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5 years ago
// m3_env.c
// M3: Massey Meta Machine
// Created by Steven Massey on 4/19/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Steven Massey. All rights reserved.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "m3.h"
#include "m3_module.h"
#include "m3_compile.h"
#include "m3_exec.h"
#include "m3_exception.h"
ccstr_t GetFunctionName (IM3Function i_function)
return (i_function->name) ? i_function->name : ".unnamed";
u32 GetFunctionNumArgs (IM3Function i_function)
u32 numArgs = 0;
5 years ago
if (i_function->funcType)
numArgs = i_function->funcType->numArgs;
5 years ago
return numArgs;
u32 GetFunctionNumReturns (IM3Function i_function)
u32 numReturns = 0;
5 years ago
if (i_function->funcType)
numReturns = i_function->funcType->returnType ? 1 : 0;
5 years ago
return numReturns;
u8 GetFunctionReturnType (IM3Function i_function)
u8 returnType = c_m3Type_none;
5 years ago
if (i_function->funcType)
returnType = i_function->funcType->returnType;
5 years ago
return returnType;
u32 GetFunctionNumArgsAndLocals (IM3Function i_function)
if (i_function)
return i_function->numLocals + GetFunctionNumArgs (i_function);
return 0;
void FreeImportInfo (M3ImportInfo * i_info)
free ((void *) i_info->moduleUtf8); i_info->moduleUtf8 = NULL;
free ((void *) i_info->fieldUtf8); i_info->fieldUtf8 = NULL;
void InitRuntime (IM3Runtime io_runtime, u32 i_stackSizeInBytes)
m3Malloc (& io_runtime->stack, i_stackSizeInBytes);
io_runtime->numStackSlots = i_stackSizeInBytes / sizeof (m3reg_t);
5 years ago
IM3Runtime m3_NewRuntime (u32 i_stackSizeInBytes)
IM3Runtime env;
m3Alloc (& env, M3Runtime, 1);
5 years ago
if (env)
InitRuntime (env, i_stackSizeInBytes);
5 years ago
return env;
typedef void * (* ModuleVisitor) (IM3Module i_module, void * i_info);
void * ForEachModule (IM3Runtime i_runtime, ModuleVisitor i_visitor, void * i_info)
void * r = NULL;
5 years ago
IM3Module module = i_runtime->modules;
5 years ago
while (module)
IM3Module next = module->next;
r = i_visitor (module, i_info);
if (r)
5 years ago
module = next;
5 years ago
return r;
void * _FreeModule (IM3Module i_module, void * i_info)
m3_FreeModule (i_module);
return NULL;
void ReleaseRuntime (IM3Runtime i_runtime)
ForEachModule (i_runtime, _FreeModule, NULL);
5 years ago
FreeCodePages (i_runtime->pagesOpen);
FreeCodePages (i_runtime->pagesFull);
5 years ago
free (i_runtime->stack);
void m3_FreeRuntime (IM3Runtime i_runtime)
5 years ago
if (i_runtime)
ReleaseRuntime (i_runtime);
free (i_runtime);
5 years ago
M3Result EvaluateExpression (IM3Module i_module, void * o_expressed, u8 i_type, bytes_t * io_bytes, cbytes_t i_end)
M3Result result = c_m3Err_none;
// * o_expressed = 0;
5 years ago
u64 stack [c_m3MaxFunctionStackHeight]; // stack on the stack
// create a temporary runtime context
M3Runtime rt = {};
rt.numStackSlots = c_m3MaxFunctionStackHeight;
rt.stack = & stack;
5 years ago
IM3Runtime savedRuntime = i_module->runtime;
i_module->runtime = & rt;
5 years ago
M3Compilation o = { & rt, i_module, * io_bytes, i_end };
5 years ago
o.block.depth = -1; // so that root compilation depth = 0
5 years ago
IM3CodePage page = = AcquireCodePage (& rt);
5 years ago
if (page)
pc_t m3code = GetPagePC (page);
5 years ago
result = CompileBlock (& o, i_type, 0);
5 years ago
if (not result)
m3ret_t r = Call (m3code, stack, NULL, d_m3OpDefaultArgs);
result = rt.runtimeError;
5 years ago
if (r == 0 and not result)
if (SizeOfType (i_type) == sizeof (u32))
* (u32 *) o_expressed = * (u32 *) stack;
else if (SizeOfType (i_type) == sizeof (u64))
* (u64 *) o_expressed = * (u64 *) stack;
5 years ago
ReleaseCodePage (& rt, page);
else result = c_m3Err_mallocFailedCodePage;
5 years ago
rt.stack = NULL; // prevent free(stack) in ReleaseRuntime ()
ReleaseRuntime (& rt);
i_module->runtime = savedRuntime;
5 years ago
* io_bytes = o.wasm;
5 years ago
return result;
M3Result InitGlobals (IM3Module io_module)
M3Result result = c_m3Err_none;
5 years ago
if (io_module->numGlobals)
// placing the globals in their structs isn't good for cache locality, but i don't really know what the global
// access patterns typcially look like yet.
