Steven Massey 3 years ago
parent 3ca934b0f9
commit 207e8e7d3d

@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
#define none c_m3Type_none
#define any (u8)-1
#define NoPushPop
#if d_m3HasFloat
#define FPOP(x) x
@ -39,12 +41,8 @@ static const IM3Operation c_setGlobalOps [] = { NULL, op_SetGlobal_i32,
static const IM3Operation c_setRegisterOps [] = { NULL, op_SetRegister_i32, op_SetRegister_i64,
FPOP(op_SetRegister_f32), FPOP(op_SetRegister_f64) };
static const IM3Operation c_ifOps [2] [2] = { { op_i32_BranchIf_ss, op_i32_BranchIf_rs },
{ op_i64_BranchIf_ss, op_i64_BranchIf_rs } };
static const IM3Operation c_intSelectOps [2] [4] = { { op_Select_i32_rss, op_Select_i32_srs, op_Select_i32_ssr, op_Select_i32_sss },
{ op_Select_i64_rss, op_Select_i64_srs, op_Select_i64_ssr, op_Select_i64_sss } };
#if d_m3HasFloat
static const IM3Operation c_fpSelectOps [2] [2] [3] = { { { op_Select_f32_sss, op_Select_f32_srs, op_Select_f32_ssr }, // selector in slot
{ op_Select_f32_rss, op_Select_f32_rrs, op_Select_f32_rsr } }, // selector in reg
@ -464,7 +462,8 @@ M3Result Push (IM3Compilation o, u8 i_type, u16 i_location)
M3Result PushRegister (IM3Compilation o, u8 i_type)
{ d_m3Assert (d_m3Reg0SlotAlias > d_m3MaxFunctionSlots and
d_m3Fp0SlotAlias > d_m3MaxFunctionSlots);
u16 location = IsFpType (i_type) ? d_m3Fp0SlotAlias : d_m3Reg0SlotAlias; d_m3Assert (i_type or IsStackPolymorphic (o));
return Push (o, i_type, location);
@ -667,7 +666,7 @@ _ (Push (o, i_type, slot));
M3Result EmitTopSlotNumberAndPop (IM3Compilation o)
M3Result EmitSlotNumOfStackTopAndPop (IM3Compilation o)
if (IsStackTopInSlot (o))
EmitSlotOffset (o, GetStackTopSlotNumber (o));
@ -748,9 +747,9 @@ bool PatchBranches (IM3Compilation o)
M3Result CopyStackSlot (IM3Compilation o, u16 i_stackIndex, u16 i_destSlot)
M3Result CopyStackIndexToSlot (IM3Compilation o, u16 i_stackIndex, u16 i_destSlot) NoPushPop
M3Result result = m3Err_none;
M3Result result = m3Err_none;
IM3Operation op;
@ -776,12 +775,12 @@ _ (EmitOp (o, op));
M3Result CopyTopSlot (IM3Compilation o, u16 i_destSlot)
M3Result CopyStackTopToSlot (IM3Compilation o, u16 i_destSlot) NoPushPop
M3Result result;
i16 stackTop = GetStackTopIndex (o);
_ (CopyStackSlot (o, (u16) stackTop, i_destSlot));
_ (CopyStackIndexToSlot (o, (u16) stackTop, i_destSlot));
_catch: return result;
@ -819,8 +818,9 @@ _ (EmitOp (o, op));
M3Result MoveStackTopToRegister (IM3Compilation o)
// This doesn't modify the stack because all usages immediately pop.
// More importlantly, ResolveBlockResults requires not mucking with the stack state.
