Initial WASI support #7

Volodymyr Shymanskyy 5 years ago
parent 37877ab810
commit 287751dbd1

@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
#include <time.h>
#include "m3.h"
#include "m3_host.h"
#include "m3_api_wasi.h"
#include "m3_env.h"
#define FATAL(msg, ...) { printf("Fatal: " msg "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); return 1; }
#define FATAL(msg, ...) { printf("Error: [Fatal] " msg "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); goto _onfatal; }
int main (int i_argc, const char * i_argv [])
@ -31,32 +31,23 @@ int main (int i_argc, const char * i_argv [])
wasm = (u8*) malloc(fsize);
fread (wasm, 1, fsize, f);
fclose (f);
} else {
FATAL("cannot open file");
IM3Module module;
result = m3_ParseModule (& module, wasm, fsize);
if (result) FATAL("m3_ParseModule: %s", result);
// TODO: Detect stack exhaustion
IM3Runtime env = m3_NewRuntime (4096);
if (!env) FATAL("m3_NewRuntime");
result = m3_LoadModule (env, module);
if (result) FATAL("m3_LoadModule: %s", result);
m3_LinkFunction (module, "_m3TestOut", "v(iFi)", (void *) m3TestOut);
m3_LinkFunction (module, "_m3StdOut", "v(*)", (void *) m3Output);
m3_LinkFunction (module, "_m3Export", "v(*i)", (void *) m3Export);
m3_LinkFunction (module, "_m3Out_f64", "v(F)", (void *) m3Out_f64);
m3_LinkFunction (module, "_m3Out_i32", "v(i)", (void *) m3Out_i32);
m3_LinkFunction (module, "_TestReturn", "F(i)", (void *) TestReturn);
m3_LinkFunction (module, "abortStackOverflow", "v(i)", (void *) m3_abort);
result = m3_LinkCStd (module); if (result) FATAL("m3_LinkCStd: %s", result);
m3_PrintRuntimeInfo (env);
result = m3_LinkWASI (module);
if (result) FATAL("m3_LinkWASI: %s", result);
IM3Function func;
result = m3_FindFunction (& func, env, "__post_instantiate");
@ -78,6 +69,7 @@ int main (int i_argc, const char * i_argv [])
i_argc -= 2;
i_argv += 2;
result = m3_CallMain (func, i_argc, i_argv);
if (result) FATAL("m3_CallMain: %s", result);
m3stack_t stack = (m3stack_t)(env->stack);
return stack[0];
@ -91,7 +83,15 @@ int main (int i_argc, const char * i_argv [])
free (wasm);
if (result) FATAL("m3_Call: %s", result);
if (result) {
printf ("Error: %s", result);
if (env)
M3ErrorInfo info = m3_GetErrorInfo (env);
printf (" (%s)", info.message);
printf ("\n");

@ -0,0 +1,744 @@
* This file describes the WASI interface, consisting of functions, types,
* and defined values (macros).
* The interface described here is greatly inspired by [CloudABI]'s clean,
* thoughtfully-designed, cabability-oriented, POSIX-style API.
* [CloudABI]:
#ifndef __wasi_core_h
#define __wasi_core_h
#ifndef __wasi__
#error <wasi/core.h> is only supported on WASI platforms.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
_Static_assert(_Alignof(int8_t) == 1, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(_Alignof(uint8_t) == 1, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(_Alignof(int16_t) == 2, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(_Alignof(uint16_t) == 2, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(_Alignof(int32_t) == 4, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(_Alignof(uint32_t) == 4, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(_Alignof(int64_t) == 8, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(_Alignof(uint64_t) == 8, "non-wasi data layout");
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef uint8_t __wasi_advice_t;
typedef uint32_t __wasi_clockid_t;
typedef uint64_t __wasi_device_t;
typedef uint64_t __wasi_dircookie_t;
typedef uint16_t __wasi_errno_t;
#define __WASI_ESUCCESS (UINT16_C(0))
#define __WASI_E2BIG (UINT16_C(1))
#define __WASI_EACCES (UINT16_C(2))
#define __WASI_EADDRINUSE (UINT16_C(3))
#define __WASI_EAGAIN (UINT16_C(6))
#define __WASI_EALREADY (UINT16_C(7))
#define __WASI_EBADF (UINT16_C(8))
#define __WASI_EBADMSG (UINT16_C(9))
#define __WASI_EBUSY (UINT16_C(10))
#define __WASI_ECANCELED (UINT16_C(11))
#define __WASI_ECHILD (UINT16_C(12))
#define __WASI_ECONNABORTED (UINT16_C(13))
#define __WASI_ECONNREFUSED (UINT16_C(14))
#define __WASI_ECONNRESET (UINT16_C(15))
#define __WASI_EDEADLK (UINT16_C(16))
#define __WASI_EDESTADDRREQ (UINT16_C(17))
#define __WASI_EDOM (UINT16_C(18))
#define __WASI_EDQUOT (UINT16_C(19))
#define __WASI_EEXIST (UINT16_C(20))
#define __WASI_EFAULT (UINT16_C(21))
#define __WASI_EFBIG (UINT16_C(22))
#define __WASI_EHOSTUNREACH (UINT16_C(23))
#define __WASI_EIDRM (UINT16_C(24))
#define __WASI_EILSEQ (UINT16_C(25))
#define __WASI_EINPROGRESS (UINT16_C(26))
#define __WASI_EINTR (UINT16_C(27))
#define __WASI_EINVAL (UINT16_C(28))
#define __WASI_EIO (UINT16_C(29))
#define __WASI_EISCONN (UINT16_C(30))
#define __WASI_EISDIR (UINT16_C(31))
#define __WASI_ELOOP (UINT16_C(32))
#define __WASI_EMFILE (UINT16_C(33))
#define __WASI_EMLINK (UINT16_C(34))
#define __WASI_EMSGSIZE (UINT16_C(35))
#define __WASI_EMULTIHOP (UINT16_C(36))
#define __WASI_ENAMETOOLONG (UINT16_C(37))
#define __WASI_ENETDOWN (UINT16_C(38))
#define __WASI_ENETRESET (UINT16_C(39))
#define __WASI_ENETUNREACH (UINT16_C(40))
#define __WASI_ENFILE (UINT16_C(41))
#define __WASI_ENOBUFS (UINT16_C(42))
#define __WASI_ENODEV (UINT16_C(43))
#define __WASI_ENOENT (UINT16_C(44))
#define __WASI_ENOEXEC (UINT16_C(45))
#define __WASI_ENOLCK (UINT16_C(46))
#define __WASI_ENOLINK (UINT16_C(47))
#define __WASI_ENOMEM (UINT16_C(48))
#define __WASI_ENOMSG (UINT16_C(49))
#define __WASI_ENOPROTOOPT (UINT16_C(50))
#define __WASI_ENOSPC (UINT16_C(51))
#define __WASI_ENOSYS (UINT16_C(52))
#define __WASI_ENOTCONN (UINT16_C(53))
#define __WASI_ENOTDIR (UINT16_C(54))
#define __WASI_ENOTEMPTY (UINT16_C(55))
#define __WASI_ENOTSOCK (UINT16_C(57))
#define __WASI_ENOTSUP (UINT16_C(58))
#define __WASI_ENOTTY (UINT16_C(59))
#define __WASI_ENXIO (UINT16_C(60))
#define __WASI_EOVERFLOW (UINT16_C(61))
#define __WASI_EOWNERDEAD (UINT16_C(62))
#define __WASI_EPERM (UINT16_C(63))
#define __WASI_EPIPE (UINT16_C(64))