5 years ago
// io_module->globalMemory = m3Alloc (m3reg_t, io_module->numGlobals);
5 years ago
// if (io_module->globalMemory)
for (u32 i = 0; i < io_module->numGlobals; ++i)
M3Global * g = & io_module->globals [i]; m3log (runtime, "initializing global: %d", i);
5 years ago
// global fp types are coerced to double
if (g->type == c_m3Type_f32)
g->type = c_m3Type_f64;
5 years ago
if (g->initExpr)
bytes_t start = g->initExpr;
result = EvaluateExpression (io_module, & g->intValue, g->type, & start, g->initExpr + g->initExprSize);
5 years ago
if (not result)
// io_module->globalMemory [i] = initValue;
else break;
{ m3log (runtime, "importing global");
5 years ago
// else result = ErrorModule (c_m3Err_mallocFailed, io_module, "could allocate globals for module: '%s", io_module->name);
return result;
M3Result InitDataSegments (IM3Module io_module)
M3Result result = c_m3Err_none;
for (u32 i = 0; i < io_module->numDataSegments; ++i)
M3DataSegment * segment = & io_module->dataSegments [i];
5 years ago
i32 segmentOffset;
bytes_t start = segment->initExpr;
5 years ago
_ (EvaluateExpression (io_module, & segmentOffset, c_m3Type_i32, & start, segment->initExpr + segment->initExprSize));
5 years ago
u32 minMemorySize = segment->size + segmentOffset + 1; m3log (runtime, "loading data segment: %d offset: %d", i, segmentOffset);
_ (Module_EnsureMemorySize (io_module, & io_module->memory, minMemorySize));
5 years ago
memcpy (io_module->memory.wasmPages + segmentOffset, segment->data, segment->size);
_catch: return result;
5 years ago
M3Result InitElements (IM3Module io_module)
M3Result result = c_m3Err_none;
5 years ago
bytes_t bytes = io_module->elementSection;
cbytes_t end = io_module->elementSectionEnd;
5 years ago
for (u32 i = 0; i < io_module->numElementSegments; ++i)
u32 index;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& index, & bytes, end));
5 years ago
if (index == 0)
i32 offset;
5 years ago
_ (EvaluateExpression (io_module, & offset, c_m3Type_i32, & bytes, end));
5 years ago
u32 numElements;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& numElements, & bytes, end));
u32 endElement = numElements + offset;
5 years ago
if (endElement > offset)
io_module->table0 = (IM3Function*)m3RellocArray (io_module->table0, IM3Function, endElement, io_module->table0Size);
5 years ago
if (io_module->table0)
io_module->table0Size = endElement;
5 years ago
for (u32 e = 0; e < numElements; ++e)
u32 functionIndex;
_ (ReadLEB_u32 (& functionIndex, & bytes, end));
5 years ago
if (functionIndex < io_module->numFunctions)
IM3Function function = & io_module->functions [functionIndex]; d_m3Assert (function); //printf ("table: %s\n", function->name);
io_module->table0 [e + offset] = function;
else _throw ("function index out of range");
5 years ago
else _throw (c_m3Err_mallocFailed);
5 years ago
else _throw ("table overflow");
5 years ago
else _throw ("element table index must be zero for MVP");
5 years ago
_catch: return result;
5 years ago
M3Result m3_LoadModule (IM3Runtime io_runtime, IM3Module io_module)
M3Result result = c_m3Err_none;
5 years ago
if (not io_module->runtime)
5 years ago
// d_m3Assert (io_module->memory.actualSize == 0);
5 years ago
_ (InitGlobals (io_module));
