You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

73 lines
1.2 KiB

(def! _macro? (fn* [x]
(if (map? x)
(contains? x :__MAL_MACRO__)
(def! core_ns
[['= =]
['throw throw]
['nil? nil?]
['true? true?]
['false? false?]
['number? number?]
['string? string?]
['symbol symbol]
['symbol? symbol?]
['keyword keyword]
['keyword? keyword?]
['fn? fn?]
['macro? _macro?]
['pr-str pr-str]
['str str]
['prn prn]
['println println]
['readline readline]
['read-string read-string]
['slurp slurp]
['< <]
['<= <=]
['> >]
['>= >=]
['+ +]
['- -]
['* *]
['/ /]
['time-ms time-ms]
['list list]
['list? list?]
['vector vector]
['vector? vector?]
['hash-map hash-map]
['map? map?]
['assoc assoc]
['dissoc dissoc]
['get get]
['contains? contains?]
['keys keys]
['vals vals]
['sequential? sequential?]
['cons cons]
['concat concat]
['vec vec]
['nth nth]
['first first]
['rest rest]
['empty? empty?]
['count count]
['apply apply]
['map map]
['conj conj]
['seq seq]
['with-meta with-meta]
['meta meta]
['atom atom]
['atom? atom?]
['deref deref]
['reset! reset!]
['swap! swap!]])