#define __WASI_EPROTO (UINT16_C(65))
#define __WASI_EPROTOTYPE (UINT16_C(67))
#define __WASI_ERANGE (UINT16_C(68))
#define __WASI_EROFS (UINT16_C(69))
#define __WASI_ESPIPE (UINT16_C(70))
#define __WASI_ESRCH (UINT16_C(71))
#define __WASI_ESTALE (UINT16_C(72))
#define __WASI_ETIMEDOUT (UINT16_C(73))
#define __WASI_ETXTBSY (UINT16_C(74))
#define __WASI_EXDEV (UINT16_C(75))
#define __WASI_ENOTCAPABLE (UINT16_C(76))
typedef uint16_t __wasi_eventrwflags_t;
typedef uint8_t __wasi_eventtype_t;
typedef uint32_t __wasi_exitcode_t;
typedef uint32_t __wasi_fd_t;
typedef uint16_t __wasi_fdflags_t;
#define __WASI_FDFLAG_APPEND (UINT16_C(0x0001))
#define __WASI_FDFLAG_DSYNC (UINT16_C(0x0002))
#define __WASI_FDFLAG_NONBLOCK (UINT16_C(0x0004))
#define __WASI_FDFLAG_RSYNC (UINT16_C(0x0008))
#define __WASI_FDFLAG_SYNC (UINT16_C(0x0010))
typedef int64_t __wasi_filedelta_t;
typedef uint64_t __wasi_filesize_t;
typedef uint8_t __wasi_filetype_t;
typedef uint16_t __wasi_fstflags_t;
#define __WASI_FILESTAT_SET_ATIM (UINT16_C(0x0001))
#define __WASI_FILESTAT_SET_ATIM_NOW (UINT16_C(0x0002))
#define __WASI_FILESTAT_SET_MTIM (UINT16_C(0x0004))
#define __WASI_FILESTAT_SET_MTIM_NOW (UINT16_C(0x0008))
typedef uint64_t __wasi_inode_t;
typedef uint32_t __wasi_linkcount_t;
typedef uint32_t __wasi_lookupflags_t;
#define __WASI_LOOKUP_SYMLINK_FOLLOW (UINT32_C(0x00000001))
typedef uint16_t __wasi_oflags_t;
#define __WASI_O_CREAT (UINT16_C(0x0001))
#define __WASI_O_DIRECTORY (UINT16_C(0x0002))
#define __WASI_O_EXCL (UINT16_C(0x0004))
#define __WASI_O_TRUNC (UINT16_C(0x0008))
typedef uint16_t __wasi_riflags_t;
#define __WASI_SOCK_RECV_PEEK (UINT16_C(0x0001))
#define __WASI_SOCK_RECV_WAITALL (UINT16_C(0x0002))
typedef uint64_t __wasi_rights_t;
#define __WASI_RIGHT_FD_DATASYNC (UINT64_C(0x0000000000000001))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_FD_READ (UINT64_C(0x0000000000000002))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_FD_SEEK (UINT64_C(0x0000000000000004))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_FD_FDSTAT_SET_FLAGS (UINT64_C(0x0000000000000008))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_FD_SYNC (UINT64_C(0x0000000000000010))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_FD_TELL (UINT64_C(0x0000000000000020))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_FD_WRITE (UINT64_C(0x0000000000000040))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_FD_ADVISE (UINT64_C(0x0000000000000080))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_FD_ALLOCATE (UINT64_C(0x0000000000000100))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_PATH_CREATE_DIRECTORY (UINT64_C(0x0000000000000200))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_PATH_CREATE_FILE (UINT64_C(0x0000000000000400))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_PATH_LINK_SOURCE (UINT64_C(0x0000000000000800))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_PATH_LINK_TARGET (UINT64_C(0x0000000000001000))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_PATH_OPEN (UINT64_C(0x0000000000002000))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_FD_READDIR (UINT64_C(0x0000000000004000))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_PATH_READLINK (UINT64_C(0x0000000000008000))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_PATH_RENAME_SOURCE (UINT64_C(0x0000000000010000))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_PATH_RENAME_TARGET (UINT64_C(0x0000000000020000))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_PATH_FILESTAT_GET (UINT64_C(0x0000000000040000))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_PATH_FILESTAT_SET_SIZE (UINT64_C(0x0000000000080000))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_PATH_FILESTAT_SET_TIMES (UINT64_C(0x0000000000100000))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_FD_FILESTAT_GET (UINT64_C(0x0000000000200000))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_FD_FILESTAT_SET_SIZE (UINT64_C(0x0000000000400000))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_FD_FILESTAT_SET_TIMES (UINT64_C(0x0000000000800000))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_PATH_SYMLINK (UINT64_C(0x0000000001000000))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_PATH_REMOVE_DIRECTORY (UINT64_C(0x0000000002000000))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_PATH_UNLINK_FILE (UINT64_C(0x0000000004000000))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_POLL_FD_READWRITE (UINT64_C(0x0000000008000000))
#define __WASI_RIGHT_SOCK_SHUTDOWN (UINT64_C(0x0000000010000000))
typedef uint16_t __wasi_roflags_t;
typedef uint8_t __wasi_sdflags_t;
#define __WASI_SHUT_RD (UINT8_C(0x01))
#define __WASI_SHUT_WR (UINT8_C(0x02))
typedef uint16_t __wasi_siflags_t;
typedef uint8_t __wasi_signal_t;
/* UINT8_C(0) is reserved; POSIX has special semantics for kill(pid, 0). */
#define __WASI_SIGHUP (UINT8_C(1))
#define __WASI_SIGINT (UINT8_C(2))
#define __WASI_SIGQUIT (UINT8_C(3))
#define __WASI_SIGILL (UINT8_C(4))
#define __WASI_SIGTRAP (UINT8_C(5))
#define __WASI_SIGABRT (UINT8_C(6))
#define __WASI_SIGBUS (UINT8_C(7))
#define __WASI_SIGFPE (UINT8_C(8))
#define __WASI_SIGKILL (UINT8_C(9))
#define __WASI_SIGUSR1 (UINT8_C(10))
#define __WASI_SIGSEGV (UINT8_C(11))
#define __WASI_SIGUSR2 (UINT8_C(12))
#define __WASI_SIGPIPE (UINT8_C(13))
#define __WASI_SIGALRM (UINT8_C(14))
#define __WASI_SIGTERM (UINT8_C(15))
#define __WASI_SIGCHLD (UINT8_C(16))
#define __WASI_SIGCONT (UINT8_C(17))
#define __WASI_SIGSTOP (UINT8_C(18))
#define __WASI_SIGTSTP (UINT8_C(19))
#define __WASI_SIGTTIN (UINT8_C(20))
#define __WASI_SIGTTOU (UINT8_C(21))
#define __WASI_SIGURG (UINT8_C(22))
#define __WASI_SIGXCPU (UINT8_C(23))
#define __WASI_SIGXFSZ (UINT8_C(24))
#define __WASI_SIGVTALRM (UINT8_C(25))
#define __WASI_SIGPROF (UINT8_C(26))
#define __WASI_SIGWINCH (UINT8_C(27))
#define __WASI_SIGPOLL (UINT8_C(28))
#define __WASI_SIGPWR (UINT8_C(29))
