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165 lines
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* Build:
* wasicc -g0 -O3 raymarcher.cpp -o raymarcher.wasm
#include <math.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
double t = 0.0;
#define WIDTH 80
#define HEIGHT 40
static char framebuffer[HEIGHT * WIDTH];
const char pixels[] = ".-::==+++%%%####@@@@";
//const char pixels[] = ".-:=+%#@";
//const char pixels[] = ".`:,;'_^\"></-!~=)(|j?}{][ti+l7v1%yrfcJ32uIC$zwo96sngaT5qpkYVOL40&mG8*xhedbZUSAQPFDXWK#RNEHBM@";
//const char pixels[] = ".'`^\",:;Il!i><~+_-?][}{1)(|\\/tfjrxnuvczXYUJCLQ0OZmwqpdbkhao*#MW&8%B@$";
const int npixels = sizeof(pixels) - 1;
struct vec3 {
float x;
float y;
float z;
float length() {
return sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
void normalize() {
float l = length();
x = x / l; y = y / l; z = z / l;
struct vec3 operator*(float fac) {
struct vec3 r;
r.x = x * fac; r.y = y * fac; r.z = z * fac;
return r;
struct vec3 operator+(struct vec3 other) {
struct vec3 r;
r.x = x +other.x; r.y = y +other.y; r.z = z + other.z;
return r;
struct vec3 operator-(struct vec3 other) {
struct vec3 r;
r.x = x - other.x; r.y = y - other.y; r.z = z - other.z;
return r;
void raymarch();
float sdf(struct vec3);
char shade(struct vec3);
void raymarch() {
for (int y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < WIDTH; x++) {
struct vec3 pos = {0.0, 0.0, -3.0};
struct vec3 target = {
x / (float) WIDTH - 0.5f,
(y / (float) HEIGHT - 0.5f) * (HEIGHT / (float) WIDTH) * 1.5f,
struct vec3 ray = target - pos;
char pxl = ' ';
float dist;
float max = 9999.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < 15000; i++) {
if (fabs(pos.x) > max
|| fabs(pos.y) > max
|| fabs(pos.z) > max)
dist = sdf(pos);
if (dist < 1e-6) {
pxl = shade(pos);
pos = pos + ray * dist;
} // end for (i)
framebuffer[y * WIDTH + x] = pxl;
} // end for(x)
} // end for(y)
} // end raymarch()
float sdf(struct vec3 pos) {
struct vec3 center = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
return (pos - center).length() - 0.6;
char shade(struct vec3 pos) {
struct vec3 L = {
50.0f * sinf(t),
50.0f * cosf(t)
float dt = 1e-6;
float current_val = sdf(pos);
struct vec3 x = {pos.x + dt, pos.y, pos.z};
float dx = sdf(x) - current_val;
struct vec3 y = {pos.x, pos.y + dt, pos.z};
float dy = sdf(y) - current_val;
struct vec3 z = {pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + dt};
float dz = sdf(z) - current_val;
struct vec3 N; // N for normal
N.x = (dx - pos.x) / dt;
N.y = (dy - pos.y) / dt;
N.z = (dz - pos.z) / dt;
if (N.length() < 1e-9) {
return pixels[0];
float diffuse = L.x * N.x + L.y * N.y + L.z * N.z;
diffuse = (diffuse + 1.0) / 2.0 * npixels;
return pixels[(int) floor(diffuse) % npixels];
void cls() {
// Terminal clear sequence
write(0, "\33[2J\33[1;1H", 10);
void printfb() {
char *fb = framebuffer;
char nl = '\n';
for (int y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y++) {
write(1, fb, WIDTH);
write(1, &nl, 1);
fb += WIDTH;
int main() {
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH * HEIGHT; i++) {
framebuffer[i] = ' ';
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
t += 0.1;