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5 years ago
// Wasm3 - high performance WebAssembly interpreter written in C.
// Copyright © 2019 Steven Massey, Volodymyr Shymanskyy.
// All rights reserved.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "wasm3.h"
#include "m3_api_wasi.h"
#include "m3_api_libc.h"
#include "m3_env.h"
#include "extra/fib32.wasm.h"
#define FATAL(msg, ...) { printf("Fatal: " msg "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); return; }
void run_wasm()
M3Result result = m3Err_none;
uint8_t* wasm = (uint8_t*)fib32_wasm;
size_t fsize = fib32_wasm_len-1;
IM3Environment env = m3_NewEnvironment ();
if (!env) FATAL("m3_NewEnvironment failed");
IM3Runtime runtime = m3_NewRuntime (env, 64*1024, NULL);
if (!runtime) FATAL("m3_NewRuntime failed");
IM3Module module;
result = m3_ParseModule (env, &module, wasm, fsize);
if (result) FATAL("m3_ParseModule: %s", result);
result = m3_LoadModule (runtime, module);
if (result) FATAL("m3_LoadModule: %s", result);
result = m3_LinkWASI (runtime->modules);
if (result) FATAL("m3_LinkWASI: %s", result);
result = m3_LinkLibC (runtime->modules);
if (result) FATAL("m3_LinkLibC: %s", result);
IM3Function f;
result = m3_FindFunction (&f, runtime, "fib");
if (result) FATAL("m3_FindFunction: %s", result);
const char* i_argv[2] = { "40", NULL };
result = m3_CallWithArgs (f, 1, i_argv);
if (result) FATAL("Call: %s", result);
uint64_t value = *(uint64_t*)(runtime->stack);
printf("Result: %ld\n", value);
int main (int i_argc, const char * i_argv [])
printf("Wasm3 v" M3_VERSION " on WASM, build " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n");
clock_t start = clock();
clock_t end = clock();
uint32_t elapsed_time = (end - start)*1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ;
printf("Elapsed: %d ms\n", elapsed_time);
return 0;