#define __WASI_SIGSYS (UINT8_C(30))
typedef uint16_t __wasi_subclockflags_t;
typedef uint64_t __wasi_timestamp_t;
typedef uint64_t __wasi_userdata_t;
typedef uint8_t __wasi_whence_t;
#define __WASI_WHENCE_CUR (UINT8_C(0))
#define __WASI_WHENCE_END (UINT8_C(1))
#define __WASI_WHENCE_SET (UINT8_C(2))
typedef uint8_t __wasi_preopentype_t;
typedef struct __wasi_dirent_t {
__wasi_dircookie_t d_next;
__wasi_inode_t d_ino;
uint32_t d_namlen;
__wasi_filetype_t d_type;
} __wasi_dirent_t;
_Static_assert(offsetof(__wasi_dirent_t, d_next) == 0, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(offsetof(__wasi_dirent_t, d_ino) == 8, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(offsetof(__wasi_dirent_t, d_namlen) == 16, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(offsetof(__wasi_dirent_t, d_type) == 20, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(__wasi_dirent_t) == 24, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(_Alignof(__wasi_dirent_t) == 8, "non-wasi data layout");
typedef struct __wasi_event_t {
__wasi_userdata_t userdata;
__wasi_errno_t error;
__wasi_eventtype_t type;
union __wasi_event_u {
struct __wasi_event_u_fd_readwrite_t {
__wasi_filesize_t nbytes;
__wasi_eventrwflags_t flags;
} fd_readwrite;
} u;
} __wasi_event_t;
_Static_assert(offsetof(__wasi_event_t, userdata) == 0, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(offsetof(__wasi_event_t, error) == 8, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(offsetof(__wasi_event_t, type) == 10, "non-wasi data layout");
offsetof(__wasi_event_t, u.fd_readwrite.nbytes) == 16, "non-wasi data layout");
offsetof(__wasi_event_t, u.fd_readwrite.flags) == 24, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(__wasi_event_t) == 32, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(_Alignof(__wasi_event_t) == 8, "non-wasi data layout");
typedef struct __wasi_prestat_t {
__wasi_preopentype_t pr_type;
union __wasi_prestat_u {
struct __wasi_prestat_u_dir_t {
size_t pr_name_len;
} dir;
} u;
} __wasi_prestat_t;
_Static_assert(offsetof(__wasi_prestat_t, pr_type) == 0, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(void *) != 4 ||
offsetof(__wasi_prestat_t, u.dir.pr_name_len) == 4, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(void *) != 8 ||
offsetof(__wasi_prestat_t, u.dir.pr_name_len) == 8, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(void *) != 4 ||
sizeof(__wasi_prestat_t) == 8, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(void *) != 8 ||
sizeof(__wasi_prestat_t) == 16, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(void *) != 4 ||
_Alignof(__wasi_prestat_t) == 4, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(void *) != 8 ||
_Alignof(__wasi_prestat_t) == 8, "non-wasi data layout");
typedef struct __wasi_fdstat_t {
__wasi_filetype_t fs_filetype;
__wasi_fdflags_t fs_flags;
__wasi_rights_t fs_rights_base;
__wasi_rights_t fs_rights_inheriting;
} __wasi_fdstat_t;
offsetof(__wasi_fdstat_t, fs_filetype) == 0, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(offsetof(__wasi_fdstat_t, fs_flags) == 2, "non-wasi data layout");
offsetof(__wasi_fdstat_t, fs_rights_base) == 8, "non-wasi data layout");
offsetof(__wasi_fdstat_t, fs_rights_inheriting) == 16,
"non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(__wasi_fdstat_t) == 24, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(_Alignof(__wasi_fdstat_t) == 8, "non-wasi data layout");
typedef struct __wasi_filestat_t {
__wasi_device_t st_dev;
__wasi_inode_t st_ino;
__wasi_filetype_t st_filetype;
__wasi_linkcount_t st_nlink;
__wasi_filesize_t st_size;
__wasi_timestamp_t st_atim;
__wasi_timestamp_t st_mtim;
__wasi_timestamp_t st_ctim;
} __wasi_filestat_t;
_Static_assert(offsetof(__wasi_filestat_t, st_dev) == 0, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(offsetof(__wasi_filestat_t, st_ino) == 8, "non-wasi data layout");
offsetof(__wasi_filestat_t, st_filetype) == 16, "non-wasi data layout");
offsetof(__wasi_filestat_t, st_nlink) == 20, "non-wasi data layout");
offsetof(__wasi_filestat_t, st_size) == 24, "non-wasi data layout");
offsetof(__wasi_filestat_t, st_atim) == 32, "non-wasi data layout");
offsetof(__wasi_filestat_t, st_mtim) == 40, "non-wasi data layout");
offsetof(__wasi_filestat_t, st_ctim) == 48, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(__wasi_filestat_t) == 56, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(_Alignof(__wasi_filestat_t) == 8, "non-wasi data layout");
typedef struct __wasi_ciovec_t {
const void *buf;
size_t buf_len;
} __wasi_ciovec_t;
_Static_assert(offsetof(__wasi_ciovec_t, buf) == 0, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(void *) != 4 ||
offsetof(__wasi_ciovec_t, buf_len) == 4, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(void *) != 8 ||
offsetof(__wasi_ciovec_t, buf_len) == 8, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(void *) != 4 ||
sizeof(__wasi_ciovec_t) == 8, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(void *) != 8 ||
sizeof(__wasi_ciovec_t) == 16, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(void *) != 4 ||
_Alignof(__wasi_ciovec_t) == 4, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(void *) != 8 ||
_Alignof(__wasi_ciovec_t) == 8, "non-wasi data layout");
typedef struct __wasi_iovec_t {
void *buf;
size_t buf_len;
} __wasi_iovec_t;
_Static_assert(offsetof(__wasi_iovec_t, buf) == 0, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(void *) != 4 ||
offsetof(__wasi_iovec_t, buf_len) == 4, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(void *) != 8 ||
offsetof(__wasi_iovec_t, buf_len) == 8, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(void *) != 4 ||
sizeof(__wasi_iovec_t) == 8, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(void *) != 8 ||
sizeof(__wasi_iovec_t) == 16, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(void *) != 4 ||
_Alignof(__wasi_iovec_t) == 4, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(void *) != 8 ||
