You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

60 lines
1.1 KiB

std = "lua51c"
ignore = {
"21/_+", -- Unused variable, except "_", "__", etc.
"213", -- Unused loop variable
"421", -- Shadowing a local variable
"422", -- Shadowing an argument
"423", -- Shadowing a loop variable
"431", -- Shadowing an upvalue
"432", -- Shadowing an upvalue argument
"433", -- Shadowing an upvalue loop variable
"542", -- Empty if branch
max_line_length = 200
read_globals = {
globals = {"mesecon"}
files["mesecons/actionqueue.lua"] = {
globals = {"minetest.registered_globalsteps"},
-- Test-specific stuff follows.
local test_conf = {
read_globals = {
files["*/spec/*.lua"] = test_conf
files[".test_fixtures/*.lua"] = test_conf
files[".test_fixtures/screwdriver.lua"] = {
globals = {"screwdriver"},
files[".test_fixtures/mesecons_fpga.lua"] = {
globals = {"minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields"},