Add memoryLimit, update examples. #57

Volodymyr Shymanskyy 5 years ago
parent 1580e4dc3b
commit 49f9101702

@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ upload_speed = 460800
src_build_flags =
-DESP8266 -Dd_m3FixedHeap=0x6000 -Dd_m3LinearMemLimit=2048 -Dd_m3LogOutput=false
-DESP8266 -Dd_m3FixedHeap=0x6000 -Dd_m3LogOutput=false
-O3 -flto
-Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers

@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ m3ApiRawFunction(m3_arduino_delay)
m3ApiGetArg (uint32_t, ms)
//printf("api: delay %d\n", ms); // you can also trace API calls
// You can also trace API calls
//Serial.print("api: delay "); Serial.println(ms);
@ -33,9 +34,9 @@ m3ApiRawFunction(m3_arduino_delay)
uint8_t mapPinMode(uint8_t mode)
switch(mode) {
case (0): return INPUT;
case (1): return OUTPUT;
case (2): return INPUT_PULLUP;
case 0: return INPUT;
case 1: return OUTPUT;
case 2: return INPUT_PULLUP;
return INPUT;
@ -45,7 +46,10 @@ m3ApiRawFunction(m3_arduino_pinMode)
m3ApiGetArg (uint32_t, pin)
m3ApiGetArg (uint32_t, mode)
pinMode(pin, mapPinMode(mode));
#if !defined(PARTICLE)
typedef uint8_t PinMode;
pinMode(pin, (PinMode)mapPinMode(mode));
@ -74,7 +78,7 @@ m3ApiRawFunction(m3_dummy)
M3Result m3_LinkArduino (IM3Runtime runtime)
M3Result LinkArduino (IM3Runtime runtime)
IM3Module module = runtime->modules;
const char* arduino = "arduino";

@ -8,6 +8,24 @@
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "m3/m3.h"
#include "m3/m3_env.h"
* Configuration
// Redefine the default LED pin here, if needed
#define LED_BUILTIN 13
#define WASM_STACK_SLOTS 1024
#define NATIVE_STACK_SIZE 32768
// Most devices that cannot allocate a 64KiB wasm page
#define WASM_MEMORY_LIMIT 2048
* WebAssembly app
// C++ app
#include "../wasm_cpp/app.wasm.h"
@ -21,40 +39,48 @@
// TinyGO app. For this, change _start to cwa_main below
//#include "../wasm_tinygo/app.wasm.h"
M3Result m3_LinkArduino (IM3Runtime runtime);
M3Result LinkArduino (IM3Runtime runtime);
* Engine start, liftoff!
#define FATAL(msg, ...) { printf("Fatal: " msg "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); return; }
#define FATAL(func, msg) { Serial.print("Fatal: " func " "); Serial.println(msg); return; }
void wasm_task(void*)
M3Result result = m3Err_none;
IM3Environment env = m3_NewEnvironment ();
if (!env) FATAL("m3_NewEnvironment failed");
if (!env) FATAL("NewEnvironment", "failed");
IM3Runtime runtime = m3_NewRuntime (env, 1024, NULL);
if (!runtime) FATAL("m3_NewRuntime failed");
IM3Runtime runtime = m3_NewRuntime (env, WASM_STACK_SLOTS, NULL);
if (!runtime) FATAL("NewRuntime", "failed");
runtime->memoryLimit = WASM_MEMORY_LIMIT;
IM3Module module;
result = m3_ParseModule (env, &module, app_wasm, app_wasm_len-1);
if (result) FATAL("m3_ParseModule: %s", result);
if (result) FATAL("ParseModule", result);
result = m3_LoadModule (runtime, module);
if (result) FATAL("m3_LoadModule: %s", result);
if (result) FATAL("LoadModule", result);
result = m3_LinkArduino (runtime);
if (result) FATAL("m3_LinkArduino: %s", result);
result = LinkArduino (runtime);
if (result) FATAL("LinkArduino", result);
IM3Function f;
result = m3_FindFunction (&f, runtime, "_start");
if (result) FATAL("m3_FindFunction: %s", result);
if (result) FATAL("FindFunction", result);
printf("Running WebAssembly...\n");
Serial.println("Running WebAssembly...");
const char* i_argv[1] = { NULL };
result = m3_CallWithArgs (f, 0, i_argv);
if (result) FATAL("m3_CallWithArgs: %s", result);
if (result) FATAL("CallWithArgs", result);
// Should not arrive here
@ -64,11 +90,11 @@ void setup()
Serial.print("\nWasm3 v" M3_VERSION ", build " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n");
Serial.println("\nWasm3 v" M3_VERSION ", build " __DATE__ " " __TIME__);
#ifdef ESP32
// On ESP32, we can launch in a separate thread
xTaskCreate(&wasm_task, "wasm3", 32768, NULL, 5, NULL);
xTaskCreate(&wasm_task, "wasm3", NATIVE_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 5, NULL);

@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ typedef int8_t i8;
# if defined(ESP8266) || defined(BLUE_PILL) || defined(FOMU)
# ifndef d_m3FixedHeap
# define d_m3FixedHeap (8*1024)
# define d_m3FixedHeap (12*1024)
# endif
# endif

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "m3.h"
#include "m3_env.h"
#include "m3_compile.h"
#include "m3_exec.h"
@ -292,6 +291,12 @@ M3Result ResizeMemory (IM3Runtime io_runtime, u32 i_numPages)
if (numPagesToAlloc <= memory->maxPages)
size_t numPageBytes = numPagesToAlloc * d_m3MemPageSize;
// Limit the amount of memory that gets allocated
if (io_runtime->memoryLimit) {
numPageBytes = min(numPageBytes, io_runtime->memoryLimit);
size_t numBytes = numPageBytes + sizeof (M3MemoryHeader);
size_t numPreviousBytes = memory->numPages * d_m3MemPageSize;

@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ typedef struct M3Runtime
M3Result runtimeError;
M3Memory memory;
u32 memoryLimit;
M3ErrorInfo error;
#if defined(d_m3VerboseLogs)

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ int __builtin_clzll(uint64_t value) {
// TODO: not sure why, signbit is actually defined in math.h
#if defined (PLATFORMIO) && (defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32))
#if defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32)
#define signbit(__x) \
((sizeof(__x) == sizeof(float)) ? __signbitf(__x) : __signbitd(__x))