_Alignof(__wasi_iovec_t) == 8, "non-wasi data layout");
typedef struct __wasi_subscription_t {
__wasi_userdata_t userdata;
__wasi_eventtype_t type;
union __wasi_subscription_u {
struct __wasi_subscription_u_clock_t {
__wasi_userdata_t identifier;
__wasi_clockid_t clock_id;
__wasi_timestamp_t timeout;
__wasi_timestamp_t precision;
__wasi_subclockflags_t flags;
} clock;
struct __wasi_subscription_u_fd_readwrite_t {
__wasi_fd_t fd;
} fd_readwrite;
} u;
} __wasi_subscription_t;
offsetof(__wasi_subscription_t, userdata) == 0, "non-wasi data layout");
offsetof(__wasi_subscription_t, type) == 8, "non-wasi data layout");
offsetof(__wasi_subscription_t, u.clock.identifier) == 16,
"non-wasi data layout");
offsetof(__wasi_subscription_t, u.clock.clock_id) == 24,
"non-wasi data layout");
offsetof(__wasi_subscription_t, u.clock.timeout) == 32, "non-wasi data layout");
offsetof(__wasi_subscription_t, u.clock.precision) == 40,
"non-wasi data layout");
offsetof(__wasi_subscription_t, u.clock.flags) == 48, "non-wasi data layout");
offsetof(__wasi_subscription_t, u.fd_readwrite.fd) == 16,
"non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(sizeof(__wasi_subscription_t) == 56, "non-wasi data layout");
_Static_assert(_Alignof(__wasi_subscription_t) == 8, "non-wasi data layout");
#define __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(name)
// __attribute__((__import_module__("wasi_unstable"), __import_name__(#name)))
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_args_get(
char **argv,
char *argv_buf
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(args_get) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_args_sizes_get(
size_t *argc,
size_t *argv_buf_size
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(args_sizes_get) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_clock_res_get(
__wasi_clockid_t clock_id,
__wasi_timestamp_t *resolution
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(clock_res_get) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_clock_time_get(
__wasi_clockid_t clock_id,
__wasi_timestamp_t precision,
__wasi_timestamp_t *time
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(clock_time_get) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_environ_get(
char **environ,
char *environ_buf
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(environ_get) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_environ_sizes_get(
size_t *environ_count,
size_t *environ_buf_size
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(environ_sizes_get) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_fd_prestat_get(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
__wasi_prestat_t *buf
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(fd_prestat_get) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_fd_prestat_dir_name(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
char *path,
size_t path_len
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(fd_prestat_dir_name) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_fd_close(
__wasi_fd_t fd
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(fd_close) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_fd_datasync(
__wasi_fd_t fd
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(fd_datasync) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_fd_pread(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
const __wasi_iovec_t *iovs,
size_t iovs_len,
__wasi_filesize_t offset,
size_t *nread
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(fd_pread) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_fd_pwrite(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
const __wasi_ciovec_t *iovs,
size_t iovs_len,
__wasi_filesize_t offset,
size_t *nwritten
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(fd_pwrite) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_fd_read(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
const __wasi_iovec_t *iovs,
size_t iovs_len,
size_t *nread
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(fd_read) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_fd_renumber(
__wasi_fd_t from,
__wasi_fd_t to
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(fd_renumber) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_fd_seek(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
__wasi_filedelta_t offset,
__wasi_whence_t whence,
__wasi_filesize_t *newoffset
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(fd_seek) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_fd_tell(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
__wasi_filesize_t *newoffset
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(fd_tell) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_fd_fdstat_get(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
__wasi_fdstat_t *buf
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(fd_fdstat_get) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_fd_fdstat_set_flags(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
__wasi_fdflags_t flags
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(fd_fdstat_set_flags) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_fd_fdstat_set_rights(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
__wasi_rights_t fs_rights_base,
__wasi_rights_t fs_rights_inheriting
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(fd_fdstat_set_rights) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_fd_sync(
__wasi_fd_t fd
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(fd_sync) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_fd_write(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
const __wasi_ciovec_t *iovs,
size_t iovs_len,
size_t *nwritten
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(fd_write) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_fd_advise(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
