// // Wasm3, high performance WebAssembly interpreter // // Copyright © 2019 Steven Massey, Volodymyr Shymanskyy. // All rights reserved. // #ifndef wasm3_h #define wasm3_h #define M3_VERSION_MAJOR 0 #define M3_VERSION_MINOR 5 #define M3_VERSION_REV 0 #define M3_VERSION "0.5.0" #include #include #include #include #include "wasm3_defs.h" // Constants #define M3_BACKTRACE_TRUNCATED (void*)(SIZE_MAX) #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif typedef const char * M3Result; struct M3Environment; typedef struct M3Environment * IM3Environment; struct M3Runtime; typedef struct M3Runtime * IM3Runtime; struct M3Module; typedef struct M3Module * IM3Module; struct M3Function; typedef struct M3Function * IM3Function; struct M3Global; typedef struct M3Global * IM3Global; typedef struct M3ErrorInfo { M3Result result; IM3Runtime runtime; IM3Module module; IM3Function function; const char * file; uint32_t line; const char * message; } M3ErrorInfo; typedef struct M3BacktraceFrame { uint32_t moduleOffset; IM3Function function; struct M3BacktraceFrame * next; } M3BacktraceFrame, * IM3BacktraceFrame; typedef struct M3BacktraceInfo { IM3BacktraceFrame frames; IM3BacktraceFrame lastFrame; // can be M3_BACKTRACE_TRUNCATED } M3BacktraceInfo, * IM3BacktraceInfo; typedef enum M3ValueType { c_m3Type_none = 0, c_m3Type_i32 = 1, c_m3Type_i64 = 2, c_m3Type_f32 = 3, c_m3Type_f64 = 4, c_m3Type_unknown } M3ValueType; typedef struct M3TaggedValue { M3ValueType type; union M3ValueUnion { uint32_t i32; uint64_t i64; float f32; double f64; } value; } M3TaggedValue, * IM3TaggedValue; typedef struct M3ImportInfo { const char * moduleUtf8; const char * fieldUtf8; } M3ImportInfo, * IM3ImportInfo; typedef struct M3ImportContext { void * userdata; IM3Function function; } M3ImportContext, * IM3ImportContext; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // error codes // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # if defined(M3_IMPLEMENT_ERROR_STRINGS) # define d_m3ErrorConst(LABEL, STRING) extern const M3Result m3Err_##LABEL = { STRING }; # else # define d_m3ErrorConst(LABEL, STRING) extern const M3Result m3Err_##LABEL; # endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- d_m3ErrorConst (none, NULL) // general errors d_m3ErrorConst (mallocFailed, "memory allocation failed") // parse errors d_m3ErrorConst (incompatibleWasmVersion, "incompatible Wasm binary version") d_m3ErrorConst (wasmMalformed, "malformed Wasm binary") d_m3ErrorConst (misorderedWasmSection, "out of order Wasm section") d_m3ErrorConst (wasmUnderrun, "underrun while parsing Wasm binary") d_m3ErrorConst (wasmOverrun, "overrun while parsing Wasm binary") d_m3ErrorConst (wasmMissingInitExpr, "missing init_expr in Wasm binary") d_m3ErrorConst (lebOverflow, "LEB encoded value overflow") d_m3ErrorConst (missingUTF8, "invalid length UTF-8 string") d_m3ErrorConst (wasmSectionUnderrun, "section underrun while parsing Wasm binary") d_m3ErrorConst (wasmSectionOverrun, "section overrun while parsing Wasm binary") d_m3ErrorConst (invalidTypeId, "unknown value_type") d_m3ErrorConst (tooManyMemorySections, "only one memory per module is supported") d_m3ErrorConst (tooManyArgsRets, "too many arguments or return values") // link errors d_m3ErrorConst (moduleNotLinked, "attempting to use module that is not loaded") d_m3ErrorConst (moduleAlreadyLinked, "attempting to bind module to multiple runtimes") d_m3ErrorConst (functionLookupFailed, "function lookup failed") d_m3ErrorConst (functionImportMissing, "missing imported function") d_m3ErrorConst (malformedFunctionSignature, "malformed function signature") // compilation errors d_m3ErrorConst (noCompiler, "no compiler found for opcode") d_m3ErrorConst (unknownOpcode, "unknown opcode") d_m3ErrorConst (restrictedOpcode, "restricted opcode") d_m3ErrorConst (functionStackOverflow, "compiling function overran its stack height limit") d_m3ErrorConst (functionStackUnderrun, "compiling function underran the stack") d_m3ErrorConst (mallocFailedCodePage, "memory allocation failed when acquiring a new M3 code page") d_m3ErrorConst (settingImmutableGlobal, "attempting to set an immutable global") d_m3ErrorConst (typeMismatch, "incorrect type on stack") d_m3ErrorConst (typeCountMismatch, "incorrect value count on stack") // runtime errors d_m3ErrorConst (missingCompiledCode, "function is missing compiled m3 code") d_m3ErrorConst (wasmMemoryOverflow, "runtime ran out of memory") d_m3ErrorConst (globalMemoryNotAllocated, "global memory is missing from a module") d_m3ErrorConst (globaIndexOutOfBounds, "global index is too large") d_m3ErrorConst (argumentCountMismatch, "argument count mismatch") d_m3ErrorConst (argumentTypeMismatch, "argument type mismatch") d_m3ErrorConst (globalLookupFailed, "global lookup failed") d_m3ErrorConst (globalTypeMismatch, "global type mismatch") d_m3ErrorConst (globalNotMutable, "global is not mutable") // traps d_m3ErrorConst (trapOutOfBoundsMemoryAccess, "[trap] out of bounds memory access") d_m3ErrorConst (trapDivisionByZero, "[trap] integer divide by zero") d_m3ErrorConst (trapIntegerOverflow, "[trap] integer overflow") d_m3ErrorConst (trapIntegerConversion, "[trap] invalid conversion to integer") d_m3ErrorConst (trapIndirectCallTypeMismatch, "[trap] indirect call type mismatch") d_m3ErrorConst (trapTableIndexOutOfRange, "[trap] undefined element") d_m3ErrorConst (trapTableElementIsNull, "[trap] null table element") d_m3ErrorConst (trapExit, "[trap] program called exit") d_m3ErrorConst (trapAbort, "[trap] program called abort") d_m3ErrorConst (trapUnreachable, "[trap] unreachable executed") d_m3ErrorConst (trapStackOverflow, "[trap] stack overflow") //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // configuration, can be found in m3_config.h, m3_config_platforms.h, m3_core.h) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // global environment than can host multiple runtimes //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IM3Environment m3_NewEnvironment (void); void m3_FreeEnvironment (IM3Environment i_environment); typedef M3Result (* M3SectionHandler) (IM3Module i_module, const char* name, const uint8_t * start, const uint8_t * end); void m3_SetCustomSectionHandler (IM3Environment i_environment, M3SectionHandler i_handler); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // execution context //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IM3Runtime m3_NewRuntime (IM3Environment io_environment, uint32_t i_stackSizeInBytes, void * i_userdata); void m3_FreeRuntime (IM3Runtime i_runtime); // Wasm currently only supports one memory region. i_memoryIndex should be zero. uint8_t * m3_GetMemory (IM3Runtime i_runtime, uint32_t * o_memorySizeInBytes, uint32_t i_memoryIndex); // This is used internally by Raw Function helpers uint32_t m3_GetMemorySize (IM3Runtime i_runtime); void * m3_GetUserData (IM3Runtime i_runtime); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // modules //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // i_wasmBytes data must be persistent during the lifetime of the module M3Result m3_ParseModule (IM3Environment i_environment, IM3Module * o_module, const uint8_t * const i_wasmBytes, uint32_t i_numWasmBytes); // Only modules not loaded into a M3Runtime need to be freed. A module is considered unloaded if // a. m3_LoadModule has not yet been called on that module. Or, // b. m3_LoadModule returned a result. void m3_FreeModule (IM3Module i_module); // LoadModule transfers ownership of a module to the runtime. Do not free modules once successfully loaded into the runtime M3Result m3_LoadModule (IM3Runtime io_runtime, IM3Module io_module); // Optional, compiles all functions in the module M3Result m3_CompileModule (IM3Module io_module); // Calling m3_RunStart is optional M3Result m3_RunStart (IM3Module i_module); // Arguments and return values are passed in and out through the stack pointer _sp. // Placeholder return value slots are first and arguments after. So, the first argument is at _sp [numReturns] // Return values should be written into _sp [0] to _sp [num_returns - 1] typedef const void * (* M3RawCall) (IM3Runtime runtime, IM3ImportContext _ctx, uint64_t * _sp, void * _mem); M3Result m3_LinkRawFunction (IM3Module io_module, const char * const i_moduleName, const char * const i_functionName, const char * const i_signature, M3RawCall i_function); M3Result m3_LinkRawFunctionEx (IM3Module io_module, const char * const i_moduleName, const char * const i_functionName, const char * const i_signature, M3RawCall i_function, const void * i_userdata); const char* m3_GetModuleName (IM3Module i_module); void m3_SetModuleName (IM3Module i_module, const char* name); IM3Runtime m3_GetModuleRuntime (IM3Module i_module); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // globals //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IM3Global m3_FindGlobal (IM3Module io_module, const char * const i_globalName); M3Result m3_GetGlobal (IM3Global i_global, IM3TaggedValue o_value); M3Result m3_SetGlobal (IM3Global i_global, const IM3TaggedValue i_value); M3ValueType m3_GetGlobalType (IM3Global i_global); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M3Result m3_Yield (void); // o_function is valid during the lifetime of the originating runtime M3Result m3_FindFunction (IM3Function * o_function, IM3Runtime i_runtime, const char * const i_functionName); uint32_t m3_GetArgCount (IM3Function i_function); uint32_t m3_GetRetCount (IM3Function i_function); M3ValueType m3_GetArgType (IM3Function i_function, uint32_t i_index); M3ValueType m3_GetRetType (IM3Function i_function, uint32_t i_index); M3Result m3_CallV (IM3Function i_function, ...); M3Result m3_CallVL (IM3Function i_function, va_list i_args); M3Result m3_Call (IM3Function i_function, uint32_t i_argc, const void * i_argptrs[]); M3Result m3_CallArgv (IM3Function i_function, uint32_t i_argc, const char * i_argv[]); M3Result m3_GetResultsV (IM3Function i_function, ...); M3Result m3_GetResultsVL (IM3Function i_function, va_list o_rets); M3Result m3_GetResults (IM3Function i_function, uint32_t i_retc, const void * o_retptrs[]); void m3_GetErrorInfo (IM3Runtime i_runtime, M3ErrorInfo* o_info); void m3_ResetErrorInfo (IM3Runtime i_runtime); const char* m3_GetFunctionName (IM3Function i_function); IM3Module m3_GetFunctionModule (IM3Function i_function); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // debug info //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void m3_PrintRuntimeInfo (IM3Runtime i_runtime); void m3_PrintM3Info (void); void m3_PrintProfilerInfo (void); // The runtime owns the backtrace, do not free the backtrace you obtain. Returns NULL if there's no backtrace. IM3BacktraceInfo m3_GetBacktrace (IM3Runtime i_runtime); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // raw function definition helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # define m3ApiOffsetToPtr(offset) (void*)((uint8_t*)_mem + (uint32_t)(offset)) # define m3ApiPtrToOffset(ptr) (uint32_t)((uint8_t*)ptr - (uint8_t*)_mem) # define m3ApiReturnType(TYPE) TYPE* raw_return = ((TYPE*) (_sp++)); # define m3ApiGetArg(TYPE, NAME) TYPE NAME = * ((TYPE *) (_sp++)); # define m3ApiGetArgMem(TYPE, NAME) TYPE NAME = (TYPE)m3ApiOffsetToPtr(* ((uint32_t *) (_sp++))); # define m3ApiIsNullPtr(addr) ((void*)(addr) <= _mem) # define m3ApiCheckMem(addr, len) { if (M3_UNLIKELY(((void*)(addr) < _mem) || ((uint64_t)(uintptr_t)(addr) + (len)) > ((uint64_t)(uintptr_t)(_mem)+m3_GetMemorySize(runtime)))) m3ApiTrap(m3Err_trapOutOfBoundsMemoryAccess); } # define m3ApiRawFunction(NAME) const void * NAME (IM3Runtime runtime, IM3ImportContext _ctx, uint64_t * _sp, void * _mem) # define m3ApiReturn(VALUE) { *raw_return = (VALUE); return m3Err_none; } # define m3ApiTrap(VALUE) { return VALUE; } # define m3ApiSuccess() { return m3Err_none; } # if defined(M3_BIG_ENDIAN) # define m3ApiReadMem8(ptr) (* (uint8_t *)(ptr)) # define m3ApiReadMem16(ptr) m3_bswap16((* (uint16_t *)(ptr))) # define m3ApiReadMem32(ptr) m3_bswap32((* (uint32_t *)(ptr))) # define m3ApiReadMem64(ptr) m3_bswap64((* (uint64_t *)(ptr))) # define m3ApiWriteMem8(ptr, val) { * (uint8_t *)(ptr) = (val); } # define m3ApiWriteMem16(ptr, val) { * (uint16_t *)(ptr) = m3_bswap16((val)); } # define m3ApiWriteMem32(ptr, val) { * (uint32_t *)(ptr) = m3_bswap32((val)); } # define m3ApiWriteMem64(ptr, val) { * (uint64_t *)(ptr) = m3_bswap64((val)); } # else # define m3ApiReadMem8(ptr) (* (uint8_t *)(ptr)) # define m3ApiReadMem16(ptr) (* (uint16_t *)(ptr)) # define m3ApiReadMem32(ptr) (* (uint32_t *)(ptr)) # define m3ApiReadMem64(ptr) (* (uint64_t *)(ptr)) # define m3ApiWriteMem8(ptr, val) { * (uint8_t *)(ptr) = (val); } # define m3ApiWriteMem16(ptr, val) { * (uint16_t *)(ptr) = (val); } # define m3ApiWriteMem32(ptr, val) { * (uint32_t *)(ptr) = (val); } # define m3ApiWriteMem64(ptr, val) { * (uint64_t *)(ptr) = (val); } # endif #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif #endif // wasm3_h