_ (InitDataSegments (io_module));
_ (InitElements (io_module));
5 years ago
io_module->runtime = io_runtime;
io_module->next = io_runtime->modules;
io_runtime->modules = io_module;
else _throw (c_m3Err_moduleAlreadyLinked);
5 years ago
_catch: return result;
5 years ago
void * v_FindFunction (IM3Module i_module, const char * const i_name)
for (u32 i = 0; i < i_module->numFunctions; ++i)
IM3Function f = & i_module->functions [i];
5 years ago
if (f->name)
if (strcmp (f->name, i_name) == 0)
return f;
5 years ago
return NULL;
M3Result m3_FindFunction (IM3Function * o_function, IM3Runtime i_runtime, const char * const i_functionName)
M3Result result = c_m3Err_none;
IM3Function function = (IM3Function)ForEachModule (i_runtime, (ModuleVisitor) v_FindFunction, (void *) i_functionName);
5 years ago
if (function)
if (not function->compiled)
result = Compile_Function (function);
if (result)
function = NULL;
else result = c_m3Err_functionLookupFailed;
5 years ago
* o_function = function;
5 years ago
return result;
M3Result m3_Call (IM3Function i_function)
5 years ago
return m3_CallWithArgs (i_function, 0, NULL);
5 years ago
M3Result m3_CallWithArgs (IM3Function i_function, int32_t i_argc, const char * const * i_argv)
M3Result result = c_m3Err_none;
if (i_function->compiled)
IM3Module module = i_function->module;
IM3Runtime env = module->runtime;
IM3FuncType ftype = i_function->funcType;
//_ (Module_EnsureMemorySize (module, & i_function->module->memory, 3000000));
u8 * linearMemory = module->memory.wasmPages;
m3stack_t stack = (m3stack_t)(env->stack);
m3logif (runtime, PrintFuncTypeSignature (ftype));
if (i_argc != ftype->numArgs) {
_throw("arguments count mismatch");
// The format is currently not user-friendly by default,
// as this is used in spec tests
for (int i = 0; i < ftype->numArgs; ++i)
m3stack_t s = &stack[i];
ccstr_t str = i_argv[i];
switch (ftype->argTypes[i]) {
case c_m3Type_i32: *(i32*)(s) = atol(str); break;
case c_m3Type_i64: *(i64*)(s) = atoll(str); break;
case c_m3Type_f32: *(f32*)(s) = atof(str); break;
case c_m3Type_f64: *(f64*)(s) = atof(str); break;
case c_m3Type_i32: *(u32*)(s) = strtoul(str, NULL, 10); break;
case c_m3Type_i64: *(u64*)(s) = strtoull(str, NULL, 10); break;
case c_m3Type_f32: *(u32*)(s) = strtoul(str, NULL, 10); break;
case c_m3Type_f64: *(u64*)(s) = strtoull(str, NULL, 10); break;
default: _throw("unknown argument type");
_ ((M3Result)Call (i_function->compiled, stack, linearMemory, d_m3OpDefaultArgs));
switch (ftype->returnType) {
case c_m3Type_none: break;
case c_m3Type_i32: printf("Result: %ld\n", *(i32*)(stack)); break;
case c_m3Type_i64: printf("Result: %lld\n", *(i64*)(stack)); break;
case c_m3Type_f32: printf("Result: %f\n", *(f32*)(stack)); break;
case c_m3Type_f64: printf("Result: %lf\n", *(f64*)(stack)); break;
case c_m3Type_i32: printf("Result: %u\n", *(u32*)(stack)); break;
case c_m3Type_i64: printf("Result: %llu\n", *(u64*)(stack)); break;
case c_m3Type_f32: { f32 val = *(f64*)(stack); printf("Result: %u\n", *(u32*)&val ); } break;
case c_m3Type_f64: printf("Result: %llu\n", *(u64*)(stack)); break;
default: _throw("unknown return type");
//u64 value = * (u64 *) (stack);
//m3log (runtime, "return64: %llu return32: %u", value, (u32) value);
