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// m3_test.c
// Created by Steven Massey on 2/27/20.
// Copyright © 2020 Steven Massey. All rights reserved.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "wasm3_ext.h"
#include "m3_bind.h"
#define Test(NAME) if (RunTest (argc, argv, #NAME) != 0)
#define DisabledTest(NAME) printf ("\ndisabled: %s\n", #NAME); if (false)
#define expect(TEST) if (not (TEST)) { printf ("failed: (%s) on line: %d\n", #TEST, __LINE__); }
bool RunTest (int i_argc, const char * i_argv [], cstr_t i_name)
cstr_t option = (i_argc == 2) ? i_argv [1] : NULL;
bool runningTest = option ? strcmp (option, i_name) == 0 : true;
if (runningTest)
printf ("\n test: %s\n", i_name);
return runningTest;
int main (int argc, const char * argv [])
// m3_PrintM3Info ();
Test (signatures)
M3Result result;
IM3FuncType ftype = NULL;
result = SignatureToFuncType (& ftype, ""); expect (result == m3Err_malformedFunctionSignature)
m3_Free (ftype);
// implicit void return
result = SignatureToFuncType (& ftype, "()"); expect (result == m3Err_none)
m3_Free (ftype);
result = SignatureToFuncType (& ftype, " v () "); expect (result == m3Err_none)
expect (ftype->numRets == 0)
expect (ftype->numArgs == 0)
m3_Free (ftype);
result = SignatureToFuncType (& ftype, "f(IiF)"); expect (result == m3Err_none)
expect (ftype->numRets == 1)
expect (ftype->types [0] == c_m3Type_f32)
expect (ftype->numArgs == 3)
expect (ftype->types [1] == c_m3Type_i64)
expect (ftype->types [2] == c_m3Type_i32)
expect (ftype->types [3] == c_m3Type_f64)
IM3FuncType ftype2 = NULL;
result = SignatureToFuncType (& ftype2, "f(I i F)"); expect (result == m3Err_none);
expect (AreFuncTypesEqual (ftype, ftype2));
m3_Free (ftype);
m3_Free (ftype2);
Test (codepages.simple)
M3Environment env = { 0 };
M3Runtime runtime = { 0 };
runtime.environment = & env;
IM3CodePage page = AcquireCodePage (& runtime); expect (page);
expect (runtime.numCodePages == 1);
expect (runtime.numActiveCodePages == 1);
IM3CodePage page2 = AcquireCodePage (& runtime); expect (page2);
expect (runtime.numCodePages == 2);
expect (runtime.numActiveCodePages == 2);
ReleaseCodePage (& runtime, page); expect (runtime.numCodePages == 2);
expect (runtime.numActiveCodePages == 1);
ReleaseCodePage (& runtime, page2); expect (runtime.numCodePages == 2);
expect (runtime.numActiveCodePages == 0);
Runtime_Release (& runtime); expect (CountCodePages (env.pagesReleased) == 2);
Environment_Release (& env); expect (CountCodePages (env.pagesReleased) == 0);
Test (codepages.b)
const u32 c_numPages = 2000;
IM3CodePage pages [2000] = { NULL };
M3Environment env = { 0 };
M3Runtime runtime = { 0 };
runtime.environment = & env;
u32 numActive = 0;
for (u32 i = 0; i < 2000000; ++i)
u32 index = rand () % c_numPages; // printf ("%5u ", index);
if (pages [index] == NULL)
// printf ("acq\n");
pages [index] = AcquireCodePage (& runtime);
// printf ("rel\n");
ReleaseCodePage (& runtime, pages [index]);
pages [index] = NULL;
expect (runtime.numActiveCodePages == numActive);
printf ("num pages: %d\n", runtime.numCodePages);
for (u32 i = 0; i < c_numPages; ++i)
if (pages [i])
ReleaseCodePage (& runtime, pages [i]);
pages [i] = NULL;
--numActive; expect (runtime.numActiveCodePages == numActive);
Runtime_Release (& runtime);
Environment_Release (& env);
Test (extensions)
M3Result result;
IM3Environment env = m3_NewEnvironment ();
IM3Runtime runtime = m3_NewRuntime (env, 1024, NULL);
IM3Module module = m3_NewModule (env);
i32 functionIndex = -1;
u8 wasm [5] = { 0x04, // size
0x00, // num local defs
0x41, 0x37, // i32.const= 55
0x0b // end block
// will partially fail (compilation) because module isn't attached to a runtime yet.
result = m3Ext_InjectFunction (module, & functionIndex, "i()", wasm, true); expect (result != m3Err_none)
expect (functionIndex >= 0)
result = m3_LoadModule (runtime, module); expect (result == m3Err_none)
// try again
result = m3Ext_InjectFunction (module, & functionIndex, "i()", wasm, true); expect (result == m3Err_none)
IM3Function function = m3_GetFunctionByIndex (module, functionIndex); expect (function)
if (function)
result = m3_CallV (function); expect (result == m3Err_none)
u32 ret = 0;
m3_GetResultsV (function, & ret); expect (ret == 55);
m3_FreeRuntime (runtime);
IM3Environment env = m3_NewEnvironment ();
Test (multireturn.a)
M3Result result;
IM3Runtime runtime = m3_NewRuntime (env, 1024, NULL);
# if 0
(func (result i32 f32)
i32.const 1234
f32.const 5678.9
(export "main" (func 0))
# endif
u8 wasm [44] = {
0x00, 0x61, 0x73, 0x6d, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x06, 0x01, 0x60, 0x00, 0x02, 0x7f, 0x7d, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x07, 0x08, 0x01, 0x04,
0x6d, 0x61, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x0c, 0x01, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x41, 0xd2, 0x09, 0x43, 0x33, 0x77, 0xb1, 0x45, 0x0b
IM3Module module;
result = m3_ParseModule (env, & module, wasm, 44, false); expect (result == m3Err_none)
result = m3_LoadModule (runtime, module); expect (result == m3Err_none)
IM3Function function = NULL;
result = m3_FindFunction (& function, runtime, "main"); expect (result == m3Err_none)
expect (function)
printf ("\n%s\n", result);
if (function)
result = m3_CallV (function); expect (result == m3Err_none)
i32 ret0 = 0;
f32 ret1 = 0.;
m3_GetResultsV (function, & ret0, & ret1);
printf ("%d %f\n", ret0, ret1);
Test (multireturn.branch)
# if 0
(func (param i32) (result i32 i32)
i32.const 123
i32.const 456
i32.const 789
block (param i32 i32) (result i32 i32 i32)
local.get 0
local.get 0
local.get 0
br_if 0
(export "main" (func 0))
# endif
return 0;