__wasi_filesize_t offset,
__wasi_filesize_t len,
__wasi_advice_t advice
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(fd_advise) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_fd_allocate(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
__wasi_filesize_t offset,
__wasi_filesize_t len
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(fd_allocate) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_path_create_directory(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
const char *path,
size_t path_len
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(path_create_directory) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_path_link(
__wasi_fd_t old_fd,
__wasi_lookupflags_t old_flags,
const char *old_path,
size_t old_path_len,
__wasi_fd_t new_fd,
const char *new_path,
size_t new_path_len
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(path_link) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_path_open(
__wasi_fd_t dirfd,
__wasi_lookupflags_t dirflags,
const char *path,
size_t path_len,
__wasi_oflags_t oflags,
__wasi_rights_t fs_rights_base,
__wasi_rights_t fs_rights_inheriting,
__wasi_fdflags_t fs_flags,
__wasi_fd_t *fd
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(path_open) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_fd_readdir(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
void *buf,
size_t buf_len,
__wasi_dircookie_t cookie,
size_t *bufused
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(fd_readdir) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_path_readlink(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
const char *path,
size_t path_len,
char *buf,
size_t buf_len,
size_t *bufused
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(path_readlink) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_path_rename(
__wasi_fd_t old_fd,
const char *old_path,
size_t old_path_len,
__wasi_fd_t new_fd,
const char *new_path,
size_t new_path_len
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(path_rename) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_fd_filestat_get(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
__wasi_filestat_t *buf
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(fd_filestat_get) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_fd_filestat_set_times(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
__wasi_timestamp_t st_atim,
__wasi_timestamp_t st_mtim,
__wasi_fstflags_t fstflags
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(fd_filestat_set_times) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_fd_filestat_set_size(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
__wasi_filesize_t st_size
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(fd_filestat_set_size) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_path_filestat_get(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
__wasi_lookupflags_t flags,
const char *path,
size_t path_len,
__wasi_filestat_t *buf
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(path_filestat_get) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_path_filestat_set_times(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
__wasi_lookupflags_t flags,
const char *path,
size_t path_len,
__wasi_timestamp_t st_atim,
__wasi_timestamp_t st_mtim,
__wasi_fstflags_t fstflags
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(path_filestat_set_times) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_path_symlink(
const char *old_path,
size_t old_path_len,
__wasi_fd_t fd,
const char *new_path,
size_t new_path_len
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(path_symlink) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_path_unlink_file(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
const char *path,
size_t path_len
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(path_unlink_file) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_path_remove_directory(
__wasi_fd_t fd,
const char *path,
size_t path_len
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(path_remove_directory) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_poll_oneoff(
const __wasi_subscription_t *in,
__wasi_event_t *out,
size_t nsubscriptions,
size_t *nevents
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(poll_oneoff) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
_Noreturn void __wasi_proc_exit(
__wasi_exitcode_t rval
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(proc_exit);
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_proc_raise(
__wasi_signal_t sig
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(proc_raise) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_random_get(
void *buf,
size_t buf_len
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(random_get) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_sock_recv(
__wasi_fd_t sock,
const __wasi_iovec_t *ri_data,
size_t ri_data_len,
__wasi_riflags_t ri_flags,
size_t *ro_datalen,
__wasi_roflags_t *ro_flags
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(sock_recv) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_sock_send(
__wasi_fd_t sock,
const __wasi_ciovec_t *si_data,
size_t si_data_len,
__wasi_siflags_t si_flags,
size_t *so_datalen
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(sock_send) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_sock_shutdown(
__wasi_fd_t sock,
__wasi_sdflags_t how
) __WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(sock_shutdown) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
__wasi_errno_t __wasi_sched_yield(void)
__WASI_SYSCALL_NAME(sched_yield) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
#ifdef __cplusplus

@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
// m3_api_wasi.c
// Created by Volodymyr Shymanskyy on 11/20/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Volodymyr Shymanskyy. All rights reserved.