M3Result CopyStackTopToRegister (IM3Compilation o) NoPushPop
M3Result result = m3Err_none;
@ -833,8 +833,10 @@ _ (PreserveRegisterIfOccupied (o, type));
IM3Operation op = c_setRegisterOps [type];
_ (EmitOp (o, op));
_ (EmitTopSlotNumberAndPop (o));
_ (PushRegister (o, type));
EmitSlotOffset (o, GetStackTopSlotNumber (o));
//_ (EmitSlotNumOfStackTopAndPop (o));
//_ (PushRegister (o, type));
_catch: return result;
@ -842,7 +844,7 @@ _ (PushRegister (o, type));
M3Result ReturnStackTop (IM3Compilation o)
M3Result ReturnStackTop (IM3Compilation o) NoPushPop
M3Result result = m3Err_none;
@ -853,7 +855,7 @@ M3Result ReturnStackTop (IM3Compilation o)
const u16 returnSlot = 0;
if (o->wasmStack [top] != returnSlot)
_ (CopyTopSlot (o, returnSlot))
_ (CopyStackTopToSlot (o, returnSlot))
else if (not IsStackPolymorphic (o))
_throw (m3Err_functionStackUnderrun);
@ -924,6 +926,50 @@ M3Result GetBlockScope (IM3Compilation o, IM3CompilationScope * o_scope, i32 i
M3Result MoveStackTopToSlot (IM3Compilation o, u16 i_slot, bool i_noPushPop)
M3Result result = m3Err_none;
if (GetStackTopSlotNumber (o) != i_slot) // (registers have a unique slot num alias)
u8 type = GetStackTopType (o);
_ (CopyStackTopToSlot (o, i_slot));
if (not i_noPushPop)
_ (Pop (o));
MarkSlotAllocated (o, i_slot);
_ (Push (o, type, i_slot));
_catch: return result;
// TODO: MV loop: all results in slots
M3Result ResolveBlockResults (IM3Compilation o, IM3CompilationScope i_targetBlock, bool i_noPushPop)
M3Result result = m3Err_none;
u8 stackType = GetSingleRetType (i_targetBlock->type);
if (stackType != c_m3Type_none)
if (IsFpType (stackType))
_ (CopyStackTopToRegister (o))
_ (MoveStackTopToSlot (o, i_targetBlock->topSlot, i_noPushPop))
_catch: return result;
@ -1043,7 +1089,7 @@ M3Result Compile_End (IM3Compilation o, m3opcode_t i_opcode)
// if the block happens to have its top in a register too, then we can patch the branch
// to here. Otherwise, an ReturnStackTop is appended to the end of the function (at B) and
// branches patched there.
if (IsStackTopInRegister (o))
// if (IsStackTopInRegister (o))
PatchBranches (o);
_ (ReturnStackTop (o));
@ -1086,7 +1132,7 @@ _ (ReadLEB_u32 (& localIndex, & o->wasm, o->wasmEnd)); // printf
_ (FindReferencedLocalWithinCurrentBlock (o, & preserveSlot, localSlot)); // preserve will be different than local, if referenced
if (preserveSlot == localSlot)
_ (CopyTopSlot (o, localSlot))
_ (CopyStackTopToSlot (o, localSlot))
_ (PreservedCopyTopSlot (o, localSlot, preserveSlot))
@ -1202,9 +1248,9 @@ _ (GetBlockScope (o, & scope, depth));
if (i_opcode == c_waOp_branchIf)
op = op_ContinueLoopIf;
// move the condition to a register
_ (MoveStackTopToRegister (o));
op = op_ContinueLoopIf;
_ (CopyStackTopToRegister (o));
_ (Pop (o));
else // is c_waOp_branch
@ -1218,52 +1264,25 @@ _ (EmitOp (o, op));
else // forward branch
IM3Operation op;
u16 conditionSlot = c_slotUnused;
u16 valueSlot = c_slotUnused;
u8 valueType = GetSingleRetType(scope->type);
pc_t * jumpTo = NULL;
if (i_opcode == c_waOp_branchIf)
bool conditionInRegister = IsStackTopInRegister (o);
op = conditionInRegister ? op_BranchIf_r : op_BranchIf_s;
IM3Operation op = conditionInRegister ? op_BranchIf_r : op_BranchIf_s;
conditionSlot = GetStackTopSlotNumber (o);
_ (Pop (o)); // condition
_ (EmitOp (o, op));
EmitSlotNumOfStackTopAndPop (o);
// no Pop of values here 'cause the next statement in block can consume this value
if (IsFpType (valueType))
_ (MoveStackTopToRegister (o));
else if (IsIntType (valueType))
// need to deal with int value in slot. it needs to be copied to _r0 during the branch
if (IsStackTopInSlot (o))
valueSlot = GetStackTopSlotNumber (o);
op = c_ifOps [valueType - c_m3Type_i32] [conditionInRegister];
// this is continuation point, if the branch isn't taken
jumpTo = (pc_t *) ReservePointer (o);
op = op_Branch;
if (valueType != c_m3Type_none and not IsStackPolymorphic (o))
_ (MoveStackTopToRegister (o));
if (not IsStackPolymorphic (o))
_ (ResolveBlockResults (o, scope, true));
o->block.isPolymorphic = true;
_ (EmitOp (o, op));
if (IsValidSlot (conditionSlot))
EmitSlotOffset (o, conditionSlot);
if (IsValidSlot (valueSlot))
EmitSlotOffset (o, valueSlot);
_ (EmitOp (o, op_Branch));
IM3BranchPatch patch = NULL;
_ (AcquirePatch (o, & patch));
@ -1271,6 +1290,12 @@ _ (AcquirePatch (o, & patch));
patch->location = (pc_t *) ReservePointer (o);
patch->next = scope->patches;
scope->patches = patch;
if (jumpTo)
* jumpTo = GetPC (o);
else o->block.isPolymorphic = true;
_catch: return result;
@ -1292,8 +1317,6 @@ _ (Pop (o));
// OPTZ: according to spec: "forward branches that target a control instruction with a non-empty
// result type consume matching operands first and push them back on the operand stack after unwinding"
// So, this move-to-reg is only necessary if the target scopes have a type.
