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// m3_exec.c
// Created by Steven Massey on 4/17/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Steven Massey. All rights reserved.
#include "m3_env.h"
#include "m3_exec.h"
#include "m3_compile.h"
void ReportError2 (IM3Function i_function, m3ret_t i_result)
i_function->module->runtime->runtimeError = (M3Result)i_result;
# if d_m3EnableOpProfiling
static M3ProfilerSlot s_opProfilerCounts [d_m3ProfilerSlotMask + 1] = {};
void ProfileHit (cstr_t i_operationName)
u64 ptr = (u64) i_operationName;
M3ProfilerSlot * slot = & s_opProfilerCounts [ptr & d_m3ProfilerSlotMask];
if (slot->opName)
if (slot->opName != i_operationName)
m3_Abort ("profiler slot collision; increase d_m3ProfilerSlotMask");
slot->opName = i_operationName;
void m3_PrintProfilerInfo ()
M3ProfilerSlot dummy;
M3ProfilerSlot * maxSlot = & dummy;
maxSlot->hitCount = 0;
for (u32 i = 0; i <= d_m3ProfilerSlotMask; ++i)
M3ProfilerSlot * slot = & s_opProfilerCounts [i];
if (slot->opName)
if (slot->hitCount > maxSlot->hitCount)
maxSlot = slot;
if (maxSlot->opName)
fprintf (stderr, "%13llu %s\n", maxSlot->hitCount, maxSlot->opName);
maxSlot->opName = NULL;
while (maxSlot->hitCount);
# else
void m3_PrintProfilerInfo () {}
# endif