#include "m3_host.h"
#include "m3_core.h"
#include "m3_env.h"
#include "m3_module.h"
#include "m3_exception.h"
#define __wasi__
#include "extra/wasi_core.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef uint32_t wasi_size_t;
struct wasi_iovec
wasi_size_t iov_base;
wasi_size_t iov_len;
typedef struct Preopen {
char *path;
unsigned path_len;
} Preopen;
#define PREOPEN_CNT 7
Preopen preopen[PREOPEN_CNT] = {
{ .path = "<stdin>", .path_len = 7, },
{ .path = "<stdout>", .path_len = 8, },
{ .path = "<stderr>", .path_len = 8, },
{ .path = "./", .path_len = 2, },
{ .path = "../", .path_len = 3, },
{ .path = "/", .path_len = 1, },
{ .path = "/tmp", .path_len = 4, },
__wasi_errno_t errno_to_wasi(int errnum) {
switch (errnum) {
case EPERM: return __WASI_EPERM; break;
case ENOENT: return __WASI_ENOENT; break;
case ESRCH: return __WASI_ESRCH; break;
case EINTR: return __WASI_EINTR; break;
case EIO: return __WASI_EIO; break;
case ENXIO: return __WASI_ENXIO; break;
case E2BIG: return __WASI_E2BIG; break;
case ENOEXEC: return __WASI_ENOEXEC; break;
case EBADF: return __WASI_EBADF; break;
case ECHILD: return __WASI_ECHILD; break;
case EAGAIN: return __WASI_EAGAIN; break;
case ENOMEM: return __WASI_ENOMEM; break;
case EACCES: return __WASI_EACCES; break;
case EFAULT: return __WASI_EFAULT; break;
case EBUSY: return __WASI_EBUSY; break;
case EEXIST: return __WASI_EEXIST; break;
case EXDEV: return __WASI_EXDEV; break;
case ENODEV: return __WASI_ENODEV; break;
case ENOTDIR: return __WASI_ENOTDIR; break;
case EISDIR: return __WASI_EISDIR; break;
case EINVAL: return __WASI_EINVAL; break;
case ENFILE: return __WASI_ENFILE; break;
case EMFILE: return __WASI_EMFILE; break;
case ENOTTY: return __WASI_ENOTTY; break;
case ETXTBSY: return __WASI_ETXTBSY; break;
case EFBIG: return __WASI_EFBIG; break;
case ENOSPC: return __WASI_ENOSPC; break;
case ESPIPE: return __WASI_ESPIPE; break;
case EROFS: return __WASI_EROFS; break;
case EMLINK: return __WASI_EMLINK; break;
case EPIPE: return __WASI_EPIPE; break;
case EDOM: return __WASI_EDOM; break;
case ERANGE: return __WASI_ERANGE; break;
default: return errno;
static inline
uint32_t addr2offset(IM3Module m, void *addr) {
return (u8*)addr - m->memory.wasmPages;
static inline
void *offset2addr(IM3Module m, uint32_t offset) {
return m->memory.wasmPages + offset;
void copy_iov_to_host(struct iovec* host_iov, IM3Module m, uint32_t iov_offset, int32_t iovs_len)
// Convert wasi_memory offsets to host addresses
struct wasi_iovec *wasi_iov = offset2addr(m, iov_offset);
for (int i = 0; i < iovs_len; i++) {
host_iov[i].iov_base = offset2addr(m, wasi_iov[i].iov_base);
host_iov[i].iov_len = wasi_iov[i].iov_len;
* WASI API implementation
uint32_t m3_wasi_unstable_args_get(IM3Module module,
uint32_t argv_offset,
uint32_t argv_buf_offset)
printf("=> %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
uint32_t m3_wasi_unstable_args_sizes_get(IM3Module module,
uint32_t argc_offset,
uint32_t argv_buf_size_offset)
printf("=> %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
wasi_size_t *argc = offset2addr(module, argc_offset);
wasi_size_t *argv_buf_size = offset2addr(module, argv_buf_size_offset);
*argc = 0;
*argv_buf_size = 0;
uint32_t m3_wasi_unstable_environ_get(IM3Module module,
uint32_t environ_ptrs_offset,
uint32_t environ_strs_offset)
printf("=> %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
uint32_t m3_wasi_unstable_environ_sizes_get(IM3Module module,
uint32_t environ_count_offset,
uint32_t environ_buf_size_offset)
printf("=> %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
wasi_size_t *environ_count = offset2addr(module, environ_count_offset);
wasi_size_t *environ_buf_size = offset2addr(module, environ_buf_size_offset);
*environ_count = 0;
*environ_buf_size = 0;
uint32_t m3_wasi_unstable_fd_prestat_dir_name(IM3Module module,
uint32_t fd,
uint32_t path_offset,
uint32_t path_len)
if (fd < 3 || fd >= PREOPEN_CNT) { return __WASI_EBADF; }
memmove((char *)offset2addr(module, path_offset), preopen[fd].path,
min(preopen[fd].path_len, path_len));
uint32_t m3_wasi_unstable_fd_prestat_get(IM3Module module,
uint32_t fd,
uint32_t buf_offset)
if (fd < 3 || fd >= PREOPEN_CNT) { return __WASI_EBADF; }
*(uint32_t *)offset2addr(module, buf_offset) = __WASI_PREOPENTYPE_DIR;
*(uint32_t *)offset2addr(module, buf_offset+4) = preopen[fd].path_len;
uint32_t m3_wasi_unstable_fd_fdstat_get(IM3Module module,
__wasi_fd_t fd,
uint32_t fdstat_offset)
printf("=> %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
struct stat fd_stat;
__wasi_fdstat_t *fdstat = offset2addr(module, fdstat_offset);
int fl = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL);
