You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

117 lines
3.4 KiB

#include "crypto.h"
#include "http_server/header.h"
#include "model/ap/inbox_envelope.h"
#include "model/crypto/keys.h"
#include "model/crypto/http_sign.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
static bool test_signatures()
struct crypto_keys* keys = crypto_keys_new();
if( !crypto_keys_load_public( keys, "assets/test.public.pem" ) ) {
printf( "[FAIL] unable to load assets/test.public.pem\n" );
return false;
if( !crypto_keys_load_private( keys, "assets/test.private.pem" ) ) {
printf( "[FAIL] unable to load assets/test.private.pem\n" );
return false;
char* data = "This is a test of the emergency broadcast system.";
char* sign = crypto_keys_sign( keys, data, strlen(data) );
if( !sign ) {
printf( "[FAIL] unable to sign data\n" );
return false;
return true;
static bool test_http_signature()
// All Headers Test
struct http_header headers[] = {
{ .key = "Host", .value = "" },
{ .key = "Date", .value = "Thu, 05 Jan 2014 21:31:40 GMT" },
{ .key = "Content-Type", .value = "application/json" },
{ .key = "Digest", .value = "SHA-256=X48E9qOokqqrvdts8nOJRJN3OWDUoyWxBf7kbu9DBPE=" },
{ .key = "Content-Length", .value = "18" },
{ .key = "Signature", .value =
"headers=\"(request-target) host date content-type digest content-length\","
struct ap_envelope env = {
.when = "1388957500000000000",
.headers = {
.items = headers,
.count = sizeof(headers) / sizeof(headers[0]),
.validated = false,
.body = "{\"hello\": \"world\"}",
return http_signature_validate( &env, "post /foo?param=value&pet=dog" );
static bool test_http_signature_2()
struct crypto_keys* keys = crypto_keys_new();
crypto_keys_load_private( keys, "assets/test.private.pem" );
struct http_signature hs;
if( !http_signature_make( "", keys, &hs ) ) {
return false;
char signature_header[512];
snprintf( signature_header, sizeof(signature_header), "keyId=\"Test\",headers=\"(request-target) host date\",signature=\"%s\"", hs.signature );
//printf( "Signature: %s\n", signature_header );
struct http_header headers[] = {
{ .key = "Host", .value = "" },
{ .key = "Date", .value = },
{ .key = "Content-Type", .value = "application/json" },
{ .key = "Digest", .value = "SHA-256=X48E9qOokqqrvdts8nOJRJN3OWDUoyWxBf7kbu9DBPE=" },
{ .key = "Content-Length", .value = "18" },
{ .key = "Signature", .value = signature_header },
struct ap_envelope env = {
.when = "1388957500000000000",
.headers = {
.items = headers,
.count = sizeof(headers) / sizeof(headers[0]),
.validated = false,
.body = "{\"hello\": \"world\"}",
return http_signature_validate( &env, "post /inbox" );
bool test_crypto()
bool result = true;
if( !test_signatures() ) { printf( "[FAIL] test_signatures()\n" ); return false; }
if( !test_http_signature() ) { printf( "[FAIL] test_http_signature()\n" ); return false; }
if( !test_http_signature_2() ) { printf( "[FAIL] test_http_signature_2()\n" ); return false; }
return true;