// // m3_bind.c // // Created by Steven Massey on 4/29/19. // Copyright © 2019 Steven Massey. All rights reserved. // #include "m3_exec.h" #include "m3_env.h" #include "m3_exception.h" #include "m3_info.h" u8 ConvertTypeCharToTypeId (char i_code) { switch (i_code) { case 'v': return c_m3Type_none; case 'i': return c_m3Type_i32; case 'I': return c_m3Type_i64; case 'f': return c_m3Type_f32; case 'F': return c_m3Type_f64; case '*': return c_m3Type_i32; } return c_m3Type_unknown; } M3Result SignatureToFuncType (IM3FuncType * o_functionType, ccstr_t i_signature) { M3Result result = m3Err_none; IM3FuncType funcType = NULL; _try { if (not o_functionType) _throw ("null function type"); if (not i_signature) _throw ("null function signature"); cstr_t sig = i_signature; size_t maxNumTypes = strlen (i_signature); // assume min signature is "()" _throwif (m3Err_malformedFunctionSignature, maxNumTypes < 2); maxNumTypes -= 2; _throwif (m3Err_tooManyArgsRets, maxNumTypes > d_m3MaxSaneFunctionArgRetCount); _ (AllocFuncType (& funcType, (u32) maxNumTypes)); u8 * typelist = funcType->types; bool parsingRets = true; while (* sig) { char typeChar = * sig++; if (typeChar == '(') { parsingRets = false; continue; } else if ( typeChar == ' ') continue; else if (typeChar == ')') break; u8 type = ConvertTypeCharToTypeId (typeChar); _throwif ("unknown argument type char", c_m3Type_unknown == type); if (type == c_m3Type_none) continue; if (parsingRets) { _throwif ("malformed signature; return count overflow", funcType->numRets >= maxNumTypes); funcType->numRets++; *typelist++ = type; } else { _throwif ("malformed signature; arg count overflow", (u32)(funcType->numRets) + funcType->numArgs >= maxNumTypes); funcType->numArgs++; *typelist++ = type; } } } _catch: if (result) m3_Free (funcType); * o_functionType = funcType; return result; } static M3Result ValidateSignature (IM3Function i_function, ccstr_t i_linkingSignature) { M3Result result = m3Err_none; IM3FuncType ftype = NULL; _ (SignatureToFuncType (& ftype, i_linkingSignature)); if (not AreFuncTypesEqual (ftype, i_function->funcType)) { m3log (module, "expected: %s", SPrintFuncTypeSignature (ftype)); m3log (module, " found: %s", SPrintFuncTypeSignature (i_function->funcType)); _throw ("function signature mismatch"); } _catch: m3_Free (ftype); return result; } M3Result LinkRawFunction (IM3Module io_module, IM3Function io_function, ccstr_t signature, const void * i_function, const void * i_userdata) { M3Result result = m3Err_none; d_m3Assert (io_module->runtime); _try { _ (ValidateSignature (io_function, signature)); IM3CodePage page = AcquireCodePageWithCapacity (io_module->runtime, 4); if (page) { io_function->compiled = GetPagePC (page); io_function->module = io_module; EmitWord (page, op_CallRawFunction); EmitWord (page, i_function); EmitWord (page, io_function); EmitWord (page, i_userdata); ReleaseCodePage (io_module->runtime, page); } else _throw(m3Err_mallocFailedCodePage); } _catch: return result; } M3Result FindAndLinkFunction (IM3Module io_module, ccstr_t i_moduleName, ccstr_t i_functionName, ccstr_t i_signature, voidptr_t i_function, voidptr_t i_userdata) { M3Result result = m3Err_functionLookupFailed; bool wildcardModule = (strcmp (i_moduleName, "*") == 0); for (u32 i = 0; i < io_module->numFunctions; ++i) { IM3Function f = & io_module->functions [i]; if (f->import.moduleUtf8 and f->import.fieldUtf8) { if (strcmp (f->import.fieldUtf8, i_functionName) == 0 and (wildcardModule or strcmp (f->import.moduleUtf8, i_moduleName) == 0)) { result = LinkRawFunction (io_module, f, i_signature, i_function, i_userdata); if (result) return result; } } } return result; } M3Result m3_LinkRawFunctionEx (IM3Module io_module, const char * const i_moduleName, const char * const i_functionName, const char * const i_signature, M3RawCall i_function, const void * i_userdata) { return FindAndLinkFunction (io_module, i_moduleName, i_functionName, i_signature, (voidptr_t)i_function, i_userdata); } M3Result m3_LinkRawFunction (IM3Module io_module, const char * const i_moduleName, const char * const i_functionName, const char * const i_signature, M3RawCall i_function) { return FindAndLinkFunction (io_module, i_moduleName, i_functionName, i_signature, (voidptr_t)i_function, NULL); }