if (fl < 0) { return errno_to_wasi(errno); }
fstat(fd, &fd_stat);
int mode = fd_stat.st_mode;
fdstat->fs_filetype = (S_ISBLK(mode) ? __WASI_FILETYPE_BLOCK_DEVICE : 0) |
fdstat->fs_flags = ((fl & O_APPEND) ? __WASI_FDFLAG_APPEND : 0) |
//((fl & O_DSYNC) ? __WASI_FDFLAG_DSYNC : 0) |
//((fl & O_RSYNC) ? __WASI_FDFLAG_RSYNC : 0) |
((fl & O_SYNC) ? __WASI_FDFLAG_SYNC : 0);
fdstat->fs_rights_base = (uint64_t)-1; // all rights
fdstat->fs_rights_inheriting = (uint64_t)-1; // all rights
uint32_t m3_wasi_unstable_fd_seek(IM3Module module,
__wasi_fd_t fd,
__wasi_filedelta_t offset,
__wasi_whence_t whence,
uint32_t newoffset_offset)
printf("=> %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
__wasi_filesize_t *result = offset2addr(module, newoffset_offset);
int wasi_whence = whence == __WASI_WHENCE_END ? SEEK_END :
int64_t ret = lseek(fd, offset, wasi_whence);
if (ret < 0) { return errno_to_wasi(errno); }
*result = ret;
uint32_t m3_wasi_unstable_fd_read(IM3Module module,
__wasi_fd_t fd,
uint32_t iovs_offset,
size_t iovs_len,
uint32_t nread_offset)
printf("=> %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
struct iovec iovs[iovs_len];
copy_iov_to_host(iovs, module, iovs_offset, iovs_len);
size_t *nread = offset2addr(module, nread_offset);
ssize_t ret = readv(fd, iovs, iovs_len);
if (ret < 0) { return errno_to_wasi(errno); }
*nread = ret;
uint32_t m3_wasi_unstable_fd_write(IM3Module module,
__wasi_fd_t fd,
uint32_t iovs_offset,
size_t iovs_len,
uint32_t nwritten_offset)
printf("=> %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
struct iovec iovs[iovs_len];
copy_iov_to_host(iovs, module, iovs_offset, iovs_len);
size_t *nwritten = offset2addr(module, nwritten_offset);
ssize_t ret = writev(fd, iovs, iovs_len);
if (ret < 0) { return errno_to_wasi(errno); }
*nwritten = ret;
uint32_t m3_wasi_unstable_fd_close(uint32_t fd)
printf("=> %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
int ret = close(fd);
return ret == 0 ? __WASI_ESUCCESS : ret;
uint32_t m3_wasi_unstable_fd_datasync(uint32_t fd)
printf("=> %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
int ret = fdatasync(fd);
return ret == 0 ? __WASI_ESUCCESS : ret;
uint32_t m3_wasi_unstable_clock_time_get(IM3Module module,
uint32_t clock_id,
uint64_t precision,
uint32_t time_offset)
printf("=> %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
uint64_t *time = offset2addr(module, time_offset);
struct timespec tp;
clock_gettime(clock_id, &tp);
*time = (uint64_t)tp.tv_sec * 1000000000 + tp.tv_nsec;
uint32_t m3_wasi_unstable_proc_exit(uint32_t code)
printf("=> %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
M3Result SuppressLookupFailure (M3Result i_result)
if (i_result == c_m3Err_functionLookupFailed)
return c_m3Err_none;
return i_result;
M3Result m3_LinkWASI (IM3Module module)
M3Result result = c_m3Err_none;
_ (SuppressLookupFailure (m3_LinkFunction (module, "args_sizes_get", "i(Mii)", &m3_wasi_unstable_args_sizes_get)));
_ (SuppressLookupFailure (m3_LinkFunction (module, "environ_sizes_get", "i(Mii)", &m3_wasi_unstable_environ_sizes_get)));
_ (SuppressLookupFailure (m3_LinkFunction (module, "args_get", "i(Mii)", &m3_wasi_unstable_args_get)));
_ (SuppressLookupFailure (m3_LinkFunction (module, "environ_get", "i(Mii)", &m3_wasi_unstable_environ_get)));
_ (SuppressLookupFailure (m3_LinkFunction (module, "fd_prestat_dir_name", "i(Miii)", &m3_wasi_unstable_fd_prestat_dir_name)));
_ (SuppressLookupFailure (m3_LinkFunction (module, "fd_prestat_get", "i(Mii)", &m3_wasi_unstable_fd_prestat_get)));
_ (SuppressLookupFailure (m3_LinkFunction (module, "fd_fdstat_get", "i(Mii)", &m3_wasi_unstable_fd_fdstat_get)));
_ (SuppressLookupFailure (m3_LinkFunction (module, "fd_write", "i(Miiii)", &m3_wasi_unstable_fd_write)));
_ (SuppressLookupFailure (m3_LinkFunction (module, "fd_read", "i(Miiii)", &m3_wasi_unstable_fd_read)));
_ (SuppressLookupFailure (m3_LinkFunction (module, "fd_seek", "i(Miiii)", &m3_wasi_unstable_fd_seek)));
_ (SuppressLookupFailure (m3_LinkFunction (module, "fd_datasync", "i(i)", &m3_wasi_unstable_fd_datasync)));
_ (SuppressLookupFailure (m3_LinkFunction (module, "fd_close", "i(i)", &m3_wasi_unstable_fd_close)));
_ (SuppressLookupFailure (m3_LinkFunction (module, "clock_time_get", "v(MiIi)", &m3_wasi_unstable_clock_time_get)));
_ (SuppressLookupFailure (m3_LinkFunction (module, "proc_exit", "v(i)", &m3_wasi_unstable_proc_exit)));
_catch: return result;

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
// m3_api_wasi.h
// Created by Volodymyr Shymanskyy on 11/20/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Volodymyr Shymanskyy. All rights reserved.