if (GetNumBlockValues (o) > 0)
_ (MoveStackTopToRegister (o));
u32 numCodeLines = targetCount + 4; // 3 => IM3Operation + slot + target_count + default_target
_ (EnsureCodePageNumLines (o, numCodeLines));
@ -1313,25 +1336,25 @@ _ (ReadLEB_u32 (& target, & o->wasm, o->wasmEnd));
IM3CompilationScope scope;
_ (GetBlockScope (o, & scope, target));
// create a ContinueLoop operation on a fresh page
_ (AcquireCompilationCodePage (o, & continueOpPage));
pc_t startPC = GetPagePC (continueOpPage);
IM3CodePage savedPage = o->page;
o->page = continueOpPage;
if (scope->opcode == c_waOp_loop)
// create a ContinueLoop operation on a fresh page
_ (AcquireCompilationCodePage (o, & continueOpPage));
pc_t startPC = GetPagePC (continueOpPage);
EmitPointer (o, startPC);
IM3CodePage savedPage = o->page;
o->page = continueOpPage;
_ (EmitOp (o, op_ContinueLoop));
EmitPointer (o, scope->pc);
ReleaseCompilationCodePage (o); // FIX: continueOpPage can get lost if thrown
o->page = savedPage;
// TODO: this could be fused with equivalent targets
_ (ResolveBlockResults (o, scope, true));
_ (EmitOp (o, op_Branch));
IM3BranchPatch patch = NULL;
_ (AcquirePatch (o, & patch));
@ -1339,6 +1362,11 @@ _ (AcquirePatch (o, & patch));
patch->next = scope->patches;
scope->patches = patch;
ReleaseCompilationCodePage (o); // FIX: continueOpPage can get lost if thrown
o->page = savedPage;
EmitPointer (o, startPC);
o->block.isPolymorphic = true;
@ -1388,7 +1416,7 @@ _ (Pop (o));
while (numArgs--)
_ (CopyTopSlot (o, argTop -= c_ioSlotCount));
_ (CopyStackTopToSlot (o, argTop -= c_ioSlotCount));
_ (Pop (o));
@ -1511,7 +1539,7 @@ M3Result Compile_Memory_Grow (IM3Compilation o, m3opcode_t i_opcode)
i8 reserved;
_ (ReadLEB_i7 (& reserved, & o->wasm, o->wasmEnd));
_ (MoveStackTopToRegister (o)); // a stack flavor of Grow would get rid of this
_ (CopyStackTopToRegister (o));
_ (Pop (o));
_ (EmitOp (o, op_MemGrow));
@ -1632,7 +1660,7 @@ _ (PreserveArgsAndLocals (o));
IM3Operation op = IsStackTopInRegister (o) ? op_If_r : op_If_s;
_ (EmitOp (o, op));
_ (EmitTopSlotNumberAndPop (o));
_ (EmitSlotNumOfStackTopAndPop (o));
i32 stackIndex = o->stackIndex;
@ -1827,10 +1855,10 @@ _ (PreserveRegisterIfOccupied (o, op->type)); // _ss
_ (EmitOp (o, operation));
_ (EmitTopSlotNumberAndPop (o));
_ (EmitSlotNumOfStackTopAndPop (o));
if (op->stackOffset < 0)
_ (EmitTopSlotNumberAndPop (o));
_ (EmitSlotNumOfStackTopAndPop (o));
if (op->type != c_m3Type_none)
_ (PushRegister (o, op->type));
@ -1861,7 +1889,7 @@ M3Result Compile_Convert (IM3Compilation o, m3opcode_t i_opcode)
IM3Operation op = opInfo->operations [destInSlot * 2 + sourceInSlot];
_ (EmitOp (o, op));
_ (EmitTopSlotNumberAndPop (o));
_ (EmitSlotNumOfStackTopAndPop (o));
if (destInSlot)
_ (PushAllocatedSlotAndEmit (o, opInfo->type))
@ -2144,9 +2172,7 @@ const M3OpInfo c_operations [] =
d_m3DebugOp (CopySlot_32), d_m3DebugOp (PreserveCopySlot_32),
d_m3DebugOp (CopySlot_64), d_m3DebugOp (PreserveCopySlot_64),
d_m3DebugOp (i32_BranchIf_rs), d_m3DebugOp (i32_BranchIf_ss), d_m3DebugOp (i64_BranchIf_rs), d_m3DebugOp (i64_BranchIf_ss),
d_m3DebugOp (Select_i32_rss), d_m3DebugOp (Select_i32_srs), d_m3DebugOp (Select_i32_ssr), d_m3DebugOp (Select_i32_sss),