else _throw (c_m3Err_missingCompiledCode);
_catch: return result;
5 years ago
M3Result m3_CallMain (IM3Function i_function, int32_t i_argc, const char * const * i_argv)
5 years ago
M3Result result = c_m3Err_none;
5 years ago
if (i_function->compiled)
5 years ago
IM3Module module = i_function->module;
5 years ago
IM3Runtime env = module->runtime;
5 years ago
_ (Module_EnsureMemorySize (module, & i_function->module->memory, 3000000));
5 years ago
u8 * linearMemory = module->memory.wasmPages;
m3stack_t stack = (m3stack_t)(env->stack);
5 years ago
if (i_argc)
IM3Memory memory = & module->memory;
// FIX: memory allocation in general
i32 offset = AllocateHeap (memory, sizeof (i32) * i_argc);
5 years ago
i32 * pointers = (i32 *) (memory->wasmPages + offset);
5 years ago
for (i32 i = 0; i < i_argc; ++i)
size_t argLength = strlen (i_argv [i]) + 1;
5 years ago
if (argLength < 4000)
i32 o = AllocateHeap (memory, (i32) argLength);
memcpy (memory->wasmPages + o, i_argv [i], argLength);
5 years ago
* pointers++ = o;
else _throw ("insane argument string length");
5 years ago
5 years ago
stack [0] = i_argc;
stack [1] = offset;
5 years ago
_ ((M3Result)Call (i_function->compiled, stack, linearMemory, d_m3OpDefaultArgs));
5 years ago
u64 value = * (u64 *) (stack);
m3log (runtime, "return64: %llu return32: %u", value, (u32) value);
else _throw (c_m3Err_missingCompiledCode);
_catch: return result;
5 years ago
IM3CodePage AcquireCodePage (IM3Runtime i_runtime)
if (i_runtime->pagesOpen)
return PopCodePage (& i_runtime->pagesOpen);
return NewCodePage (500); // for 4kB page
IM3CodePage AcquireCodePageWithCapacity (IM3Runtime i_runtime, u32 i_lineCount)
IM3CodePage page;
5 years ago
if (i_runtime->pagesOpen)
page = PopCodePage (& i_runtime->pagesOpen);
5 years ago
if (NumFreeLines (page) < i_lineCount)
IM3CodePage tryAnotherPage = AcquireCodePageWithCapacity (i_runtime, i_lineCount);
5 years ago
ReleaseCodePage (i_runtime, page);
page = tryAnotherPage;
else page = NewCodePage (i_lineCount);
5 years ago
return page;
void ReleaseCodePage (IM3Runtime i_runtime, IM3CodePage i_codePage)
// DumpCodePage (i_codePage, /* startPC: */ NULL);
5 years ago
if (i_codePage)
IM3CodePage * list;
5 years ago
if (NumFreeLines (i_codePage) < c_m3CodePageFreeLinesThreshold)
list = & i_runtime->pagesFull;
list = & i_runtime->pagesOpen;
5 years ago
PushCodePage (list, i_codePage);
//void CloseCodePage (IM3Runtime i_runtime, IM3CodePage i_codePage)
// i_codePage->info.lineIndex = c_m3CodePageFreeLinesThreshold;
// ReleaseCodePage (i_runtime, i_codePage);
M3Result m3Error (M3Result i_result, IM3Runtime i_runtime, IM3Module i_module, IM3Function i_function,
const char * const i_file, u32 i_lineNum, const char * const i_errorMessage, ...)
if (i_runtime)
M3ErrorInfo info = { i_result, i_runtime, i_module, i_function, i_file, i_lineNum };
5 years ago
va_list args;
va_start (args, i_errorMessage);
vsnprintf (info.message, 1023, i_errorMessage, args);
va_end (args);
i_runtime->error = info;
5 years ago
return i_result;
M3ErrorInfo m3_GetErrorInfo (IM3Runtime i_runtime)
M3ErrorInfo info = i_runtime->error;
5 years ago
M3ErrorInfo reset = {};
i_runtime->error = reset;
5 years ago
return info;