You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

37 lines
901 B

#include "webfinger.h"
#include "http/server/request.h"
#include <string.h>
bool route_wellknown_webfinger( struct http_request* req )
// /.well-known/webfinger?
const char* key;
char* resource;
while( key = http_request_route_query_key( req ) ) {
if( 0 == strcmp(key,"resource") ) {
resource = strdup(http_request_route_query_value(req) );
} else {
char* server;
strtok_r( resource, ":", &resource );
char* account_name = strtok_r( resource, "@", &server );
// Verify the server name matches this instance
// if( 0 != strcmp( server, this_server_hostname() ) ) { return false; }
http_request_send_headers( req, 200, "application/json", true );
FILE* f = http_request_get_response_body(req);
#define RENDER
#include "src/view/"
#undef RENDER
return true;