d_m3DebugOp (Select_i64_rss), d_m3DebugOp (Select_i64_srs), d_m3DebugOp (Select_i64_ssr), d_m3DebugOp (Select_i64_sss),
@ -2253,21 +2279,23 @@ _catch:
M3Result ValidateBlockEnd (IM3Compilation o, bool * o_copyStackTopToRegister)
M3Result ValidateBlockEnd (IM3Compilation o)
M3Result result = m3Err_none;
* o_copyStackTopToRegister = false;
u8 stackType = GetSingleRetType (o->block.type);
u8 valueType = GetSingleRetType (o->block.type);
if (valueType != c_m3Type_none)
if (stackType != c_m3Type_none)
if (IsStackPolymorphic (o))
_ (UnwindBlockStack (o));
// we're in unreachable code. this push is virtual; only to satisfy stack validation
_ (PushRegister (o, valueType));
PushAllocatedSlot (o, stackType);
//_ (PushRegister (o, stackType));
@ -2277,7 +2305,7 @@ _ (PushRegister (o, valueType));
if (o->stackIndex == initStackIndex + 1)
* o_copyStackTopToRegister = IsStackTopInSlot (o);
_ (ResolveBlockResults (o, & o->block, false));
else _throw ("unexpected block stack offset");
@ -2302,16 +2330,13 @@ M3Result CompileBlock (IM3Compilation o, IM3FuncType i_blockType, m3opcode_t i
block->patches = NULL;
block->type = i_blockType;
block->initStackIndex = o->stackIndex;
block->topSlot = GetMaxUsedSlotPlusOne (o);
block->depth ++;
block->opcode = i_blockOpcode;
_ (Compile_BlockStatements (o));
bool moveStackTopToRegister;
_ (ValidateBlockEnd (o, & moveStackTopToRegister));
if (moveStackTopToRegister)
_ (MoveStackTopToRegister (o));
_ (ValidateBlockEnd (o));
PatchBranches (o);
@ -2453,8 +2478,9 @@ _ (Compile_ReserveConstants (o));
// start tracking the max stack used (Push() also updates this value) so that op_Entry can precisely detect stack overflow
o->function->maxStackSlots = o->slotMaxAllocatedIndexPlusOne = o->slotFirstDynamicIndex;
o->block.initStackIndex = o->stackFirstDynamicIndex = o->stackIndex; m3log (compile, "start stack index: %d", (u32) o->stackFirstDynamicIndex);
o->block.topSlot = o->slotFirstDynamicIndex;
o->block.initStackIndex = o->stackFirstDynamicIndex = o->stackIndex; m3log (compile, "start stack index: %d; top slot num: %d", (u32) o->stackFirstDynamicIndex, (u32) o->block.topSlot);
_ (EmitOp (o, op_Entry));
EmitPointer (o, io_function);

@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ typedef struct M3CompilationScope
IM3BranchPatch patches;
i32 depth;
i16 initStackIndex;
u16 topSlot;
IM3FuncType type;
m3opcode_t opcode;
bool isPolymorphic;

@ -1085,7 +1085,7 @@ d_m3Op (BranchIf_r)
i32 condition = (i32) _r0;
pc_t branch = immediate (pc_t);
if (condition)
if (not condition)
jumpOp (branch);
@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@ d_m3Op (BranchIf_s)
i32 condition = slot (i32);
pc_t branch = immediate (pc_t);
if (condition)
if (not condition)
jumpOp (branch);
@ -1106,30 +1106,6 @@ d_m3Op (BranchIf_s)
// branching to blocks that produce a (int) value
#define d_m3BranchIf(TYPE, LABEL, COND) \
d_m3Op (TYPE##_BranchIf_##LABEL##s) \
{ \
i32 condition = (i32) COND; \
TYPE value = slot (TYPE); \
pc_t branch = immediate (pc_t); \
if (condition) \
{ \
_r0 = value; \
jumpOp (branch); \
} \
else nextOp (); \
d_m3BranchIf (i32, r, _r0)
d_m3BranchIf (i64, r, _r0)
d_m3BranchIf (i32, s, slot (i32))
d_m3BranchIf (i64, s, slot (i32))
d_m3Op (ContinueLoop)