#ifndef m3_api_wasi_h
#define m3_api_wasi_h
#include "m3_core.h"
# if __cplusplus
extern "C" {
# endif
M3Result m3_LinkWASI (IM3Module io_module);
# if __cplusplus
# endif
#endif /* m3_api_wasi_h */

@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ M3State;
// TODO: This binding code only work'n for System V AMD64 ABI calling convention (macOS & Linux)
// Needs work for MS cdecl
#define d_m3BindingArgList i64 _i0, i64 _i1, i64 _i2, i64 _i3, f64 _f0, f64 _f1, f64 _f2, f64 _f3
#define d_m3BindingArgs _i0, _i1, _i2, _i3, _f0, _f1, _f2, _f3
#define d_m3BindingArgList i64 _i0, i64 _i1, i64 _i2, i64 _i3, i64 _i4, f64 _f0, f64 _f1, f64 _f2, f64 _f3, f64 _f4
#define d_m3BindingArgs _i0, _i1, _i2, _i3, _i4, _f0, _f1, _f2, _f3, _f4
typedef m3ret_t (* M3ArgPusher) (d_m3BindingArgList, M3State * i_state);
typedef f64 (* M3ArgPusherFpReturn) (d_m3BindingArgList, M3State * i_state);
@ -79,11 +79,15 @@ d_argPusherInt (0) d_argPusherInt (1) d_argPusherInt
d_argPusherFloat (0, f32) d_argPusherFloat (1, f32) d_argPusherFloat (2, f32) d_argPusherFloat (3, f32)
d_argPusherFloat (0, f64) d_argPusherFloat (1, f64) d_argPusherFloat (2, f64) d_argPusherFloat (3, f64)
d_argPusherPointer (4)
d_argPusherInt (4)
d_argPusherFloat (4, f32)
d_argPusherFloat (4, f64)
M3ArgPusher c_m3PointerPushers [] = { PushArg_p0, PushArg_p1, PushArg_p2, PushArg_p3, NULL }; // one dummy is required
M3ArgPusher c_m3IntPushers [] = { PushArg_i0, PushArg_i1, PushArg_i2, PushArg_i3, NULL };
M3ArgPusher c_m3Float32Pushers [] = { PushArg_f32_0, PushArg_f32_1, PushArg_f32_2, PushArg_f32_3, NULL };
M3ArgPusher c_m3Float64Pushers [] = { PushArg_f64_0, PushArg_f64_1, PushArg_f64_2, PushArg_f64_3, NULL };
M3ArgPusher c_m3PointerPushers [] = { PushArg_p0, PushArg_p1, PushArg_p2, PushArg_p3, PushArg_p4, NULL }; // one dummy is required
M3ArgPusher c_m3IntPushers [] = { PushArg_i0, PushArg_i1, PushArg_i2, PushArg_i3, PushArg_i4, NULL };
M3ArgPusher c_m3Float32Pushers [] = { PushArg_f32_0, PushArg_f32_1, PushArg_f32_2, PushArg_f32_3, PushArg_f32_4, NULL };
M3ArgPusher c_m3Float64Pushers [] = { PushArg_f64_0, PushArg_f64_1, PushArg_f64_2, PushArg_f64_3, PushArg_f64_4, NULL };
@ -92,7 +96,7 @@ d_m3RetSig CallTrappingCFunction_void (d_m3OpSig)
M3ArgPusher pusher = (M3ArgPusher) (* _pc++);
M3State state = { _pc, _sp, _mem };
m3ret_t r = (m3ret_t) pusher (0, 0, 0, 0, 0., 0., 0., 0., & state);
m3ret_t r = (m3ret_t) pusher (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., & state);
return r;
@ -103,7 +107,7 @@ d_m3RetSig CallCFunction_i64 (d_m3OpSig)
M3ArgPusher pusher = (M3ArgPusher) (* _pc++);
M3State state = { _pc, _sp, _mem };
i64 r = (i64) pusher (0, 0, 0, 0, 0., 0., 0., 0., & state);
i64 r = (i64) pusher (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., & state);
* _sp = r;
return 0;
@ -115,7 +119,7 @@ d_m3RetSig CallCFunction_f64 (d_m3OpSig)
M3ArgPusherFpReturn pusher = (M3ArgPusherFpReturn) (* _pc++);
M3State state = { _pc, _sp, _mem };
f64 r = (f64) pusher (0, 0, 0, 0, 0., 0., 0., 0., & state);
f64 r = (f64) pusher (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., & state);
* (f64 *) (_sp) = r;
return 0;
@ -127,7 +131,7 @@ d_m3RetSig CallCFunction_f32 (d_m3OpSig)
M3ArgPusherFpReturn pusher = (M3ArgPusherFpReturn) (* _pc++);
M3State state = { _pc, _sp, _mem };
f32 r = (f32) pusher (0, 0, 0, 0, 0., 0., 0., 0., & state);
f32 r = (f32) pusher (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., & state);
* (f32 *) (_sp) = r;
return 0;
@ -139,7 +143,7 @@ d_m3RetSig CallCFunction_ptr (d_m3OpSig)
M3ArgPusher pusher = (M3ArgPusher) (* _pc++);
M3State state = { _pc, _sp, _mem };
const u8 * r = (const u8*)pusher (0, 0, 0, 0, 0., 0., 0., 0., & state);
const u8 * r = (const u8*)pusher (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., & state);
void ** ptr = (void **) _mem;
IM3Module module = (IM3Module)(* (ptr - 2));
