d_m3ErrorConst (runtimeTrap, "[trap] unspecified runtime trap")
typedef void (* M3Free) (const void * i_data, void * i_ref);
typedef void (* M3Importer) (IM3ImportInfo io_import, IM3Module io_module, void * i_ref);
typedef int64_t (* M3Callback) (IM3Function i_currentFunction, void * i_ref);
// configuration (found in m3_core.h)
define default
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
d_m3AlignWasmMemoryToPages false The WebAssembly spec defines a 64kB page size and memory size is always
quantized to pages. In a non-Javascript centric WA host this seems
// "global" environment
// IM3Environment m3_NewEnvironment
// execution context
IM3Runtime m3_NewRuntime (uint32_t i_stackSizeInBytes);
M3Result m3_RegisterFunction (IM3Runtime io_runtime,
const char * const i_functionName,
const char * const i_signature,
const void * const i_function /* , const void * const i_ref */);
void m3_FreeRuntime (IM3Runtime i_runtime);
// void m3_SetImporter (IM3Runtime i_runtime, M3Importer i_importHandler);
// void m3_SetTimeoutHandler (IM3Runtime i_runtime, float i_periodInSeconds, M3Callback i_callback);
// modules
M3Result m3_ParseModule (IM3Module * o_module,
const uint8_t * const i_wasmBytes,
uint32_t i_numWasmBytes
// M3Free i_releaseHandler // i_ref argument type provided to M3Free() handler is <IM3Module>
// If i_wasmReleaseHandler is provided, then i_wasmBytes must be persistent until the handler is invoked.
// If the handler is NULL, ParseModule will make a copy of i_wasmBytes and releases ownership of the pointer.
// if a result is return, * o_module will be set to NULL
void m3_FreeModule (IM3Module i_module);
// Only unloaded modules need to be freed.
// M3Result m3_EnableOptimizer (IM3Module io_module, bool i_enable);
M3Result m3_LoadModule (IM3Runtime io_runtime, IM3Module io_module);
// LoadModule transfers ownership of a module to the runtime. Do not free modules once successfully imported into the runtime.
M3Result m3_LinkFunction (IM3Module io_module,
const char * const i_functionName,
const char * const i_signature,
const void * const i_function /* , const void * const i_ref */);
// signature is null terminated
// M3Result m3_SetGlobal
// functions
M3Result m3_FindFunction (IM3Function * o_function,
IM3Runtime i_runtime,
const char * const i_functionName);
// M3Result m3_GetCFunction (void ** o_cFunction, IM3Runtime i_runtime,
// const char * const i_functionName, const char * const i_signature);
M3Result m3_Call (IM3Function i_function);
M3Result m3_CallWithArgs (IM3Function i_function, uint32_t i_argc, const char * const * i_argv);
M3Result m3_CallMain (IM3Function i_function, uint32_t i_argc, const char * const * i_argv);
// void * /* return */ m3_Call (IM3Function i_function, M3Result * o_result);
// IM3Functions are valid during the lifetime of the originating runtime
M3ErrorInfo m3_GetErrorInfo (IM3Runtime i_runtime);
// debug info
void m3_PrintRuntimeInfo (IM3Runtime i_runtime);
void m3_PrintM3Info (void);
void m3_PrintProfilerInfo (void);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* m3_h */